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Letter of support for the Associação Brasileira de Antropolgia (ABA)

By Donna Patrick, Carleton University


The Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA,,, Facebook
ABA.antropologia, Twitter @aba_ant) is currently being intimidated by
representatives of the National Congress who represent the interests of the
Agribusiness in the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) installed to
investigate the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the Institute of
Colonization and Land Reform (INCRA).  

The aim of the representatives is to minimize and ridicule the professional
and technical work of anthropologists who elaborate reports, under State
regulations, that are crucial for the recognition of Indigenous and
Quilombolas (Afro-Brazilian traditional communities) lands.

Here is a letter of support form our president Donna Patrick.


To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Canadian Anthropology Society/Société Canadienne d’Anthropologie (CASCA), I am writing to acknowledge the very high quality, standards and importance of the academic work of Brasilian anthropologists and our colleagues who are members of the Associação Brasileira de Antropolgia (ABA).
A number of Canadian anthropologists have taught, conducted research, and given invited lectures in Brazil. We have met with Brazilian anthropologists in Brazil and have had the pleasure of welcoming them to Canada to conduct research and present papers. In particular, we acknowledge the work of the applied anthropologists working in the Ministerio Publico and FUNAI (the federal Indian agency). We can vouch that the standard of practice is very high. Our Brazilian anthropology colleagues are extremely professional, diligent, and collegial.

We fully respect and value their research and acknowledge its international stature.


Dr. Donna Patrick


Photo : CC0 Public Domain

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