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Medical Anthropology Network: Best Paper Award

CASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing.

There is no nomination process. The adjudication committee will review all the articles that fall within the area of medical anthropology that appear in one volume (both issues and associated multi-modal publications) of Anthropologica.


Eligible research articles and multi-modal publications must:

  • Appear in Anthropologica within the period of January to December (representing one volume)
  • Have a clear focus on issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing, engaging with medical anthropological literature and work


The Award consists of:

  • A certificate, to be awarded at the General Meeting at the annual CASCA conference
  • $200
  • A short profile in CASCA’s newsletter, Culture

The Adjudication Committee

The three-member Adjudication Committee will include:

  • The Co-Chairs of CMA
  • One member of the Anthropologica Editorial Board (to be confirmed each year by November 30)

Please Note: If there is only one CMA Chair, then two members of the Editorial Board will serve on this committee.

Award Schedule

Anthropologica normally publishes two issues per year (spring and fall). The Adjudication Committee for the CMA Best Paper Award will meet after the publication of the second issue. The Award will be announced before the annual AGM, and presented at the annual CASCA conference (which is normally held in May).  

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