PhD Candidate Stephanie Mayell (department of anthropology at University of Toronto) commented for Radio-Canada on the mental health session for migrant workers proposed by the Consul of Mexico in Leamington, Ontario.
La candidate au doctorat au département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Toronto, Stéphanie Mayell, a été invitée à commenter, dans le cadre d’un reportage pour Radio-Canada, un projet initié par le Consulat du Mexique à Leamington, Ontario, qui promeut de la santé mentale des travailleurs migrants.
PhD candidate Joseph Wilson (department of anthropology at University of Toronto) has published two op-eds: “COVID shows why we need the social sciences now more than ever” in the Ottawa Citizen and “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture Human Language” in Sapiens. In the first piece, Wilson writes, “Understanding why some reject discovery and innovation is essential to us all. Pure emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics without wider cultural study leaves society prey to conspiracy theories.” In the second, he observes “researchers in artificial intelligence have made extraordinary strides in mimicking human language—but they still can’t capture the parts that truly make language human.” Furthermore, he has published an opinion piece in The Globe and Mail entitled “When we search for the humanity in LaMDA AI, we’re missing the point“.
Le candidat au doctorat au département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Toronto, Joseph Wilson, a publié deux articles dans le journal Ottawa Citizen et Sapiens. Il y traite, entre autres, de l’importance des sciences sociales pour déboulonner les théories conspirationnistes et des spécificités du language chez les êtres humains que l’intelligence artificielle ne parvient pas à reproduire. Il signe, en plus, un billet dans le quotidien The Globe and Mail.
With the release of Justice Arbour’s External Review on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces, PhD candidate Walter Callaghan (department of anthropology at University of Toronto) was recently interviewed on the Global News Radio Bill Kelly Show. Callaghan is a featured guest on the podcast episode, where he talks about the Canadian Armed Forces failure to stamp out sexual misconduct and how the prosecution of criminal code sexual offences should be moved to the civilian system and harassment complaints turned over to the human rights commission. Callaghan’s interview is found in the first 20 minutes of the podcast episode.
Le candidat au doctorat au département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Toronto, Walter Callaghan, a participé à l’émission Global News Radio Bill Kelly Show en lien avec la publication du rapport final sur l’examen externe du ministère de la Défense nationale et des Forces armées canadiennes dirigé par l’ancienne juge de la Cour suprême, Louise Arbour.