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CASCA’s EnvAnth-net Listserv 

You may not be aware of it, but CASCA currently has a listserv that is focussed on environmental and ecological anthropology, and environmental issues writ large. The purpose of the listserv is to facilitate networking among CASCA members who are conducting research related to the anthropology of the environment, or who are interested in topics touching on the environment. Members are encouraged to use the listserv, which is called EnvAnth-net, in order to share news about research and funding opportunities, relevant events, and interesting new ideas and developments. In addition, the listserv is a useful way of organising panels or other conferences events, at the CASCA conference or elsewhere. Finally, EnvAnth-net is the place to go to engage with your colleagues if you have questions to ask or issues to raise about the environment and anthropology. It is the perfect forum for discussion and debate, and a convenient way to reach out to your colleagues within the CASCA family.

Joining EnvAnth-net is easy. Just go to the address below and follow the instructions under “Subscribing to EnvAnth-net”:



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