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Limited Term Contract Instructor

VIU’s Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for a Limited Term Contract (LTC) position in the Department of Anthropology. We seek an experienced instructor to teach undergraduate courses in sociocultural anthropology. Instruction includes preparation and delivery of lectures, assessment and evaluation of students, facilitation of students’ learning, and provision of student support during office hours. The courses will be taught face-to-face.

The courses include:
Fall 2025:
ANTH 112: Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
GLST 210: The Human Face of Globalization: An Anthropological View
ANTH 367: People and Cultures of the World

Spring 2026:
2 Sections of ANTH 112: Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
ANTH 212: Social Anthropology
ANTH XXX: possibilities include ANTH 324: Food and Culture, ANTH 332: Political Anthropology: People, Power, and Place, ANTH 335: Race and Ethnicity in Canada, or ANTH 338: Death and Dying: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

Applicants should indicate in their cover letter which of the Anthropology options for the Spring semester they would prefer to teach.

To view course descriptions and more information about the Anthropology Department.

Candidates must demonstrate commitment to teaching, learning and student success through scholarship and institutional service. Successful candidates will participate in a wide range of activities outside the classroom, including student support; institutional, faculty and departmental committee meetings and other initiatives; and professional activities in keeping with their disciplines in and outside the institution.

Required Qualifications:

  • A doctoral degree in Anthropology from an appropriately accredited institution
  • A record of successful undergraduate teaching
  • Responsiveness to diverse learning styles and cultural and academic backgrounds
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team-oriented environment
  • Demonstrated technological competencies related to teaching and participation in institutional and departmental activities
  • Experience using a common learning management system, such as Desire2Learn, Blackboard, or Moodle

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Record of successful face-to-face undergraduate teaching
  • Experience in teaching small classes in an inclusive institutional environment

If you have any questions about applying for this opportunity, please email Marie Hopwood, Chair of Anthropology at

Deadline/Date limite :

February 19, 2025

Vancouver Island University
Location :
Nanaimo, British Columbia
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