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Feminism and the Politics of Childhood 

Feminism and the Politics of Childhood 

Rachel Rosen and Katherine Twamley (editors)

UCL Press, 2018

Feminism and the Politics of Childhood offers an innovative and critical exploration of perceived commonalities and conflicts between women and children and, more broadly, between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood. This unique collection of 18 chapters brings into dialogue authors from a range of geographical contexts, social science disciplines, activist organisations, and theoretical perspectives. The wide variety of subjects include refugee camps, care labour, domestic violence and childcare and education.

Chapter authors focus on local contexts as well as their global interconnections, and draw on diverse theoretical traditions such as poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, posthumanism, postcolonialism, political economy, and the ethics of care. Together the contributions offer new ways to conceptualise relations between women and children, and to address injustices faced by both groups.


The woman– child question: A dialogue in the borderlands
Rachel Rosen and Katherine Twamley

Section 1 Tense Encounters: Gender and Generation

1. A necessary struggle- in- relation?
Erica Burman
2. Working- class women and children in Grassroots Women
Merryn Edwards
3. When the rights of the children prevail over the rights of their caretakers: A case study in the community homes of Bogotá, Colombia
Susana Borda Carulla
4. Thinking through childhood and maternal studies: A feminist encounter
Rachel Thomson and Lisa Baraitser
5. Notes on unlearning: Our feminisms, their childhoods
Debolina Dutta and Oishik Sircar
6. Ideal women, invisible girls? The challenges of/ to feminist solidarity in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps
Elena Fiddian- Qasmiyeh
7. A ‘sort of sanctuary’
An interview with Liz Clegg by Rachel Rosen

Section 2 Life’s Work

8. Love, labour and temporality: Reconceptualising social reproduction with women and children in the frame
Rachel Rosen and Jan Newberry
9. Caring labour as the basis for movement building
An interview with Selma James by Rachel Rosen
10. Care labour as temporal vulnerability in woman– child relations
Gina Crivello and Patricia Espinoza-Revollo
11. International commercial surrogacy: Beyond feminist conundrums and the child as product
Kristen Cheney
12. Stratified maternity in the barrio: Mothers and children in Argentine social programs
Valeria Llobet and Nara Milanich
13. Decolonising childrearing and challenging the patriarchal nuclear family through Indigenous knowledges: An Opokaa’sin project
Tanya Pace- Crosschild

Section 3 Political Projects and Movement Building

14. ‘Too Young to Wed’: Envisioning a ‘generous encounter’ between feminism and the politics of childhood
Virginia Caputo
15. Feminists’ strategic role in early childhood education
Sri Marpinjun, Nindyah Rengganis, Yudha Andri Riyanto and Fransisca Yuni Dhamayanti
16. ‘Gimme shelter’? Complicating responses to family violence
Sevasti- Melissa Nolas, Erin Sanders- McDonagh and Lucy Neville
17. Becoming- woman, becoming- child: A joint political programme
Ohad Zehavi
18. Feminist intuitions in Peru’s Movement of Working Children
A dialogue between Alejandro Cussianovich Villaran and Jessica Taft

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