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CASCA calls for nominations and submissions with a deadline of February 1, 2024

Dear All,

Now that CASCA 2023 is behind us and we are looking ahead to CASCA 2024 in May, we are reaching out to our membership in search of submissions and nominations for a number of CASCA awards and prizes.

We are sending out here a round of calls for nominations and submissions with a deadline of February 1, 2024 (prizes with a later deadline can be found on the website and calls will be sent out in due course).

Weaver-Tremblay Award, awarded annually to an anthropologist with an outstanding record of taking public positions on matters of social and political concern, particularly in cases which directly impact those who have been the traditional subject of anthropological study.

The Richard F. Salisbury Award, awarded annually to a PhD student with an outstanding academic record and an excellent research proposal with innovative scholarly import and social relevance.

CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE), awarded annually in recognition of outstanding contributions to excellence in teaching and student learning in anthropology. Two awards are made: one for instructors who teach on a “per course” basis or who hold a limited-term faculty position that extends over no more than two years, and the second for those holding permanent faculty positions.

CASCA Fellows, awarded in recognition of the contributions of longstanding CASCA members to the association and to anthropology in Canada.

Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards, awarded annually to outstanding graduating Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students in Canadian university and college anthropology departments. Nominations can be submitted between February 1 and May 15, 2021.

Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.

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