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Student Travel Grant

Grant Information

Every year, CASCA offers small travel grants to doctoral and master’s students who are presenting at our annual conference. Every year, the award committee struggles with the gap between the many strong applications we receive and our limited resources. Students tell us that even a small amount of money makes a huge difference to their ability to attend, but we would like to be able to do more. With that in mind, CASCA has added a new category to our charitable donations options: Student Travel Reimbursement.  As with all CASCA donations, a receipt will be issued for tax purposes. Please consider supporting the next generation of anthropologists and strengthening CASCA by donating through the following link.


Awards of up to $600 may be granted to an applicant. Approval of and the amount of the award will be calculated at the discretion of CASCA’s Executive on the basis of travel distance, financial need, stage of program, scholarly merit and number of applicants.

Funds will be disbursed at the conference, upon submission of original receipts, including proof of travel/ticket stub, a copy of student I.D. Please come prepared to provide copies.


  • Available to Masters and PhD students who are presenting at annual conference (priority to students who have completed their fieldwork).
  • Applicants MUST BE affiliated with a Canadian institution and be CASCA members in good standing at the time of conference attendance, as well as an active participant in the meeting, i.e. delivering a paper, poster or other original contribution.
  • Applicants can only collect grants one time at each level of study (one MA max and one PhD max).


Applicants must submit the following for consideration:

  • The abstract of your paper or panel submission
  • CV (2-page maximum)
  • A completed application form

Applications must be received by March 15, 2025. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. Do not assume your message has been received unless it has been acknowledged.

Notice to successful applicants should be available by late March 2025, giving sufficient time for applicants to make travel reservations and arrangements.

Email inquiries should include the subject line “CASCA Student Travel Grant”.

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