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2021 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards / Prix d’excellence des étudiant(e)s finissants en anthropologie 2021 de la CASCA

Bachelor’s Awards – Récipiendaires du premier cycle

  • Aidan Wallace, St. Francis Xavier University
  • Lauren Chang, University of Guelph
  • Caitlin Craig, University of Victoria
  • Anastasiya Staskevich, Simon Fraser University
  • Selina Heidinger, University of Manitoba
  • Logan Robertson, Saint Mary’s University
  • Mysaëlle Lavoie-Lemieux, Université Laval
  • Lincoln Shriner, University of Lethbridge
  • Tyra Jade Davidson, University of Alberta
  • Emma Sander, University of Saskatchewan
  • Lizzie James, Dalhousie University
  • Maeve  McAllister, University of British Columbia
  • Rachel  Doody, Carleton University
  • Danielle Hauck, Mount Royal University
  • Simona Bobrow, McGill University

Master’s Awards – Récipiendaires du deuxième cycle

  • Jenna Hendrick, University of Victoria
  • Cahley Tod-Tims, Simon Fraser University
  • Tiffany Okaluk, University of Manitoba
  • Misha Amir, Université Laval
  • Elizabeth Goldberg, University of Alberta
  • Anna Kelly, University of Saskatchewan
  • Elias Alexander, University of British Columbia
  • Emily  Hersey, Carleton University
  • Alastair Parsons, Dalhousie University*
  • Ana Speranza, York University*
  • Angelina Leggo, Memorial University

PhD Awards – Récipiendaires du troisième cycle

  • Jeremy  Beller, University of Victoria
  • Jelena Golubovic, Simon Fraser University
  • Jon Ross, University of Manitoba
  • Yan Grenier, Université Laval
  • Lacey Fleming, University of Alberta
  • Daniel Manson, University of British Columbia
  • Daniel  Rogei, Carleton University
  • Sarah Moritz, McGill University
  • Karen Samuels, Memorial University

* Special mention to Alastair Parsons and Ana Speranza who are multiple-time Awardees!
* Mention spéciale à Alastair Parsons et Ana Speranza, plusieurs fois
récipiendaires de ce prix!

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