Latest News
January 8, 2025
CfP CASCA 2025: Deadline extended to January 24, 2025
The deadline for submissions for the 2025 CASCA Conference (May 7-10, 2025 in Montreal) is extended to January 24, 2025. The 2025 conference of the Canadian Anthropology Society inaugurates the association’s second half century by inviting reflections on confluences. The conference invites contributions, in the form of research papers, panels and roundtables that together…+ Read More -
December 23, 2024
A word from CASCA’s President & Awards deadlines
+ Read MoreDear CASCA members, On this winter solstice, I would like to celebrate the return of light. So, as President of CASCA I continually learn about the amazing research, teaching, and service you are doing. In a time of heightened anxiety about the concerns and pressures of the world we live in, I appreciate and respect…
December 11, 2024
Call for submissions: CASCA 2025 Conference
We are pleased to announce that the submission portal for the 2025 CASCA Conference (May 7-10, 2025 in Montreal) is now open. Please note that the deadline for submissions of proposals (for panels, individual papers, roundtables, and posters) is January 24, 2025. More information here.+ Read More -
November 29, 2024
The latest issue of Culture is out!
+ Read MoreWe are happy to announce the publication of the latest issue of Culture, CASCA’s biannual and bilingual electronic newsletter. This issue, entitled “50th Anniversary of CASCA”, is composed of a special publication co-edited by Christine Schreyer and John Wagner, about 50 years of Canadian Anthropology. It features also a welcome from CASCA’s president Bernard Perley, reflections on the…
Recent News
November 14, 2024
Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2024 Prize Announcement
+ Read MoreThe Labrecque-Lee Book Prize was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists. Marie-France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor at the Université Laval Department of Anthropology, where she taught for more than 30 years. Since 1982, she has (co)authored or (co)edited nine books on gender, migration and mobility in Mexico. In 2015, she…
November 12, 2024
New issue of Anthropologica!
+ Read MoreWe are very happy to let you know that the new issue of Anthropologica 66.1 is now available on our website. The issue includes the thematic section “Global Vaccine Logics” with special guest editors Janice Graham and Oumy Thiongane. Congratulations to the authors! Alexandrine on behalf of the Anthropologica team
November 4, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions
+ Read MoreDear CASCA members, We are now welcoming nominations and self-nominations to fill out five vacant positions in the CASCA executive board starting in May 2025. The positions available in this coming cycle are President-Elect, Treasurer, Francophone Member at Large, Communications Officer, and Secretary. The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2025. Please find the details…
September 6, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of articles
+ Read MoreCulture is CASCA’s bi-annual and bilingual electronic newsletter. We are currently accepting articles and discussion pieces, news items, event announcements, and book notes for the Fall 2024 issue. In this issue of Culture, we invite CASCA members to continue the festivities begun earlier this year, and to mark the association’ 50th anniversary. To this end,…
May 30, 2024
CASCA Labour Committee Report
+ Read MoreOver the past year, the CASCA Labour Committee has been conducting a research project on precarious labour in Canadian anthropology. This is an issue with great importance for our scholarly association and the discipline as a whole. Our preliminary report, giving an overview of our findings so far, is now available on the CASCA website…
May 15, 2024
CASCA Executive Statement
+ Read MoreThe CASCA Executive supports the CASCA 2024 LOC statement, “A statement from the CASCA 2024 Conference Local Organizing Committee in our support for student protestors,” as posted in the conference website.
May 6, 2024
CASCA Executive Committee 2024-2025
+ Read MoreTwo members of the CASCA Executive Committee will finish their terms at the May AGM: Emma Varley will step down as Past-President, and Rine Vieth will finish their term as MAL Anglophone. We thank them both for their passion for CASCA, and their engagement. Monica Heller will become Past President, and Bernie Perley will begin…
April 30, 2024
CASCA Medical Anthropology Network: Call for Network Chair/s!
+ Read MoreDear colleagues, The CASCA warmly invites applications from members to serve as the next Chair or Co-Chairs of the CASCA Medical Anthropology Network! Especially welcome are medical anthropologist candidates with a history of CASCA membership and involvement. Led by Co-Chairs Dr. Pam Downe and Dr. Sylvia Abonyi since 2022, the CASCA Medical Anthropology Network is made up of a broad range of anthropologists working…
April 29, 2024
Weaver-Tremblay Award 2024 winner announcement
+ Read MoreDear CASCA members, We are very pleased to announce that this year’s winner of CASCA’s Weaver-Tremblay award is Carole Lévesque (Professeur titulaire, Institut national de la recherche scientifique). Dr. Lévesque’s Weaver-Tremblay lecture – entitled “Contributions de l’anthropologie engagée aux études autochtones : une trajectoire québécoise” – will be held on Thursday, May 16th during our annual conference. …
April 26, 2024
The spring issue of Culture, CASCA’s biannual newsletter is out!
+ Read MoreDear CASCA members, We are delighted to inform you that the latest Culture Vol.18, No.1 – Sedimented Histories, Vital Trajectories/Histoires Sédimentées, Trajectoires Vitales, is out! You are welcome to check it out here. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. Your feedback is highly appreciated! This spring issue of Culture is…
April 22, 2024
CASCA Fellow Announcement
+ Read MoreCASCA is honoured to welcome Dr. Naomi Adelson as CASCA Fellow for 2024! Dr. Adelson is a professor of medical anthropology and, since 2018, the associate vice president, research and innovation at Toronto Metropolitan University. This honour recognizes Dr. Adelson’s research excellence and the rich and longstanding contributions she has made to our association and…
April 16, 2024
CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) recipients 2024
+ Read MorePlease join us in congratulating Dr. Maggie Cummings (University of Toronto) and Dr. Abra Wenzel (Carleton University) for being selected as this year’s recipients of the CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence — Dr. Cummings in the permanent faculty category and Dr. Wenzel in the contract faculty category. Congratulations! We look forward to celebrating with you in…
April 10, 2024
Salisbury Award Winner 2024
+ Read MorePlease join us in congratulating Carole Therrien (PhD Candidate, Carleton University) who has been awarded the 2024 Richard F. Salisbury Award, given each year to an outstanding PhD candidate, enrolled at a Canadian university, for the purposes of defraying expenses incurred while carrying out dissertation fieldwork. The award is named in memory of Dr. Richard…
April 8, 2024
Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2023 Prize Announcement & Call for Submissions 2024
+ Read MoreLabrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2023 Prize Announcement The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee is delighted to announce the winner of the 2023 award is Michael J. Hathaway for What a Mushroom Lives For, and the runner-up is Christopher Krupa for A Feast of Flowers. The Labrecque-Lee Book Award was established in 2018, and named in honour of…
March 5, 2024
CASCA Executive Statement: “Academic freedom, antisemitism, and the dismissal of Ghassan Hage from the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology”
+ Read MoreThe Executive Committee of the Canadian Anthropology Society/Société canadienne d’anthropologie (CASCA) shares the concerns of many sister societies (e.g. DGSKA, EASA, AAA, AAS) regarding the recent letter of dismissal sent by the President of the Max Planck Society to anthropologist Ghassan Hage. We are particularly concerned: That Dr. Hage was ostensibly dismissed due to…
February 28, 2024
Anthropologica is looking for a new editorial team!
+ Read MoreThe journal Anthropologica is looking for a new editorial team composed of one Editor for the English-language manuscripts and one Editor for the French-language manuscripts. The editors can act as Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor, or as CoEditors-in-Chief. We welcome individual or team applications. Anthropologica is the official journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), a…
February 1, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of articles and events
+ Read MoreCulture is CASCA’s bi-annual and bilingual electronic newsletter. We are currently accepting articles and discussion pieces, news items, event announcements, and book notes for the Spring 2024 issue. In this edition of Culture, we invite members of CASCA to draw inspiration from the theme of the annual conference – “Sedimented Histories, Vital Trajectories” –…
CASCA Medical Anthropology Network: Call for Network Chair/s!
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) warmly invites applications from members to serve as the next Chair or Co-Chairs of the CASCA Medical Anthropology Network! Especially welcome are medical anthropologist candidates with a history of CASCA membership and involvement. Led by Co-Chairs Dr. Pam Downe and Dr. Sylvia Abonyi since 2022, the CASCA Medical Anthropology Network…
January 12, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions
+ Read MorePlease find below the details for the Call for Nominations for the following CASCA Executive positions: 1) President Elect (one-year term, May 2024-May 2025, to be followed by one year terms as President, May 2025-May 2026, then Past President, May 2026-May 2027) The President-Elect undertakes to learn the policies and procedures of the association, pursues…
December 14, 2023
CASCA calls for nominations and submissions with a deadline of February 1, 2024
+ Read MoreDear All, Now that CASCA 2023 is behind us and we are looking ahead to CASCA 2024 in May, we are reaching out to our membership in search of submissions and nominations for a number of CASCA awards and prizes. We are sending out here a round of calls for nominations and submissions with a…
December 4, 2023
Anthropologica: Sounding the Alarm Call for Papers
+ Read MoreSeedings: Call for Paper II Seedings is Anthropologica’s section dedicated to growing and planting ideas stimulated by recurrent calls for papers launched by our editorial team. For our second Seed series, Anthropologica is looking for emerging, spontaneous, creative, multimodal, timely, and ethnographically grounded submissions on the following topic: Sounding the alarm An alarm refers to a noise,…
November 17, 2023
CASCA 2024 – UBC Okanagan
+ Read MoreChers membres de la CASCA, Veuillez commencer à planifier la CASCA 2024 à UBC Okanagan sur le territoire de Syilx et en ligne, du 15 au 18 mai 2024. Le thème sera “Histoires sédimentées, Trajectoires vitales”. La CASCA 2024 est une conférence multi-accès. Il y a deux types de participation possibles : en personne, à l’UBC…
November 3, 2023
CASCA Executive Committee Statement on the Need for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza
+ Read MoreCASCA views the unfolding tragedy in Palestine-Israel with horror and great concern. We support international calls for an immediate ceasefire. We condemn the attacks by Hamas on innocent people, and the taking of hostages, and we likewise condemn the mass violence inflicted on the people of Gaza during the Israeli government’s military campaign, which has…
October 26, 2023
CFP: Language ideologies and inequality with a perspective on the Arctic (LIIA)
+ Read MoreThe Arctic is a site of huge sociolinguistic changes. Historically, different types of migration have led to complex sociolinguistic situations with language ideologies and policies, implicitly or explicitly, supporting certain linguistic practices while suppressing others. The contemporary sociolinguistic situation in the Arctic calls for an engagement with language ideologies and inequality, examining the diverse and…
October 17, 2023
CASCA/AAA 2023 Event: CASCA at the cusp of 50 years: Looking to a future that honours our past
+ Read MoreThis event at the CASCA/AAA 2023 Conference in Toronto is for CASCA members to consider the direction of the Society in a way that honours our past. How do we continue our work guided by the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and respect that we have always striven to uphold? What new initiatives in Canadian anthropology…
New Website
+ Read MoreCASCA is pleased to announce the launch of its new website: This site has been in development for the past few years, and through the efforts of our current and former executive members, the site is now live. Special thanks to Anastasiia Mykolenko, Rine Vieth, Alex Oehler, Sandrine Lambert and web designer Stephanie Braconnier. …
CASCA/AAA 2023 Events, Field Trips, and Recommendations
CASCA is selling tickets for special events and visits organized by the LOC and the Women's Network at the CASCA/AAA 2023 Conference in Toronto, November 15 to 19. For questions, e-mail Buy Tickets to Special Events and Visits Events Weaver-Tremblay Address and Reception Thursday, November 16, 6:30-8:15pm and 8:30-10pm, Hall F The recipient of the…+ Read More -
October 1, 2023
Letter in support of the decision to withdraw the “Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby” session
+ Read MoreThis is a link to a letter in support of the decision to withdraw the “Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby” session from the AAA/CASCA 2023 Meeting. Read More
No Place For Transphobia in Anthropology: Session pulled from Annual Meeting programme
+ Read MoreThe AAA and CASCA boards reached a decision to remove the session “Let’s Talk about Sex Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology” from the AAA/CASCA 2023 conference program. Read More
June 6, 2023
Mots des éditeur·rice·s/ Editors’ Comment
+ Read MoreDe coutume, le thème du numéro printanier de Culture correspond à celui retenu pour notre colloque annuel. Cette année, les membres de la CASCA se réuniront plutôt à l’automne lors de notre rencontre conjointe avec l’Association américaine des anthropologues (AAA). Les conférences, ateliers et allocutions présentés lors de cet événement exploreront le thème des Transitions.…
Mots des éditeur·rice·s/ Editors’ Comment
+ Read MoreDe coutume, le thème du numéro printanier de Culture correspond à celui retenu pour notre colloque annuel. Cette année, les membres de la CASCA se réuniront plutôt à l’automne lors de notre rencontre conjointe avec l’Association américaine des anthropologues (AAA). Les conférences, ateliers et allocutions présentés lors de cet événement exploreront le thème des Transitions.…
Résolution: adoption de pratiques de rédaction neutre et inclusive/Motion: Adoption of Neutral and Inclusive Writing Practices
+ Read MoreRésolution: Adoption de pratiques de rédaction neutre et inclusive Considérant l’importance de l’écriture inclusive et neutre pour atteindre une représentation égale de toutes les personnes, Considérant qu’elle contribue à réduire des formes de discrimination dans le langage, Il est résolu que: Adoption of Neutral and Inclusive Writing Practices Whereas inclusive and neutral writing is important in…
Labrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award / Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2022
+ Read MoreLabrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award Announcement The Labrecque-Lee Book Award was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists, Marie-France Labrecque and Richard Borshay Lee. The Labrecque-Lee Book Award honors a single or co-authored monograph on sociocultural, archaeological, bio-cultural, ethnohistorical or linguistic work, in French or English. It is given to CASCA members who demonstrate a Canadian affiliation through either their…
Labrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award / Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2022
+ Read MoreLabrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award Announcement The Labrecque-Lee Book Award was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists, Marie-France Labrecque and Richard Borshay Lee. The Labrecque-Lee Book Award honors a single or co-authored monograph on sociocultural, archaeological, bio-cultural, ethnohistorical or linguistic work, in French or English. It is given to CASCA members who demonstrate a Canadian affiliation through either their…
Labrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award / Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2022
+ Read MoreLabrecque-Lee Book 2022 Award Announcement The Labrecque-Lee Book Award was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists, Marie-France Labrecque and Richard Borshay Lee. The Labrecque-Lee Book Award honors a single or co-authored monograph on sociocultural, archaeological, bio-cultural, ethnohistorical or linguistic work, in French or English. It is given to CASCA members who demonstrate a Canadian affiliation through either their…
June 5, 2023
Weaver-Tremblay Award / Prix Weaver-Tremblay
+ Read MoreCASCA is delighted to announce that Dr. Colin Scott has been selected as the Weaver-Tremblay Award for 2023. Dr. Scott is a Professor of Anthropology at McGill University, where he earned his PhD in Anthropology in 1983. Dr. Scott’s research and publications reflect longstanding commitments to the territorial rights, sovereignty, and self-determination of Indigenous peoples…
Best Paper Award by Medical Anthropology Network / Prix du meilleur article du Réseau de l’anthropologie médicale
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing. We are thrilled to announce the…
Best Paper Award by Medical Anthropology Network / Prix du meilleur article du Réseau de l’anthropologie médicale
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing. We are thrilled to announce the…
Best Paper Award by Medical Anthropology Network / Prix du meilleur article du Réseau de l’anthropologie médicale
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing. We are thrilled to announce the…
Best Paper Award by Medical Anthropology Network / Prix du meilleur article du Réseau de l’anthropologie médicale
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing. We are thrilled to announce the…
Best Paper Award by Medical Anthropology Network / Prix du meilleur article du Réseau de l’anthropologie médicale
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Medical Anthropology Network (CMA) has established a Best Paper Award. The Award will be awarded once per year to the Anthropologica research article or multi-modal publication that is assessed by the adjudicating committee to represent excellence in medical anthropology, engaging with issues of health, illness, wellness, and wellbeing. We are thrilled to announce the…
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award 2023 / Prix d’excellence des étudiant·e·s finissants en anthropologie 2023
+ Read MoreSpecial congratulations to Jessica Jack (University of Saskatchewan) who also won in 2020! Félicitations Jessica Jack, gagnante du prix d’excellence, Premier Cycle en 2020! OUTSTANDING GRADUATING ANTHROPOLOGY STUDENT AWARD 2023 Bachelor’s Awards Master’s Awards PhD Awards —– PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DES ÉTUDIANT·E·S FINISSANTS EN ANTHROPOLOGIE 2023 Premier Cycle Deuxième cycle Troisième cycle
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award 2023 / Prix d’excellence des étudiant·e·s finissants en anthropologie 2023
+ Read MoreSpecial congratulations to Jessica Jack (University of Saskatchewan) who also won in 2020! Félicitations Jessica Jack, gagnante du prix d’excellence, Premier Cycle en 2020! OUTSTANDING GRADUATING ANTHROPOLOGY STUDENT AWARD 2023 Bachelor’s Awards Master’s Awards PhD Awards —– PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DES ÉTUDIANT·E·S FINISSANTS EN ANTHROPOLOGIE 2023 Premier Cycle Deuxième cycle Troisième cycle
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award 2023 / Prix d’excellence des étudiant·e·s finissants en anthropologie 2023
+ Read MoreSpecial congratulations to Jessica Jack (University of Saskatchewan) who also won in 2020! Félicitations Jessica Jack, gagnante du prix d’excellence, Premier Cycle en 2020! OUTSTANDING GRADUATING ANTHROPOLOGY STUDENT AWARD 2023 Bachelor’s Awards Master’s Awards PhD Awards —– PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DES ÉTUDIANT·E·S FINISSANTS EN ANTHROPOLOGIE 2023 Premier Cycle Deuxième cycle Troisième cycle
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award 2023 / Prix d’excellence des étudiant·e·s finissants en anthropologie 2023
+ Read MoreSpecial congratulations to Jessica Jack (University of Saskatchewan) who also won in 2020! Félicitations Jessica Jack, gagnante du prix d’excellence, Premier Cycle en 2020! OUTSTANDING GRADUATING ANTHROPOLOGY STUDENT AWARD 2023 Bachelor’s Awards Master’s Awards PhD Awards —– PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DES ÉTUDIANT·E·S FINISSANTS EN ANTHROPOLOGIE 2023 Premier Cycle Deuxième cycle Troisième cycle
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award 2023 / Prix d’excellence des étudiant·e·s finissants en anthropologie 2023
+ Read MoreSpecial congratulations to Jessica Jack (University of Saskatchewan) who also won in 2020! Félicitations Jessica Jack, gagnante du prix d’excellence, Premier Cycle en 2020! OUTSTANDING GRADUATING ANTHROPOLOGY STUDENT AWARD 2023 Bachelor’s Awards Master’s Awards PhD Awards —– PRIX D’EXCELLENCE DES ÉTUDIANT·E·S FINISSANTS EN ANTHROPOLOGIE 2023 Premier Cycle Deuxième cycle Troisième cycle
CASCA Fellows / Les membres émérites
+ Read MoreCongratulations to the CASCA 2023 Fellows: Michael Lambek (University of Toronto Scarborough) and Susan Vincent (St. Francis Xavier University). La CASCA est très fière d’annoncer que Michael Lambek (University of Toronto Scarborough) et Susan Vincent (St. Francis Xavier University) sont les nominés au titre de membre émérite pour l’année 2023. Toutes nos félicitations!
Salisbury Award Winner / Récipiendaire du prix Salisbury
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Salisbury Award is Alice Miot-Bruneau from the Université Laval (Québec, QC). Alice studies institutional and infra-institutional environmental management in Nunavik. The research will develop the concept of infra-institutional space to examine…
Salisbury Award Winner / Récipiendaire du prix Salisbury
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Salisbury Award is Alice Miot-Bruneau from the Université Laval (Québec, QC). Alice studies institutional and infra-institutional environmental management in Nunavik. The research will develop the concept of infra-institutional space to examine…
Salisbury Award Winner / Récipiendaire du prix Salisbury
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Salisbury Award is Alice Miot-Bruneau from the Université Laval (Québec, QC). Alice studies institutional and infra-institutional environmental management in Nunavik. The research will develop the concept of infra-institutional space to examine…
Salisbury Award Winner / Récipiendaire du prix Salisbury
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Salisbury Award is Alice Miot-Bruneau from the Université Laval (Québec, QC). Alice studies institutional and infra-institutional environmental management in Nunavik. The research will develop the concept of infra-institutional space to examine…
Salisbury Award Winner / Récipiendaire du prix Salisbury
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Salisbury Award is Alice Miot-Bruneau from the Université Laval (Québec, QC). Alice studies institutional and infra-institutional environmental management in Nunavik. The research will develop the concept of infra-institutional space to examine…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence / Prix d’excellence en enseignement
+ Read MoreCourse Instructor / Personnel chargé de cours: Karl Schmid Dr. Karl Schmid has been a contract instructor at York University, Trent University, and the University of Guelph. He currently holds a LSTA at York University. Since 2006, Karl has developed and taught more than sixteen courses, from courses that deal with food, nutrition, theory and…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence / Prix d’excellence en enseignement
+ Read MoreCourse Instructor / Personnel chargé de cours: Karl Schmid Dr. Karl Schmid has been a contract instructor at York University, Trent University, and the University of Guelph. He currently holds a LSTA at York University. Since 2006, Karl has developed and taught more than sixteen courses, from courses that deal with food, nutrition, theory and…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence / Prix d’excellence en enseignement
+ Read MoreCourse Instructor / Personnel chargé de cours: Karl Schmid Dr. Karl Schmid has been a contract instructor at York University, Trent University, and the University of Guelph. He currently holds a LSTA at York University. Since 2006, Karl has developed and taught more than sixteen courses, from courses that deal with food, nutrition, theory and…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence / Prix d’excellence en enseignement
+ Read MoreCourse Instructor / Personnel chargé de cours: Karl Schmid Dr. Karl Schmid has been a contract instructor at York University, Trent University, and the University of Guelph. He currently holds a LSTA at York University. Since 2006, Karl has developed and taught more than sixteen courses, from courses that deal with food, nutrition, theory and…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence / Prix d’excellence en enseignement
+ Read MoreCourse Instructor / Personnel chargé de cours: Karl Schmid Dr. Karl Schmid has been a contract instructor at York University, Trent University, and the University of Guelph. He currently holds a LSTA at York University. Since 2006, Karl has developed and taught more than sixteen courses, from courses that deal with food, nutrition, theory and…
CASCA members stand out / Les membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MorePhD Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Celeste Pang shares a new digital collective mural Presents and Futures of Care. The mural was co-created by participants in a 12-week virtual arts-based project that explored themes of home, care, and futures of personal support work and community-based care. See the interactive piece and project report by clicking here.…
CASCA members stand out / Les membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MorePhD Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Celeste Pang shares a new digital collective mural Presents and Futures of Care. The mural was co-created by participants in a 12-week virtual arts-based project that explored themes of home, care, and futures of personal support work and community-based care. See the interactive piece and project report by clicking here.…
CASCA members stand out / Les membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MorePhD Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Celeste Pang shares a new digital collective mural Presents and Futures of Care. The mural was co-created by participants in a 12-week virtual arts-based project that explored themes of home, care, and futures of personal support work and community-based care. See the interactive piece and project report by clicking here.…
CASCA members stand out / Les membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MorePhD Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Celeste Pang shares a new digital collective mural Presents and Futures of Care. The mural was co-created by participants in a 12-week virtual arts-based project that explored themes of home, care, and futures of personal support work and community-based care. See the interactive piece and project report by clicking here.…
CASCA members stand out / Les membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MorePhD Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellow Celeste Pang shares a new digital collective mural Presents and Futures of Care. The mural was co-created by participants in a 12-week virtual arts-based project that explored themes of home, care, and futures of personal support work and community-based care. See the interactive piece and project report by clicking here.…
Our Members in the Media / Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreA new episode of the podcast “Defence Deconstructed” features PhD Candidate Walter Callaghan, and he discusses professional military education and its role in pursuing culture change. Callaghan is in conversation with Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Dr. Nancy Taber, and Dr. Randy Wakelam. Listen to the full episode by clicking here. Walter also appeared on 1010 NewsTalk Tonight…
Our Members in the Media / Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreA new episode of the podcast “Defence Deconstructed” features PhD Candidate Walter Callaghan, and he discusses professional military education and its role in pursuing culture change. Callaghan is in conversation with Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Dr. Nancy Taber, and Dr. Randy Wakelam. Listen to the full episode by clicking here. Walter also appeared on 1010 NewsTalk Tonight…
Our Members in the Media / Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreA new episode of the podcast “Defence Deconstructed” features PhD Candidate Walter Callaghan, and he discusses professional military education and its role in pursuing culture change. Callaghan is in conversation with Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Dr. Nancy Taber, and Dr. Randy Wakelam. Listen to the full episode by clicking here. Walter also appeared on 1010 NewsTalk Tonight…
Our Members in the Media / Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreA new episode of the podcast “Defence Deconstructed” features PhD Candidate Walter Callaghan, and he discusses professional military education and its role in pursuing culture change. Callaghan is in conversation with Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Dr. Nancy Taber, and Dr. Randy Wakelam. Listen to the full episode by clicking here. Walter also appeared on 1010 NewsTalk Tonight…
Our Members in the Media / Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreA new episode of the podcast “Defence Deconstructed” features PhD Candidate Walter Callaghan, and he discusses professional military education and its role in pursuing culture change. Callaghan is in conversation with Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Dr. Nancy Taber, and Dr. Randy Wakelam. Listen to the full episode by clicking here. Walter also appeared on 1010 NewsTalk Tonight…
In Memorium – Samar Zora
+ Read MoreSamar Zora, who was born in Kuwait but moved to Canada when she was five years old, moved back to Kuwait during her sophomore year of high school. At Duke, she was a fourth-year doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology and had been conducting research in Hatay Province, Turkey, when the Feb. 6 earthquakes hit Turkey…
In Memorium – Samar Zora
+ Read MoreSamar Zora, who was born in Kuwait but moved to Canada when she was five years old, moved back to Kuwait during her sophomore year of high school. At Duke, she was a fourth-year doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology and had been conducting research in Hatay Province, Turkey, when the Feb. 6 earthquakes hit Turkey…
In Memorium – Samar Zora
+ Read MoreSamar Zora, who was born in Kuwait but moved to Canada when she was five years old, moved back to Kuwait during her sophomore year of high school. At Duke, she was a fourth-year doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology and had been conducting research in Hatay Province, Turkey, when the Feb. 6 earthquakes hit Turkey…
In Memorium – Samar Zora
+ Read MoreSamar Zora, who was born in Kuwait but moved to Canada when she was five years old, moved back to Kuwait during her sophomore year of high school. At Duke, she was a fourth-year doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology and had been conducting research in Hatay Province, Turkey, when the Feb. 6 earthquakes hit Turkey…
In Memorium – Samar Zora
+ Read MoreSamar Zora, who was born in Kuwait but moved to Canada when she was five years old, moved back to Kuwait during her sophomore year of high school. At Duke, she was a fourth-year doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology and had been conducting research in Hatay Province, Turkey, when the Feb. 6 earthquakes hit Turkey…
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Counted. The Urba Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in DelhiBy Sanjeev RoutrayStanford University Press In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Resettlement and welfare services are available—but exclusively so, as the city deems much of the population ineligible for civic…
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Counted. The Urba Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in DelhiBy Sanjeev RoutrayStanford University Press In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Resettlement and welfare services are available—but exclusively so, as the city deems much of the population ineligible for civic…
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Counted. The Urba Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in DelhiBy Sanjeev RoutrayStanford University Press In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Resettlement and welfare services are available—but exclusively so, as the city deems much of the population ineligible for civic…
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Counted. The Urba Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in DelhiBy Sanjeev RoutrayStanford University Press In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Resettlement and welfare services are available—but exclusively so, as the city deems much of the population ineligible for civic…
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Counted. The Urba Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in DelhiBy Sanjeev RoutrayStanford University Press In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. Resettlement and welfare services are available—but exclusively so, as the city deems much of the population ineligible for civic…
Chapter: On the existence and persistence of the social category of atan in contemporary Timor-Leste (Susanna Barnes) in Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste
+ Read MoreChapter: On the existence and persistence of the social category of atan in contemporary Timor-Leste By Susanna BarnesIn Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-LesteEdited by Kelly Silva Lisa Palmer and Teresa CunhaAmsterdam University Press Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste analyses various economic dynamics in past and present Timor-Leste. Comprising 14 research chapters, the volume brings to…
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous Peoples
+ Read MoreWitness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous PeoplesBy Bruce Granville MillerUBC Press On the twelfth floor of an undistinguished-looking high-rise in a Canadian city, a tribunal adjudicates the human rights of Indigenous individuals. Why isn’t the process working? First establishing the context with an in-depth look at the role of anthropological…
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous Peoples
+ Read MoreWitness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous PeoplesBy Bruce Granville MillerUBC Press On the twelfth floor of an undistinguished-looking high-rise in a Canadian city, a tribunal adjudicates the human rights of Indigenous individuals. Why isn’t the process working? First establishing the context with an in-depth look at the role of anthropological…
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous Peoples
+ Read MoreWitness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous PeoplesBy Bruce Granville MillerUBC Press On the twelfth floor of an undistinguished-looking high-rise in a Canadian city, a tribunal adjudicates the human rights of Indigenous individuals. Why isn’t the process working? First establishing the context with an in-depth look at the role of anthropological…
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous Peoples
+ Read MoreWitness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous PeoplesBy Bruce Granville MillerUBC Press On the twelfth floor of an undistinguished-looking high-rise in a Canadian city, a tribunal adjudicates the human rights of Indigenous individuals. Why isn’t the process working? First establishing the context with an in-depth look at the role of anthropological…
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous Peoples
+ Read MoreWitness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the System Fails Indigenous PeoplesBy Bruce Granville MillerUBC Press On the twelfth floor of an undistinguished-looking high-rise in a Canadian city, a tribunal adjudicates the human rights of Indigenous individuals. Why isn’t the process working? First establishing the context with an in-depth look at the role of anthropological…
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in Research
+ Read MoreRecipes and Reciprocity. Building Relationships in ResearchEdited by Hannah Tait Neufeld, Elizabeth FinnisUniversity of Manitoba Press Recipes and Reciprocity considers the ways that food and research intersect for researchers, participants, and communities, demonstrating how everyday acts around food preparation, consumption, and sharing can enable unexpected approaches to reciprocal research and fuel relationships across cultures, generations,…
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in Research
+ Read MoreRecipes and Reciprocity. Building Relationships in ResearchEdited by Hannah Tait Neufeld, Elizabeth FinnisUniversity of Manitoba Press Recipes and Reciprocity considers the ways that food and research intersect for researchers, participants, and communities, demonstrating how everyday acts around food preparation, consumption, and sharing can enable unexpected approaches to reciprocal research and fuel relationships across cultures, generations,…
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in Research
+ Read MoreRecipes and Reciprocity. Building Relationships in ResearchEdited by Hannah Tait Neufeld, Elizabeth FinnisUniversity of Manitoba Press Recipes and Reciprocity considers the ways that food and research intersect for researchers, participants, and communities, demonstrating how everyday acts around food preparation, consumption, and sharing can enable unexpected approaches to reciprocal research and fuel relationships across cultures, generations,…
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in Research
+ Read MoreRecipes and Reciprocity. Building Relationships in ResearchEdited by Hannah Tait Neufeld, Elizabeth FinnisUniversity of Manitoba Press Recipes and Reciprocity considers the ways that food and research intersect for researchers, participants, and communities, demonstrating how everyday acts around food preparation, consumption, and sharing can enable unexpected approaches to reciprocal research and fuel relationships across cultures, generations,…
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in Research
+ Read MoreRecipes and Reciprocity. Building Relationships in ResearchEdited by Hannah Tait Neufeld, Elizabeth FinnisUniversity of Manitoba Press Recipes and Reciprocity considers the ways that food and research intersect for researchers, participants, and communities, demonstrating how everyday acts around food preparation, consumption, and sharing can enable unexpected approaches to reciprocal research and fuel relationships across cultures, generations,…
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
+ Read MoreThe Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human SciencesBy David HowesUTP Press The senses are made, not given. This revolutionary realization has come as of late to inform research across the social sciences and humanities, and is currently inspiring groundbreaking experimentation in the world of art and design, where the…
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
+ Read MoreThe Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human SciencesBy David HowesUTP Press The senses are made, not given. This revolutionary realization has come as of late to inform research across the social sciences and humanities, and is currently inspiring groundbreaking experimentation in the world of art and design, where the…
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
+ Read MoreThe Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human SciencesBy David HowesUTP Press The senses are made, not given. This revolutionary realization has come as of late to inform research across the social sciences and humanities, and is currently inspiring groundbreaking experimentation in the world of art and design, where the…
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
+ Read MoreThe Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human SciencesBy David HowesUTP Press The senses are made, not given. This revolutionary realization has come as of late to inform research across the social sciences and humanities, and is currently inspiring groundbreaking experimentation in the world of art and design, where the…
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
+ Read MoreThe Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human SciencesBy David HowesUTP Press The senses are made, not given. This revolutionary realization has come as of late to inform research across the social sciences and humanities, and is currently inspiring groundbreaking experimentation in the world of art and design, where the…
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
+ Read MoreBiocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the EnvironmentEdited By Fabien Girard, Ingrid Hall, Christine FrisonRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group This volume presents a comprehensive overview of biocultural rights, examining how we can promote the role of indigenous peoples and local communities as environmental stewards and how we can ensure that their…
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
+ Read MoreBiocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the EnvironmentEdited By Fabien Girard, Ingrid Hall, Christine FrisonRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group This volume presents a comprehensive overview of biocultural rights, examining how we can promote the role of indigenous peoples and local communities as environmental stewards and how we can ensure that their…
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
+ Read MoreBiocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the EnvironmentEdited By Fabien Girard, Ingrid Hall, Christine FrisonRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group This volume presents a comprehensive overview of biocultural rights, examining how we can promote the role of indigenous peoples and local communities as environmental stewards and how we can ensure that their…
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
+ Read MoreBiocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the EnvironmentEdited By Fabien Girard, Ingrid Hall, Christine FrisonRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group This volume presents a comprehensive overview of biocultural rights, examining how we can promote the role of indigenous peoples and local communities as environmental stewards and how we can ensure that their…
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the Environment
+ Read MoreBiocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Protecting Culture and the EnvironmentEdited By Fabien Girard, Ingrid Hall, Christine FrisonRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group This volume presents a comprehensive overview of biocultural rights, examining how we can promote the role of indigenous peoples and local communities as environmental stewards and how we can ensure that their…
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador
+ Read MoreA Feast of FlowersRace, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in EcuadorBy Christopher KrupaUniversity of Pennsylvania Press In A Feast of Flowers, Christopher Krupa focuses on Ecuador’s booming cut-flower sector and shows how capitalist expansion bound the Global South to new modes of financial dependency and subjected indigenous workers to elaborate forms of racial “improvement” and uplift.…
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador
+ Read MoreA Feast of FlowersRace, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in EcuadorBy Christopher KrupaUniversity of Pennsylvania Press In A Feast of Flowers, Christopher Krupa focuses on Ecuador’s booming cut-flower sector and shows how capitalist expansion bound the Global South to new modes of financial dependency and subjected indigenous workers to elaborate forms of racial “improvement” and uplift.…
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador
+ Read MoreA Feast of FlowersRace, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in EcuadorBy Christopher KrupaUniversity of Pennsylvania Press In A Feast of Flowers, Christopher Krupa focuses on Ecuador’s booming cut-flower sector and shows how capitalist expansion bound the Global South to new modes of financial dependency and subjected indigenous workers to elaborate forms of racial “improvement” and uplift.…
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador
+ Read MoreA Feast of FlowersRace, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in EcuadorBy Christopher KrupaUniversity of Pennsylvania Press In A Feast of Flowers, Christopher Krupa focuses on Ecuador’s booming cut-flower sector and shows how capitalist expansion bound the Global South to new modes of financial dependency and subjected indigenous workers to elaborate forms of racial “improvement” and uplift.…
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador
+ Read MoreA Feast of FlowersRace, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in EcuadorBy Christopher KrupaUniversity of Pennsylvania Press In A Feast of Flowers, Christopher Krupa focuses on Ecuador’s booming cut-flower sector and shows how capitalist expansion bound the Global South to new modes of financial dependency and subjected indigenous workers to elaborate forms of racial “improvement” and uplift.…
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and Nutrition
+ Read MoreSmall Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and NutritionBy Tina MoffatUBC Press Picky eating. Obesity. Malnutrition. Small Bites challenges preconceptions about the biological basis of children’s eating habits, gendered and parent-focused responsibility, and the notion of naturally determined children’s foods. Tina Moffat draws on extensive anthropological research to explore the biological and sociocultural determinants…
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and Nutrition
+ Read MoreSmall Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and NutritionBy Tina MoffatUBC Press Picky eating. Obesity. Malnutrition. Small Bites challenges preconceptions about the biological basis of children’s eating habits, gendered and parent-focused responsibility, and the notion of naturally determined children’s foods. Tina Moffat draws on extensive anthropological research to explore the biological and sociocultural determinants…
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and Nutrition
+ Read MoreSmall Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and NutritionBy Tina MoffatUBC Press Picky eating. Obesity. Malnutrition. Small Bites challenges preconceptions about the biological basis of children’s eating habits, gendered and parent-focused responsibility, and the notion of naturally determined children’s foods. Tina Moffat draws on extensive anthropological research to explore the biological and sociocultural determinants…
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and Nutrition
+ Read MoreSmall Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and NutritionBy Tina MoffatUBC Press Picky eating. Obesity. Malnutrition. Small Bites challenges preconceptions about the biological basis of children’s eating habits, gendered and parent-focused responsibility, and the notion of naturally determined children’s foods. Tina Moffat draws on extensive anthropological research to explore the biological and sociocultural determinants…
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and Nutrition
+ Read MoreSmall Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s Food and NutritionBy Tina MoffatUBC Press Picky eating. Obesity. Malnutrition. Small Bites challenges preconceptions about the biological basis of children’s eating habits, gendered and parent-focused responsibility, and the notion of naturally determined children’s foods. Tina Moffat draws on extensive anthropological research to explore the biological and sociocultural determinants…
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot Structures
+ Read MoreHidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot StructuresBy Brenda E.F. BeckUniversity of Toronto Press Understanding an epic story’s key belief patterns can reveal community-level values, the nature of familial bonds, and how divine and human concerns jockey for power and influence. These foundational motifs remain understudied as they relate to South Asian folk legends,…
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot Structures
+ Read MoreHidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot StructuresBy Brenda E.F. BeckUniversity of Toronto Press Understanding an epic story’s key belief patterns can reveal community-level values, the nature of familial bonds, and how divine and human concerns jockey for power and influence. These foundational motifs remain understudied as they relate to South Asian folk legends,…
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot Structures
+ Read MoreHidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot StructuresBy Brenda E.F. BeckUniversity of Toronto Press Understanding an epic story’s key belief patterns can reveal community-level values, the nature of familial bonds, and how divine and human concerns jockey for power and influence. These foundational motifs remain understudied as they relate to South Asian folk legends,…
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot Structures
+ Read MoreHidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot StructuresBy Brenda E.F. BeckUniversity of Toronto Press Understanding an epic story’s key belief patterns can reveal community-level values, the nature of familial bonds, and how divine and human concerns jockey for power and influence. These foundational motifs remain understudied as they relate to South Asian folk legends,…
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot Structures
+ Read MoreHidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Characters, and Plot StructuresBy Brenda E.F. BeckUniversity of Toronto Press Understanding an epic story’s key belief patterns can reveal community-level values, the nature of familial bonds, and how divine and human concerns jockey for power and influence. These foundational motifs remain understudied as they relate to South Asian folk legends,…
The Inuit World
+ Read MoreThe Inuit WorldEdited by Pamela SternRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group The Inuit World is a robust and holistic reference source to contemporary Inuit life from the intimate world of the household to the global stage. Organized around the themes of physical worlds, moral, spiritual and intellectual worlds, intimate and everyday worlds, and social and political…
The Inuit World
+ Read MoreThe Inuit WorldEdited by Pamela SternRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group The Inuit World is a robust and holistic reference source to contemporary Inuit life from the intimate world of the household to the global stage. Organized around the themes of physical worlds, moral, spiritual and intellectual worlds, intimate and everyday worlds, and social and political…
The Inuit World
+ Read MoreThe Inuit WorldEdited by Pamela SternRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group The Inuit World is a robust and holistic reference source to contemporary Inuit life from the intimate world of the household to the global stage. Organized around the themes of physical worlds, moral, spiritual and intellectual worlds, intimate and everyday worlds, and social and political…
The Inuit World
+ Read MoreThe Inuit WorldEdited by Pamela SternRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group The Inuit World is a robust and holistic reference source to contemporary Inuit life from the intimate world of the household to the global stage. Organized around the themes of physical worlds, moral, spiritual and intellectual worlds, intimate and everyday worlds, and social and political…
The Inuit World
+ Read MoreThe Inuit WorldEdited by Pamela SternRoutledge, Taylor and Francis Group The Inuit World is a robust and holistic reference source to contemporary Inuit life from the intimate world of the household to the global stage. Organized around the themes of physical worlds, moral, spiritual and intellectual worlds, intimate and everyday worlds, and social and political…
La pluralité religieuse au Québec
+ Read MoreLa pluralité religieuse au QuébecDirigé par Deirdre MeintelPresses de l’Université de Montréal Fruit d’une recherche de terrain sur plus de 230 groupes religieux ou spirituels au Québec répartis dans plusieurs régions, cet ouvrage collectif est une synthèse lisible et concise de la diversité des croyances actuelle de la province. Il explique pourquoi une grande partie…
La pluralité religieuse au Québec
+ Read MoreLa pluralité religieuse au QuébecDirigé par Deirdre MeintelPresses de l’Université de Montréal Fruit d’une recherche de terrain sur plus de 230 groupes religieux ou spirituels au Québec répartis dans plusieurs régions, cet ouvrage collectif est une synthèse lisible et concise de la diversité des croyances actuelle de la province. Il explique pourquoi une grande partie…
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being
+ Read MoreWalking Together, Working Together. Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being.Edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie BakerUniversity of Alberta Press This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness; traditional knowledge and intellectual property…
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being
+ Read MoreWalking Together, Working Together. Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being.Edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie BakerUniversity of Alberta Press This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness; traditional knowledge and intellectual property…
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being
+ Read MoreWalking Together, Working Together. Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being.Edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie BakerUniversity of Alberta Press This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness; traditional knowledge and intellectual property…
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being
+ Read MoreWalking Together, Working Together. Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being.Edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie BakerUniversity of Alberta Press This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness; traditional knowledge and intellectual property…
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being
+ Read MoreWalking Together, Working Together. Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being.Edited by Leslie Main Johnson and Janelle Marie BakerUniversity of Alberta Press This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness; traditional knowledge and intellectual property…
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make
+ Read MoreWhat a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They MakeBy Michael J. HathawayPrinceton University Press What a Mushroom Lives For pushes today’s mushroom renaissance in compelling new directions. For centuries, Western science has promoted a human- and animal-centric framework of what counts as action, agency, movement, and behavior. But, as Michael Hathaway shows, the…
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make
+ Read MoreWhat a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They MakeBy Michael J. HathawayPrinceton University Press What a Mushroom Lives For pushes today’s mushroom renaissance in compelling new directions. For centuries, Western science has promoted a human- and animal-centric framework of what counts as action, agency, movement, and behavior. But, as Michael Hathaway shows, the…
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make
+ Read MoreWhat a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They MakeBy Michael J. HathawayPrinceton University Press What a Mushroom Lives For pushes today’s mushroom renaissance in compelling new directions. For centuries, Western science has promoted a human- and animal-centric framework of what counts as action, agency, movement, and behavior. But, as Michael Hathaway shows, the…
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make
+ Read MoreWhat a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They MakeBy Michael J. HathawayPrinceton University Press What a Mushroom Lives For pushes today’s mushroom renaissance in compelling new directions. For centuries, Western science has promoted a human- and animal-centric framework of what counts as action, agency, movement, and behavior. But, as Michael Hathaway shows, the…
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make
+ Read MoreWhat a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They MakeBy Michael J. HathawayPrinceton University Press What a Mushroom Lives For pushes today’s mushroom renaissance in compelling new directions. For centuries, Western science has promoted a human- and animal-centric framework of what counts as action, agency, movement, and behavior. But, as Michael Hathaway shows, the…
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective
+ Read MoreChapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” By Laura MeekIn Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global PerspectiveMichael Butter and Peter Knight (eds.)Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect…
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective
+ Read MoreChapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” By Laura MeekIn Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global PerspectiveMichael Butter and Peter Knight (eds.)Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect…
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective
+ Read MoreChapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” By Laura MeekIn Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global PerspectiveMichael Butter and Peter Knight (eds.)Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect…
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective
+ Read MoreChapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” By Laura MeekIn Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global PerspectiveMichael Butter and Peter Knight (eds.)Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect…
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” In Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective
+ Read MoreChapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian Anti-Imperialism, Transnational Pentecostalism, and Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories” By Laura MeekIn Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global PerspectiveMichael Butter and Peter Knight (eds.)Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect…
April 24, 2023
CASCA Presents!
+ Read MorePage under construction—check back soon for the announcement about CASCA Presents!
December 7, 2022
President’s Welcome
+ Read MorePar Emma Varley, Brandon University Welcome to the Fall Issue of Culture on “Engaged/Engaging Anthropology”! And, as CASCA’s President for 2022-2023, my warmest greetings to all members! My term as President began in May 2022 at CASCA’s Annual Conference at the University of Regina, at a time when crises of various orders were abating while…
Annonce du thème de AAACASCA2023 theme announcement
+ Read MoreCASCA is excited to announce the theme of the 2023 conference (to be held with the AAA in Toronto, November 15-19, 2023): Transitions Please see more information, including the CFP abstract on our 2023 conference webpage, which will be updated regularly, and find information about our Student Travel Bursaries here (deadline May 1, 2023). We look forward to…
Art and Anthropology
+ Read MoreBy Kathleen Downie, MA Social Anthropology How do we engage anthropology as a discipline, and how does anthropology help us engage the surrounding world? For over twenty years I have devoted much of my professional work as an educator to arts-in-healthcare facilitation, “a broad and growing academic discipline and field of practice dedicated to using…
“Doing” Anthropology Differently: Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Research Data Management and Anthropology
+ Read MoreBy Naomi Adelson, PhD, Professor and Associate Vice President, Research & Innovation – Toronto Metropolitan University The management of research data is a particularly pressing issue for Indigenous leaders, scholars, and communities faced with a far too long history of inequity and exploitation historically characterising Indigenous/non-Indigenous research relations. Given the connection between research data, empowerment,…
Engaging Anthropology to Understand the Experiences of Disabled University Students
+ Read MoreBy Kim Clark, Kate Mahoney, Sam Schneider, Anika Sebudde and Andrew Walsh (Department of Anthropology, Western University) What is the impact on disabled university students of the everyday practices of instructors and other institutional actors? What enhances access and what inhibits it? Our summer 2022 team research project engaged anthropological perspectives to gather insights from disabled students…
Future Reflections: Archaeology, Identity, and Contemporary Gender Politics
+ Read MoreBy Emma Palladino, Université de Montréal What is archaeology “for”? An easy first answer: to reconstruct and thus better understand the lifeways of our ancestors. To shed light on human evolution, on ancient traditions, and to therefore get a clearer picture of how we ended up where we are today. Of course, that’s well and…
Une méthodologie intersubjective et phénoménologique : Proposition d’un empirisme radical
+ Read MoreImage du bandeau: cérémonie de cacao sacré réalisée à Montréal le 11 juin 2022, Clara Gargon 2022.
A New Graduate Program in Practicing Anthropology at USASK: Training Engaged Anthropologists for the Future!
+ Read MoreBy James B. Waldram, University of Saskatchewan The anthropological world is changing quickly, and practicing anthropology is now a rapidly-growing field. Full-time academic positions for anthropologists at Canadian universities are limited, and often go to internationally-trained scholars, yet Canadian graduate programs remain focused on training anthropology professors, not anthropologists. Anthropologists bring a unique set of…
“Taiwan’s Birthday?”: an Anthropological View of Diplomatic Events in Ottawa
+ Read MoreBy Scott Simon, University of Ottawa Anthropological attention to semiotics and ritual provides valuable insights into the meanings of the human relations that hide behind the media headlines. One area where anthropological perspectives are especially useful is in the Taiwan Strait, where media attention to defence and security obscure the more human dimensions of international relations.…
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards/ Prix d’excellence des étudiants finissants en anthropologie
+ Read MoreThis award, launched in 2017, aims to help Canadian university and college anthropology departments recognize their top graduating Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students and to promote awareness of CASCA. Each spring, departments may select one top student at each level of study who has graduated or will be graduating in that academic year to receive…
CASCA members stand out/Des membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MoreB. Lynne Milgram of OCAD is the overall winner of the 2022 SAFN Anthropology Day Photo Contest. Ruby Peter and Helene Demers won a Nautilus Book Award (memoir category) for the book What Was Said to Me: The Life of Sti’tum’atul’wut, a Cowichan Woman. Peter and Demers additionally won a Silver Award in the Forward…
Our members in the news / Nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MorePhD Candidate Stephanie Mayell (department of anthropology at University of Toronto) commented for Radio-Canada on the mental health session for migrant workers proposed by the Consul of Mexico in Leamington, Ontario.La candidate au doctorat au département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Toronto, Stéphanie Mayell, a été invitée à commenter, dans le cadre d’un reportage pour Radio-Canada, un projet initié…
NEW FEATURE: Congratulations on your successful thesis defence!/Soutenance de thèse réussie – félicitations!
+ Read MoreTo celebrate our fantastic CASCA community Anthropology students and supervisors we are starting a new ‘Congratulations on your successful thesis defence!’ section in the Culture Newsletter. Please send your information to: Rine Vieth, Anglophone Member at Large at and/or Olivia Roy-Malo, Francophone Member at Large at Pour féliciter nos étudiants et superviseurs formidables…
In Memoriam – J. Teresa Holmes
+ Read MoreJane (J.) Teresa Holmes, an associate professor in the Anthropology Department in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, died Nov. 18, at the age of 68. J. Teresa Holmes was a respected academic, researcher and dedicated educator. She will be remembered for her warmth, generosity and commitment to teaching and learning. She earned her…
Webinaire avec l’Acfas – Publier en anglais ou périr / Webinar with Acfas – Publish in English or perish
+ Read MoreLe 15 novembre 2022, la Fédération des sciences humaines et l’Acfas ont co-organisé un webinaire gratuit intitulé « Publier en anglais ou périr : défis et perspectives pour la recherche en français au Canada ». Centré sur le 100e anniversaire de l’Acfas et s’appuyant sur les Consultations pancanadiennes sur les langues officielles de 2022,…
“Afterword” in The Dynamic Cosmos: Movement, Paradox, and Experimentation in the Anthropology of Spirit Possession
+ Read More“Afterword” in The Dynamic Cosmos: Movement, Paradox, and Experimentation in the Anthropology of Spirit Possession, Diana Espírito Santo and Matan Shapiro, eds Michael Lambek Bloomsbury Academic, 2022 Michael Lambek is a cultural anthropologist, with a BA from McGill and PhD from the University of Michigan. He has taught at UTSC since 1978. During 2006-2008…
Behind the Glass: The Villa Tugendhat and Its Family
+ Read MoreBehind the Glass: The Villa Tugendhat and Its Family By Michael Lambek The Villa Tugendhat, designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1928, is an icon of architectural modernism and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Behind the Glass tells the true story of the large family connected to it, who rose to prominence through industrial textile manufacturing.…
Beyond Rights: The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement and the Challenges of Modern Treaty Relationships
+ Read MoreBeyond Rights: The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement and the Challenges of Modern Treaty Relationships By Carole Blackburn In 2000, the Nisg̱a’a treaty marked the culmination of over one hundred years of Nisg̱a’a people protesting, petitioning, litigating, and negotiating for recognition of their rights and land title. Beyond Rights explores this groundbreaking achievement and its impact.…
History of Theory and Method in Anthropology
+ Read MoreHistory of Theory and Method in Anthropology Regna Darnell Nebraska University Press, 2022 Regna Darnell offers a critical reexamination of the theoretical orientation of the Americanist tradition, centered on the work of Franz Boas, and the professionalization of anthropology as an academic discipline in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth…
The History of Anthropology: A Critical Window on the Discipline in North America
+ Read MoreThe History of Anthropology: A Critical Window on the Discipline in North America By Regna Darnell Nebraska Press, 2021 In The History of Anthropology Regna Darnell offers a critical reexamination of the Americanist tradition centered around the figure of Franz Boas and the professionalization of anthropology as an academic discipline in the late nineteenth…
The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere
+ Read MoreThe Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere Paulette F.C. Steeves Nebraska University Press, 2021 The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere is a reclaimed history of the deep past of Indigenous people in North and South America during the Paleolithic. Paulette F. C. Steeves mines evidence from archaeology sites and Paleolithic environments, landscapes, and…
The Living Inca Town: Tourist Encounters in the Peruvian Andes
+ Read MoreThe Living Inca Town: Tourist Encounters in the Peruvian Andes By Karoline Guelke University of Toronto Press, 2021 The Living Inca Town presents a rich case study of tourism in Ollantaytambo, a rapidly developing destination in the southern Peruvian Andes and the starting point for many popular treks to Machu Picchu. Tourism is generally…
Mixed Families in a Transnational World
+ Read MoreMixed Families in a Transnational World Edited by Josiane Le Gall, Catherine Therrien, and Karine Geoffrion Offering a transnational perspective on the processes of identity transmission and identity construction of mixed families in various parts of the world, this book provides an overview of how local, national, global contexts and inter-group relations structure the development of specific…
“Making God’s Country: A Phenomenological Approach to Christianity among the Sediq-Truku of Taiwan” in Taiwan’s Contemporary Indigenous People
+ Read More“Making God’s Country: A Phenomenological Approach to Christianity among the Sediq-Truku of Taiwan” in Taiwan’s Contemporary Indigenous People, edited by Chia-yuan Huang, Daniel Davies, Dafydd Fell Scott Simon Routledge, 2022 Religion is an inescapable part of Indigenous Taiwan. The presence of churches rather than Buddhist and Taoist temples is usually the first visible sign…
New Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-being
+ Read MoreNew Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-being Géraldine Mossière, editor Springer, 2022 Inspired by the neoliberal paradigm that transposes religious behaviors into a religious marketplace framed by consumerist and capitalist models, this volume draws on ethnographic fieldwork to discuss the assemblage between the well-being trope and the rise of new spiritualities, as well as…
“The Nightside of Medicine: Obstetric Suffering and Ethnographic Witnessing in a Pakistani Hospital” in The Work of Hospitals: Global Medicine in Local Cultures
+ Read More“The Nightside of Medicine: Obstetric Suffering and Ethnographic Witnessing in a Pakistani Hospital” in The Work of Hospitals: Global Medicine in Local Cultures Emma Varley Rutgers University Press, 2022 Emma Varley is Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology at Brandon University, as well as an Adjunct in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology…
“Nowhere and Everywhere” in Where is the Good in the World?: Ethical Life between Social Theory and Philosophy
+ Read More“Nowhere and Everywhere” in Where is the Good in the World?: Ethical Life between Social Theory and Philosophy, David Henig, Anna Strhan and Joel Robbins, eds Michael Lambek Berghahn, 2022 Michael Lambek is a cultural anthropologist, with a BA from McGill and PhD from the University of Michigan. He has taught at UTSC since…
“Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan” in Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond
+ Read More“Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan” in Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond Scott Simon Springer, 2021 Scott Simon, is a socio-anthropologist trained in both disciplines (anthropology and sociology). Co-holder of the Chair of Taiwan Studies at the University of Ottawa, he has lived in Taiwan for ten years and…
“On Spirit Possession and Some Parallels with Reincarnation” in Spirit Possession Multidisciplinary Approaches to a Worldwide Phenomenon
+ Read More“On Spirit Possession and Some Parallels with Reincarnation” in Spirit Possession Multidisciplinary Approaches to a Worldwide Phenomenon, Éva Pócs and András Zempléni, eds Michael Lambek Central European University Press, 2022 Michael Lambek is a cultural anthropologist, with a BA from McGill and PhD from the University of Michigan. He has taught at UTSC since…
What Was Said to Me: The Life of a Sti’tum’atul’wut, a Cowichan Woman
+ Read MoreWhat Was Said to Me: The Life of a Sti’tum’atul’wut, a Cowichan Woman Ruby Peter with Helene Demers Royal BC Museum, 2021 Over seven decades, Sti’tum’atul’wut mentored hundreds of students and teachers and helped thousands of people to develop a basic knowledge of the Hul’q’umi’num’ language. She contributed to dictionaries and grammars, and helped…
May 11, 2022
Editors comment, Spring 2022 issue/ Mot des éditrices, numéro du printemps 2022
+ Read MoreEditors’ comment, Spring 2022 issue/ Mot des éditrices, numéro du printemps 2022 By Maggie Cummings, Anglophone Member-at-Large and Olivia Roy-Malo, Membre actif francophone Welcome to the Spring 2022 Issue of Culture, the biannual newsletter of the Canadian Anthropology Society. As we prepare this issue for publication, we are also are also preparing for CASCA upcoming…
Learning about Clandestine Migration through Art and Anthropology
+ Read MoreLearning about Clandestine Migration through Art and Anthropology By Mélissa Gauthier, University of Victoria, Winner of the 2022 CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence (Faculty) How can the blending of anthropology and art help us think about pressing global issues like migration and create engaged and meaningful learning in the classroom? Collaborations between artists and anthropologists have flourished in…
Teaching Across Disciplinary and Experiential Borders
+ Read MoreTeaching Across Disciplinary and Experiential Borders Megan Graham, PhD2022 CATE Instructor Recipient As anthropologists, we are accustomed to immersing ourselves in intellectually and experientially rich milieus for our ethnographic research. I am a musician-ethnographer. My research situates me in the textures of voices, sounds, and all that is experiential, and I recognize the importance of…
The Utopia of Peer Evaluations of Teaching – A Cautionary Tale
+ Read MoreMary-Lee Mulholland (Mount Royal University) The Utopia of Peer Evaluations of Teaching – A Cautionary Tale In The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy David Graeber (2015) reflects on how bureaucracy, through an economy of paperwork, evaluation, and performance reviews, has spread from the corporate sector to the government,…
Dr. Jasmin Habib, récipiendaire du Prix Weaver-Tremblay 2022/ Weaver-Tremblay Award Winner 2022, Dre Jasmin Habib récipiendaire du Prix Weaver-Tremblay 2022
+ Read MoreIt is our privilege to announce that we will be presenting Dr. Jasim Habib from the University of Waterloo with the Weaver-Tremblay Award during the CASCA 2022 annual meeting at the University of Regina. This award in Canadian Applied Anthropology was named in honour of two of Canada’s most distinguished applied anthropologists, the late Sally…
CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence/Prix d’excellence en enseignement de la CASCA (PEEC)
+ Read MoreCASCA is delighted to announce the 2022 recipients of the CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence. Congratulations! CATE – Instructor Dr. Megan Graham has been a contract instructor in Anthropology at Carleton University since 2018, a year before she received her PhD in Anthropology at Carleton. She has taught a range of undergraduate courses, mostly in…
The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize winners / Les gagnant.e.s du prix du livre Labrecque-Lee
+ Read Morela version française suit The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists. Marie-France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor at the Université Laval Department of Anthropology, where she taught for more than 30 years. Since 1982, she has (co)authored or (co)edited nine books on gender, migration and mobility in Mexico. In 2015, she…
La récipiendaire de la Bourse Salisbury/Salisbury Award Winner 2022
+ Read MoreThe Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2022 Salisbury Award is Amanda Foote from the University of Calgary. Amanda is studying the history of museum collections policy development and its contemporary…
Congratulations to Brian Thom on Provost’s Award in Engaged Scholarship / Félicitations à Brian Thom pour le prix Provost
+ Read MoreCongratulations to Brian Thom, CASCA member and associate Professor at the dep. of anthropology of University of Victoria, on Provost’s Award in Engaged Scholarship. The Provost’s Award in Engaged Scholarship (PAES) celebrates the integration of outstanding UVic scholarship, teaching and community engagement. The title of Provost’s Engaged Scholar is awarded to tenured faculty members who have achieved great distinction…
Professor Emerita Monica Heller received an honourary doctorate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona / La professeure émérite Monica Heller a reçu un doctorat honoris causa de l’Université autonome de Barcelone
+ Read MoreThe UAB has awarded Monica Heller, professor emerita at the University of Toronto, an honourary doctorate at the suggestion of the Faculty of Philosophy of Arts considering “she is one of the most outstanding current academic figures” in the fields of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. La UAB a remis à Monica Heller, professeure émérite de…
Congratulations to William Campbell for the 2021 Gordon and Gary Shepherd Graduate Student Paper Award / Félicitations à William Campbell pour le prix de la meilleure publication étudiante Gordon et Gary Shepherd
+ Read MoreCongratulations to our member William Campbell (PhD candidate at the University of Victoria) on receiving the 2021 Gordon and Gary Shepherd Graduate Student Paper Award on on his paper titled “There are never too many miles to travel”: A Case for LDS Temple Attendance as Pilgrimage. Félicitations à William Campbell, membre de la CASCA et candidat…
Digitized journal CULTURE (1981- 1997)- Numérisation du bulletin CULTURE (1981-1997)
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) announces complete and free Open Access to its newly digitized journal CULTURE. This bilingual publication ran from 1981 to 1997, before merging with our current Open Access flagship journal Anthropologica. It represents an incredible cross-section of Canadian and global anthropological scholarship. The digitization of this print-only publication was a challenge. CASCA member Martha Radice worked to locate and rebuild a complete set…
New Instagram campaign “Tips for Students” UofT Department of Anthropology / Nouvelle campagne Instagram “Astuces pour les étudiant.e.s” du département d’anthropologie de l’U.Toronto
+ Read MoreThe UofT Department of Anthropology has launched an Instagram campaign to inform students about different aspects of student life: tips, event, careers. An interesting tool for all anthropology students! Just follow the link! Le département d’anthropologie de l’Université de Toronto a récemment lancé une page Instagram afin d’informer les étudiant.e.s à propos d’événements à venir,…
NEW FEATURE: Congratulations on your successful thesis defence!/Soutenance de thèse réussie – félicitations!
+ Read MoreNEW FEATURE: Congratulations on your successful thesis defence!/Soutenance de thèse réussie – félicitations! Félicitations à Marie-Michèle Grenon qui a brillamment soutenu sa thèse de doctorat aujourd’hui ! Sa thèse a pour titre “De Yo, sí puedo à ArrowMight : un exemple de coopération « Sud-Nord » dans le domaine de la littératie” et elle a…
Our members are in the news/ Suivez nos membres dans les médias
+ Read MoreWalter Callaghan, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto, talks about what motivates people to be foreign fighters in armed conflicts : Ashley Stewart, 31 mars 2022 “Untrained foreign fighters urged to steer clear of Ukraine: ‘This is not Call of Duty’“, Global News. Michael Lambek, is a professor emeritus of anthropology at the…
Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize / Appel de dossier: Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee
+ Read Morela version française suit The Canadian Anthropology Society is seeking submissions for the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize. Established in 2018, the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize recognizes outstanding anthropological publications in either French or English. CASCA is now accepting submissions for the award. These awards are made in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists, Marie-France Labrecque and Richard…
Call for papers: Crises We Live By
+ Read MoreCall for Papers Crises We Live By: a Metaphorical Approach to the Crisis Transdisciplinary Conference at the University of Potsdam, Germany 30-31 March 2023 Confirmed Speakers: Prof. Maurizio Bettini (Università di Siena), Prof. Jonathan Charteris-Black (University of the West of England), Dr. Fabian Horn (LMU München), Dr. Antonella Luporini (Università di Bologna), Dr. Alberto Martinengo…
Culture Calls/Appels pour Culture
+ Read MoreLa version française suit Culture is CASCA’s bi-annual and bilingual electronic newsletter. Our next call for submissions of articles and discussion pieces, news items, event announcements, and book notes will be announced in early Fall 2022. Please send your inquiries to: Rine Veith, Anglophone Member at Large at cascaenmemberatlarge(a) and/or Olivia Roy-Malo, Francophone Member at…
In Memoriam: Carole Marie Farber (1944-2022)
+ Read MoreIn Memoriam: Carole Marie Farber (1944-2022) Carole Marie Farber was born in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, USA and died in London, Ontario, Canada. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ruth Jane Haensel Farber and Herbert Gordon Farber; sisters, Barbara J. Boettcher, Joann M. Kuiper, and Nancy J. Patteson; and her dear friend, Arlene Higgs.…
The Right to Be Rural
+ Read MoreThe Right to Be Rural Edited by Karen R. Foster and Jennifer Jarman, 2022, University of Alberta Press In this collection, researchers analyze rural societies, economies, and governance in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia through the lens of rights and citizenship, across such varied domains as education, employment, and health. The provocative concept of a “right…
Cree and Christian: Encounters and Transformations
+ Read MoreCree and Christian: Encounters and Transformations By Clinton N. Westman, 2022, University of Nebraska Press Cree and Christian develops and applies new ethnographic approaches for understanding the reception and indigenization of Christianity, particularly through an examination of Pentecostalism in northern Alberta. Clinton N. Westman draws on historical records and his own long-term ethnographic research in…
Trouillot Remixed: The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Reader
+ Read MoreTrouillot Remixed: The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Reader, 2021, Duke University Press Edited by Yarimar Bonilla, Greg Beckett, and Mayanthi L. Fernando Throughout his career, the internationally renowned Haitian anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot unsettled key concepts in anthropology, history, postcolonial studies, Black studies, Caribbean studies, and beyond. From his early critique of the West to the ongoing…
Contemporary Indigenous Cosmologies and Pragmatics
+ Read MoreContemporary Indigenous Cosmologies and Pragmatics Edited by Françoise Dussart and Sylvie Poirier, 2021, University of Alberta Press In this timely collection, the authors examine Indigenous peoples’ negotiations with different cosmologies in a globalized world. Dussart and Poirier outline a sophisticated theory of change that accounts for the complexity of Indigenous peoples’ engagement with Christianity…
Merchant Kings: Corporate Governmentality in the Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815-1870
+ Read MoreMerchant Kings: Corporate Governmentality in the Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815-1870 By Albert Schrauwers, 2021, Berghahn Books In the nineteenth century, the Netherlands and its colonial holdings in Java were the sites of dramatically increased industrialization. Led by a group of “merchant kings” who exemplified gentlemanly capitalism, this ambitious trading project transformed the small, economically moribund…
Sonorous Worlds: Musical Enchantment in Venezuela
+ Read MoreSonorous Worlds: Musical Enchantment in Venezuela Yana Stainova, 2021, University of Michigan Press El Sistema is a nationwide, state-funded music education program in Venezuela. Founded in 1975 by economist and musician José Antonio Abreu, the institution has weathered seven jolting changes in government. Hugo Chávez and, after his death, president Nicolás Maduro enthusiastically included…
April 22, 2022
Resolution concerning the IHRA guidelines on antisemitism/Résolution concernant la définition de l’antisémitisme de l’AIMH
+ Read MoreDear members, please find below the CASCA IHRA resolution. The vote on this resolution will take place at the AGM held in Regina in May. — RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE IHRA GUIDELINES ON ANTISEMITISM That the Canadian Anthropology Society, whose discipline and whose membership are strongly opposed to all forms of discrimination based on “race,” nationality, class…
February 28, 2022
Statement in solidarity with Ukrainians
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropological Society unequivocally condemns the Russian Federation’s military assault on Ukraine. Read Statement
December 20, 2021
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente
+ Read MorePar Éric Gagnon Poulin, Univesrity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Quelle année remplie de défis, d’imprévus et d’incertitudes dans à peu près toutes les sphères de la vie sociale ! La pandémie est venue bousculer nos recherches, nos méthodologies et l’ensemble de la pratique anthropologique. Nos résultats ont également été influencés par le contexte sanitaire. Pour…
President’s Welcome
+ Read MoreBy Éric Gagnon Poulin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill What a year full of challenges, unforeseen events and uncertainties in virtually every sphere of social life! The pandemic has turned upside down our research, our methodologies and anthropological practice as a whole. Our results, too, have been influenced by the health context. In…
Unfolding Crisis and Adaptive Methods: Social Media and Collaborative Narrative during COVID19 Research
+ Read MoreBy Alexis Black, PhD In June 2020, I was awarded a Post-Doctoral Research Grant by the Fyssen Foundation to examine “post-pandemic” comprehensions and imaginations in Paris, France. However, as the health crisis persisted, the research became about living in the ongoing COVID19 pandemic and the project design changed significantly. As a result of these changes,…
(A)wake in the World Wide Web: A reflection and imagistic evocation
+ Read MoreBy Nicolas Rasiulis (McGill University) It was the night of April 4, 2021. Or was it early on April 5? One thing is certain: my attention was drawn to Mongolia, to my doctoral fieldwork there (delayed because of the pandemic), and to questions of if and when I might return among Dukha people there. I…
Write in public, or on publishing before you’re ready
+ Read MoreBy Daniel Tubb, University of New Brunswick Prolific British Marxist Eric Hobsbawm was a consummate repackager of his own ideas, according to Historians Emile Chabal and Anne Perez (2021). They write his “student lectures became book chapters; newspaper op-eds became long essays; and key arguments found their way into a myriad of different formats.” His…
@Anthropology4Homosapiens: A Reflection on Doing Public Anthropology through Social Media
+ Read More@Anthropology4Homosapiens: A Reflection on Doing Public Anthropology through Social Media By Adrianna Wiley, MA, University of Guelph How do we make anthropology relevant in a world where people can represent themselves and where our subject is not often taught in the public-school classroom? It is a question my cohort has been tasked with answering since…
Exploring Social Entrepreneurship Across Geographical Spaces: A Conversation with Dr. Walter Little & Dr. Lynne Milgram
+ Read MoreExploring Social Entrepreneurship Across Geographical Spaces: A Conversation with Dr. Walter Little & Dr. Lynne Milgram “Mergers & Acquisitions: Exchanges In and Beyond Economic Anthropology”, is a podcast series sponsored by the Society for Economic Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropology Association. In this episode, Ipshita talks to Professors Walter Little and Lynne…
Walter Callaghan talk at a symposium hosted by the Centre of Excellence on PTSD
+ Read MoreWalter Callaghan talk at a symposium hosted by the Centre of Excellence on PTSD PhD candidate Walter Callaghan was a speaker at a symposium hosted by the Centre of Excellence on PTSD on October 27th. The panel discussed the representation of Veterans in the media, and building understanding of the lives of Veterans, especially those…
“More Than Human Anthropology” YouTube Channel (by Alex Oehler)
+ Read More“More Than Human Anthropology” YouTube Channel Check out this new YouTube channel by Alex Oehler (University of Regina): Alex Oehler is an environmental anthropologist with interests in animal-human relations, sentient ecologies, and verbal and non-verbal interspecies communication in the Circumpolar North.
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l’Université de Regina (mai 11-15 2022)
+ Read MoreOpen Spaces/Close Encounters Espaces ouverts/liens étroits 11 au 15 mai 2022 | Saskatchewan, Regina « Espaces ouverts – Rencontres étroites » Appel à communications « Espaces ouverts » nous invite à réfléchir à de nouvelles possibilités de travail de réparation et de collaboration dans notre discipline – en tant que chercheurs, éducateurs et membres…
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Regina (May 11-15 2022)
+ Read MoreOpen Spaces/Close Encounters Espaces ouverts/liens étroits May 11-15, 2022 | Regina, Saskatchewan “Open Spaces – Close Encounters” Call for papers “Open Spaces” invites us to reflect on new possibilities for restorative and collaborative work in our discipline — as researchers, educators, and community members. The 2022 conference theme was sparked by our treaty homelands…
Culture Calls/Appels pour Culture
+ Read MoreLa version française suit Culture is CASCA’s bi-annual and bilingual electronic newsletter. Our next call for submissions of articles and discussion pieces, news items, event announcements, and book notes will be announced in early Spring 2022. Please send your inquiries to: Maggie Cummings, Anglophone Member at Large at cascaenmemberatlarge(a) and/or Olivia Roy-Malo, Francophone Member at…
2021 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards / Prix d’excellence des étudiant(e)s finissants en anthropologie 2021 de la CASCA
+ Read MoreBachelor’s Awards – Récipiendaires du premier cycle Aidan Wallace, St. Francis Xavier University Lauren Chang, University of Guelph Caitlin Craig, University of Victoria Anastasiya Staskevich, Simon Fraser University Selina Heidinger, University of Manitoba Logan Robertson, Saint Mary’s University Mysaëlle Lavoie-Lemieux, Université Laval Lincoln Shriner, University of Lethbridge Tyra Jade Davidson, University of Alberta Emma Sander,…
NEW FEATURE: Congratulations on your successful thesis defence!/Soutenance de thèse réussie – félicitations!
+ Read MoreCongratulations on your successful thesis defence!/Soutenance de thèse réussie – félicitations! Congratulations to Marley Duckett on the successful defence of her Master’s thesis, “Energy Consultations on Treaty 8 Lands: The Effects of Oil Extraction on Peerless Trout First Nation”. Congratulations also to her supervisor Dr. Clint Westman from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at…
Hearing Palestine – A new initiative by Alejandro Paz and Jens Hanssen in collaboration with the Institute for Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto
+ Read More“Hearing Palestine” is a new initiative at the University of Toronto (UofT) that provides a safe space for Palestinians and those interested in the history and future of Palestine to share their experience and research. This initiative facilitates discussion on cultural life, artistic creativity, social justice and current affairs in Canada and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from…
Congratulations! Leslie McCartney and Gwich’in Tribal Council received the Oral History Association Book Award
+ Read MoreCongratulations to Leslie McCartney and Gwich’in Tribal Council whose book Our Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed / Gwich’in K’yuu Gwiidandài’ Tthak Ejuk Gòonlihis is the 2021 winner of the Oral History Association Best Book Award!
Congratulations! Scott Simon nominated for the CIPS second annual blog award
+ Read MoreThe Centre of International Policy Studies (University of Ottawa) launched their second “Best Blow Award” competition. The article of Scott Simon, Lest We Forget: How the 1930 Musha Incident Reveals the Hidden Nature of the Canada-Taiwan Relationship, is nominated. The first round of the competition was judged by a panel of experts who have narrowed…
Congratulations! Kamari Maxine Clarke awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship
+ Read MoreCongratulation to Kamari Clarke is the recent winner of the Guggenheim Fellowship and has been featured in the University of Toronto Arts & Science News highlighting her work toward new possibilities for justice and equity, particularly in the global South. To read the full article, here! Congratulations!
Ressources en santé mentale / Mental Health Resources
+ Read MoreRessources en santé mentale / Mental Health Resources Please check out this helpful list of mental health resources for members of various university communities in Canada, generously shared with CASCA by The Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA-ACSP) AcadiaAlberta Athabasca Bishop’s BrockBurman CalgaryCape Breton Carleton Concordia Dalhousie Glendon GuelphKing’sLakehead Laurentian Laurier Laval Lethbridge Manitoba McGill McMaster Memorial Mount Allison Mount RoyalMount Saint Vincent OttawaQueen’s ReginaRMC CMR RyersonSaskatchewan SMU SFU Sherbrooke STFX Toronto Toronto Mississauga Toronto Scarborough Trent UBCUdeM UFV UNB UNBC UPEI UQAM UVIc WaterlooWesternWindsor Winnipeg York CMHA ACSM camimh acmmsm
“Tips for Students” now on Instagram
+ Read MoreAre you an anthropology student looking for advice? Check out “Tips for Students”, a new University of Toronto Department of Anthropology Instagram campaign.
In Memoriam – Claude Bariteau (1943-2021)
+ Read MorePar Natacha Gagné, professeure au Département d’anthropologie de l’Université Laval Le 16 septembre 2021 nous a quittés trop tôt Claude Bariteau, professeur retraité du Département d’anthropologie de l’Université Laval. Pour le qualifier s’imposent les mots qu’il avait utilisés à l’occasion du décès de son directeur de thèse, Richard F. Salisbury, qui demeura pour lui une…
In Memoriam: Hugo de Burgos (1963-2021)
+ Read MoreIn Memoriam: Hugo de Burgos (1963-2021) Please see the following tribute to anthropologist Hugo de Burgos:
In Memoriam: Serge Bouchard (1947-2021)
+ Read MoreIn Memoriam: Serge Bouchard (1947-2021) Please see the following in tributes in memory of anthropologist Serge Bouchard: and
In Memoriam: Stanley Barrett (1938-2021)
+ Read MoreIn Memoriam: Stanley Barrett (1938-2021) By Andrew Lyons, Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Waterloo, and Harriet Lyons, University of Waterloo STANLEY BARRETT (1938-2021) taught for many years at the University of Guelph. He received his BA in English Literature and Philosophy from Acadia University and an MA in Anthropology from the University of Toronto.…
Concepts and Persons
+ Read MoreConcepts and Persons By Michael Lambek, 2021, University of Toronto Press The Tanner Lectures are a collection of educational and scientific discussions relating to human values. Conducted by leaders in their fields, the lectures are presented at renowned institutions around the world, including the universities of Oxford, Harvard, and Yale. In January 2019, University…
Living with HIV in Post-Crisis Times: Beyond the Endgame
+ Read MoreLiving with HIV in Post-Crisis Times: Beyond the Endgame Edited by David A.B. Murray, 2021, Lexington Books Over the past decade, effective prevention and treatment policies have resulted in global health organizations claiming that the end of the HIV/AIDS crisis is near and that HIV/AIDS is now a chronic but manageable disease. These proclamations…
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Policy Gain or Confidence Game
+ Read MoreTransparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Policy Gain or Confidence Game Edited by Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham, and Matthew Herder, 2021, University of Toronto Press
Cataloguing Culture: Legacies of Colonialism in Museum Documentation
+ Read MoreCataloguing Culture: Legacies of Colonialism in Museum Documentation By Hannah Turner, 2020, UBC Press How does material culture become data? Why does this matter, and for whom? As the cultures of Indigenous peoples in North America were mined for scientific knowledge, years of organizing, classifying, and cataloguing hardened into accepted categories, naming conventions, and…
Mothers, Sex, and Sexuality
+ Read MoreMothers, Sex, and Sexuality Edited by Holly Zwalf, Michelle Walks, and Joani Mortensen, 2020, Demeter Press Mothers, Sex, and Sexuality talks about things not normally dared spoken out loud—the interconnectedness and conflict between our parental and sexual selves, the taboo of the sexual mother, and why it matters so much to shatter it. What is it…
Emergent Axioms of Violence (Special Issue of Anthropological Forum)
+ Read MoreEmergent Axioms of Violence (Special Issue of Anthropological Forum; Volume 31, Issue 3, 2021) Guest Edited By Antonio Sorge and Stavroula Pipyrou This collection explores how violent rhetorics, metaphors, and prescriptive assumptions have come to be engrained in political speech and public debate, and indeed become normalized in day-to-day life in the 21st century.…
Disability and COVID-19 (Special Issue of Disability Studies)
+ Read MoreDisability and COVID-19 (Special Issue of Disability Studies, Vol 41, No 3, 2021) Edited by Pamela Block, Éverton Luis Pereira, Anahí Guedes de Mello, and Dikaios Sakellariou This carefully curated selection of articles is global in scope and offers analyses that are incisive in their urgency amidst an ongoing pandemic.
Digital Selves: Embodiment and Subjectivity in New Media Cultures in Eastern Europe and Eurasia (Special Issue of Digital Icons)
+ Read MoreDigital Selves: Embodiment and Subjectivity in New Media Cultures in Eastern Europe and Eurasia (Special Issue of Digital Icons; Issue 21, 2021) Edited by Cassandra Hartblay and Tatiana Klepikova The issue asks what bodies have to do with the presentation of self online in new media cultures of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Extending the…
May 13, 2021
Editors comment, Spring 2021 issue/ Mot des éditrices, numéro du printemps 2021
+ Read MoreBy/par Maggie Cummings, Anglophone Member-at-Large & Marie Michèle Grenon, Membre actif Francophone (La version française suit) Welcome to the Spring 2021 Issue of Culture, the newsletter of the Canadian Anthropology Society. Despite the ongoing challenges of living in a global pandemic, spring remains a time to celebrate the new and to look forward to good…
CASCA 2021 Annual Meeting at University of Guelph/Le colloque de la CASCA 2021 à l’Université de Guelph
+ Read More(La version française suit) CASCA 2021 Annual Meeting at University of Guelph CASCA 2021 will be a virtual event held between May 12-15 and hosted by the University of Guelph, Ontario. The program and a Q&A document with information about the conference platform are now available. *** Le colloque de la CASCA 2021 à l’Université…
The Disentanglement Project
+ Read MoreBy Rhiannon Mosher, Ontario Public Service Anthropologists excel at taking into account the multiple perspectives of differently situated social actors and examining how broad social processes affect people’s everyday lives. We try to make sense of messy social worlds through rigorous research and thoughtful analysis. Through our enculturation into an anthropological sensibility, we frequently practice…
Remote Teaching and the Revival of Time-tested Styles and Tools
+ Read MoreBy Amirpouyan Shiva, University of British Columbia, Winner of the 2021 CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence (Instructor) Interactive teaching has been all the rage for some time now. One of the first challenges posed by the transition to online instruction was the transformation of effective in-person interactive tasks into equally interesting online activities. Online instruction…
Innovating Anthropological Pedagogy: Insights for the present and future
+ Read MoreBy Louise de la Gorgendière, Carleton University, Winner of the 2021 CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence (Faculty) In what ways do we, as ‘anthropology teachers’, provide opportunities for our students to better understand the important anthropological insights they can bring to creative problem-solving and engagement in the real world? [1] There is widespread recognition that…
Salisbury Report: Tracing Regimes of Value in the Mackenzie Basin
+ Read MoreBy Abra Wenzel, Carleton University (Winner of the 2019 Salisbury Award) My interest in Indigenous women textile artists in the Great Slave Lake region of the Northwest Territories (NWT) began in 2015. At the time I was an M.A. student at the University of Victoria and my research focused on a collection of objects made…
Salisbury Report: Challenging Japan’s Low Birthrate: How Japanese Nonprofit Organizations Focused on Fathering Are Affecting Men’s Performances of Masculinity
+ Read MoreBy Evan Koike, University of British Columbia (Winner of the 2016 Salisbury Award) In twenty-first-century Japan, mounting demographic pressures, the needs of heterosexual, married parents of young children, and nonprofit organizations’ outreach efforts are slowly changing the meaning of Japanese fatherhood. Collectively, these factors are spurring the development of hybrid masculinities, which blur the boundaries…
Our Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed/Gwich’in K’yuu Gwiidandài’ Tthak Ejuk Gòonlih: Stories from the People of the Land
+ Read MoreOur Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed/Gwich’in K’yuu Gwiidandài’ Tthak Ejuk Gòonlih: Stories from the People of the Land A 22-Year Journey from Interviewing to Publication By Leslie McCartney, University of Alaska Fairbanks After over 20 years in the making, Our Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed/Gwich’in K’yuu Gwiidandài’ Tthak Ejuk Gòonlih Stories…
Daniel Tubb on the fieldwork for his new ethnography Shifting Livelihoods
+ Read MoreBy Daniel Tubb, University of New Brunswick Shifting Livelihoods: Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia, University of Washington Press, 2020 Shifting Livelihoods emerged from the eighteen months I spent learning how to mine gold with hand tools in the Colombian Pacific department of the Chocó, between 2010 and 2012. It is my first…
La CASCA est ravie de dévoiler les tout premiers récipiendaires du Prix d’excellence en enseignement de la CASCA (2021)/CASCA is delighted to announce the inaugural recipients of the CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (2021)
+ Read More(English follows) La CASCA est ravie de dévoiler les tout premiers récipiendaires du Prix d’excellence en enseignement de la CASCA (PEEC 2021). Toutes nos félicitations! PEEC – Personnel chargé de cours M. Shiva, docteur en anthropologie socioculturelle, est un chargé de cours à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique où il enseigne divers cours de premier cycle…
La récipiendaire de la Bourse Salisbury Award Winner 2021
+ Read More(La version française suit) The Salisbury Award, given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, recognizes an exceptional anthropology PhD candidate at a Canadian university. CASCA is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2021 Salisbury Award is Madelyn Prevost from Simon Fraser University. Madelyn is studying memory, nostalgia, and museums in Ontario addressing settler colonial studies. Congratulations !…
CASCA members stand out/Des membres de la CASCA se distinguent
+ Read MoreDr. Janice Graham, Dalhousie University, published “Principles and Practices for Vaccine Trust“, The Globe and Mail, April 21, 2021 Dr. Shayne A. P. Dahl, McMaster University, won a postdoctoral fellowship at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University for the 2021-22 academic year. Miriam Hird-Younger, PhD candidate, University of Toronto, was a Finalist of the…
Congratulations – Wendy Wickwire awarded the CSN-RÉC Book Prize
+ Read MoreCongratulations – Wendy Wickwire awarded the CSN-RÉC Book Prize Congratulations to Wendy Wickwire whose book At the Bridge: James Teit and An Anthropology of Belonging is the 2020 winner of the Canadian Studies Network Best Book in Canadian Studies Prize! This prize is awarded to an outstanding scholarly book on a Canadian subject and that…
Symposium at CASCA 2021 – Sexual Harassment in Anthropology: Reflecting on Engagements and Entanglements
+ Read MoreHands design credited to Melanie Manzano Chocolatl
CASCA – Prix d’excellence des étudiants finissants en anthropologie / Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards
+ Read MoreOutstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards This award, launched in 2017, aims to help Canadian university and college anthropology departments recognize their top graduating Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students and to promote awareness of CASCA. Each spring, departments may select one top student at each level of study who has graduated or will be graduating in…
Call for collaborators: Ecologies of Harm: Mapping Contexts of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19
+ Read MoreCall for collaborators: Ecologies of Harm: Mapping Contexts of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19 Researchers at UBC Anthropology seek collaborators for an open access, mapping project: Ecologies of Harm: Mapping Contexts of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19. This work is intended as a public resource. Ecologies of Harm will generate a witness atlas…
In Memoriam: David Reese Counts (2 May 1934—11 November 2020)
+ Read MoreSubmitted by Naomi M. McPherson, Assoc Prof Emerita, Anthropology, UBC (Header photo: David Reese Counts, 2002, courtesy of Rebecca Counts) Renowned for his kind and warm smile, it is in character that David would die peacefully in his sleep with a smile on his face. David lived a life full of love, laughter, optimism, adventure…
In Memoriam: J. E. Michael Kew
+ Read MoreJ. E. Michael Kew (1932-2020) Professor J. E. Michael Kew (Mike to those of us who knew him), was born in Quesnel, BC in 1932, and departed this life on November 22, 2020 in Vancouver, BC. He was one of the North West Coast anthropologists, along with Wilson Duff and Wayne Suttles, who were part of the…
In Memoriam: Jill Le Clair
+ Read MoreJILL M. Le CLAIR, PhD February 6, 1947 – October 24, 2020 Jill’s family and friends are saddened to announce her sudden death on Saturday, October 24, 2020 in Toronto. Jill was born in England and came to Canada with her mother, Lillian (Pip) after the loss of her stepfather Cam Le Clair. She attended…
In Memoriam: David Lumsden
+ Read MoreDavid Paul Lumsden June 9th, 1943 – May 27th, 2020 Please see the following in memory of anthropologist David Lumsden: and In recognition of his long and dedicated service to York University, the David Lumsden Graduate Student Research Fund was established in his honour. The fund will support graduate student research in the Department of…
Deep and Sheltered Waters: The History of Tod Inlet
+ Read MoreDeep and Sheltered Waters: The History of Tod Inlet By David R. Gray, 2020, Royal BC Museum This new book tells the fascinating story of the people and community of Tod Inlet, near Victoria, BC. The author draws from archaeological surveys, interviews with elders of the Tsartlip First Nation and descendants of the Chinese,…
May 6, 2021
Creating Indigenous Property: Power, Rights, and Relationships
+ Read MoreCreating Indigenous Property: Power, Rights, and Relationships Edited by Angela Cameron, Sari Graben, and Val Napoleon, University of Toronto Press, 2020 While colonial imposition of the Canadian legal order has undermined Indigenous law, creating gaps and sometimes distortions, Indigenous peoples have taken up the challenge of rebuilding their laws, governance, and economies. Indigenous conceptions…
The Social Life of Standards: Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement
+ Read MoreThe Social Life of Standards: Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement Edited by Janice E. Graham, Christina Holmes, Fiona McDonald, and Regna Darnell, UBC Press, 2021 Through twelve ethnographic case studies, The Social Life of Standards reveals how standards – political and technical tools for organizing society – are developed, applied, subverted, contested, and reassembled…
Collective Care: Indigenous Motherhood, Family, and HIV/AIDS
+ Read MoreCollective Care: Indigenous Motherhood, Family, and HIV/AIDS By Pamela J. Downe, University of Toronto Press, 2021 Collective Care provides an ethnographic account of urban Indigenous life and caregiving practices in the face of Saskatchewan’s HIV epidemic. Based on a five-year study conducted in partnership with AIDS Saskatoon, the book focuses on the contrast between…
The Future Conditional: Building an English-Speaking Society in Northeast China
+ Read MoreThe Future Conditional: Building an English-Speaking Society in Northeast China By Eric S. Henry, Cornell University Press, 2021 In The Future Conditional, Eric S. Henry brings twelve years of expertise and research to offer a nuanced discussion of the globalization of the English language and the widespread effects it has had on Shenyang, the capital…
On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Paradise: Affect, Tourism, Belize
+ Read MoreOn the Nervous Edge of an Impossible ParadiseAffect, Tourism, Belize Kenneth Little, Berghahn Books, 2020 There are beastly forces in Belize. Forces that are actively involved in making paradise impossible. On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Paradise is a collection of seven stories about local lives in the fictional village of Wallaceville. They…
Centering the Margins of Anthropology’s History: Histories of Anthropology Annual, Volume 14
+ Read MoreCentering the Margins of Anthropology’s History: Histories of Anthropology Annual, Volume 14 Edited by Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, University of Nebraska Press, 2021 About the Book The series Histories of Anthropology Annual presents diverse perspectives on the discipline’s history within a global context, with a goal of increasing the awareness and use…
Beyond Wild and Tame: Soiot Encounters in a Sentient Landscape
+ Read MoreBeyond Wild and Tame: Soiot Encounters in a Sentient Landscape By Alex C. Oehler, Berghahn Books, 2020 Responding to recent scholarship, this book examines animal domestication and offers a Soiot approach to animals and landscapes, which transcends the wild-tame dichotomy. Following herder-hunters of the Eastern Saian Mountains in southern Siberia, the author examines how…
Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya
+ Read MoreMorality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya Sarah Hillewaert, Fordham University Press, 2019 This book considers the day-to-day lives of young Muslims on Kenya’s island of Lamu, who live simultaneously on the edge and in the center. At the margins of the national and international economy and of Western notions…
Sociocultural Anthropology: A Problem-based Approach (4th Canadian edition)
+ Read MoreSociocultural Anthropology: A Problem-based Approach (4th Canadian edition) By Richard H. Robbins, Rachel Dowty, Maggie Cummings, and Karen McGarry, Cengage, 2021 Taking a unique, problem-based approach, the fourth Canadian edition of this text encourages students to apply a critical mindset to the key concepts and methods outlined throughout the textbook. Each chapter is organized…
May 5, 2021
Shamanism and Vulnerability on the North and South American Great Plains
+ Read MoreShamanism and Vulnerability on the North and South American Great Plains Kathleen Bolling Lowrey, University Press of Colorado, 2020 In Shamanism and Vulnerability on the North and South American Great Plains Kathleen Bolling Lowrey provides an innovative and expansive study of indigenous shamanism and the ways in which it has been misinterpreted and dismissed…
April 26, 2021
Anti-Asian Racism and Violence
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) condemns anti-Asian hate in Canada and recognizes that it is embedded in white supremacy, xenophobia, and often misogyny. Specifically, we would like to extend our condolences to the families and loved ones of the eight people, six of whom were women of Asian descent, who lost their lives in an…
March 20, 2021
Honouring Treaties
+ Read MoreIn May 2020, members of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution supporting the Wet’suwet’en and all Indigenous peoples political and territorial sovereignty. The resolution is as follows: The Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) expresses solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation, and all Indigenous nations, in their struggle for recognition and respect…
February 19, 2021
Sexual Harassment Policy
+ Read MoreSexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated at the CASCA Annual Meeting. Our culture is based on mutual respect and collaboration. CASCA will do what it takes to protect our members, staff, and other individuals from harassment, assault, and other misconduct while they are taking part in sponsored events and activities. Our objective…
October 30, 2020
Covid-19 and Gender Inequality in Academia
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society/Société canadienne d’anthropologie recognizes disproportionate impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) being experienced by members of our community who already suffer most from existing inequities in academia. The rapid transition to online instruction and the loss of access to research opportunities and locations, as well as associated funding, has caused significant…
October 14, 2020
President’s welcome
+ Read MoreBy Mary-Lee Mulholland, Mount Royal University Welcome to the newest issue of Culture on Resilience/Résilience! After everything that 2020 has doled out, it is with trepidation that I go to my “home office” tucked in the corner of my bedroom between the bed and bathroom door, to look at the morning news. In this time…
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Guelph
+ Read MoreThe Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Guelph is pleased to announce the launch of the CASCA 2021 conference website. The conference will be held in a virtual environment, from May 12-15, 2021. The website will be updated regularly, with a call for papers and registration information coming soon. Theme: Engagements and…
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l’Université de Guelph
+ Read MoreLe département de sociologie et d’anthropologie de l’Université de Guelph est heureux d’annoncer le lancement du site web de la conférence de la CASCA 2021. La conférence aura lieu en mode virtuel du 12 au 15 mai 2021. Le site web sera mis à jour régulièrement, dont l’appel à communication et l’information pour l’inscription qui…
Le rapport du Sondage de la CASCA sur le harcèlement sexuel et une invitation à participer au groupe de travail
+ Read MoreLe rapport du Sondage de la CASCA sur le harcèlement sexuel et une invitation à participer au groupe de travail La Société canadienne d’anthropologie (CASCA) a réalisé un sondage en ligne auprès de ses membres entre le 1er août et le 31 octobre 2019 concernant le harcèlement sexuel en contexte professionnel. Ce sondage a suivi…
CASCA’s Sexual Harassment Survey Report and Working Group Invitation
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Sexual Harassment Survey Report and Working Group Invitation The Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) ran an online survey with our members on the experience of sexual harassment in professional settings from August 1 – October 31, 2019. This was a follow-up to CASCA’s Statement on Harassment, released July 2019. We are pleased to announce that…
Experimentation as Resilience
+ Read MoreBy Alex Oehler, University of Regina Is resilience merely a kind of toughness, mixed with “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties?”[i] In an article written for the general public, the American Psychological Association defines individual resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of…
Announcement of the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize 2020 / Annonce du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2020
+ Read MoreLa version française suit Labrecque-Lee Book Prize 2020 The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists. Marie-France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor at the Université Laval Department of Anthropology, where she taught for more than 30 years. Since 1982, she has (co)authored or (co)edited nine books on gender,…
2020 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards / Prix d’Excellence des Étudiants Finissants en Anthropologie 2020 de la CASCA
+ Read MoreBachelor’s Award Recipient/Premier cycle Robert Hanks, MacEwan University Laurence Alain, Université Laval Jessica Jack, University of Saskatchewan Miguel Priolo Marin, University of Alberta Morgan Herbert, Dalhousie University Karlie Tessmer, Simon Fraser University Joanne Scofield, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Faelan Quinn, Carleton University Daniel Chiu Castillo, McGill University James Binks, University of British Columbia Lorri …
Announcing CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) / Nouveaux Prix d’excellence en enseignement de la CASCA (PEEC)
+ Read MoreLa version française suit CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) The CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) have been established to recognize the contributions to excellence in teaching and student learning in anthropology. Two awards will be made every year at our annual conference. The first award is for instructors who teach on a “per…
Prix Weaver-Tremblay Award 2021: Call for Nominations/Appel de candidatures
+ Read MoreEnglish follows Prix Weaver-Tremblay 2021 En 1992, la Société d’anthropologie appliquée au Canada créait le prix Weaver-Tremblay. Marc-Adélard Tremblay et Sally Weaver, deux anthropologues parmi les plus respectés au Canada, furent tous deux essentiels à la fondation de la CASCA, initiative découlant de plusieurs facteurs, le principal étant leur forte conviction que les anthropologues et…
Canada Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Prix du Canada en sciences humaines et sociales
+ Read MoreCanada Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences The Canada Prizes are awarded annually to the best scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences that have received funding from the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP). The winning books make an exceptional contribution to scholarship, are engagingly written, and enrich the social, cultural and intellectual life…
CASCA Members in the News / Des membres de la CASCA dans les médias
+ Read More“USask professor says it’s normal to feel ‘fatigued’ amid coronavirus pandemic” (Global News, August 5th, 2020, Dr. Pamela Downe, University of Saskatchewan) “Inondations annuelles : les riverains font-ils partie de la solution?” (Ici Radio-Canada Première, 5 août 2020, Emmanuelle Bouchard-Bastien, Université Laval) “Sask. anthropologist says many lessons to be learned between 1918 flu pandemic and COVID-19”…
Marianne Ignace at the Royal Society of Canada • Class of 2020
+ Read MoreMarianne Ignace (Departments of Linguistics & Indigenous Studies, Simon Fraser University, and CASCA member) has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in the Academy of the Arts and Humanities. Marianne Ignace is known for her innovative and transdisciplinary approaches to Indigenous language revitalization and documentation, the study of oral traditions and…
CASCA-CUBA 2018 – L’anthropologie repensée : le rapport de la pratique non académique à la discipline, ou être anthropologue sans le titre
+ Read MoreL’Association des anthropologues du Québec (AANTHQ) vous invite à visionner la table ronde CASCA-CUBA 2018 C’est, il y a 2 ans déjà, qu’avait lieu la CASCA-CUBA à la Universidad de Oriente à Santiago de Cuba, précisément entre le 16 et le 20 mai 2018. L’Association des anthropologues du Québec (AANTHQ) avait alors présenté une table…
CASCA members on Wikipedia
+ Read MoreSome CASCA members are listed on the Canadian anthropologists category on Wikipedia.
Launch of Matrix: A Journal for Matricultural Studies
+ Read MoreMatrix: A Journal for Matricultural Studies (Matrix) is an open-access, peer-reviewed and refereed scholarly journal published by the International Network for Training, Education, and Research on Culture (Network on Culture), Canada. Matrix is published online twice yearly (May and November). Volume 1, Issue I (May 2020) is now available and can be found at :…
Mental Health Resource List (CPSA)/Ressources en santé mentale (ACSP)
+ Read MoreMental Health Resource List – courtesy of the CPSA Liste – Ressources en santé mentale (ACSP)
An Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of Q’eqchi’ Maya Medicine in Belize.
+ Read MoreAn Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of Q’eqchi’ Maya Medicine in Belize. James B. Waldram, University of New Mexico Press, 2020 James B. Waldram‘s groundbreaking study, An Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of Q’eqchi’ Maya Medicine in Belize, explores how our understanding of Indigenous therapeutics changes if we view them as forms…
Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Duration of Human Movements
+ Read MorePacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Duration of Human Movements Edited by Vered Amit and Noel B. SalazarEpilogue by Karen Fog Olwig, Berghahn Books, 2020 Turning the attention to the temporal as well as the more familiar spatial dimensions of mobility, this volume focuses on the momentum for and temporal composition of mobility, the…
Gringo Love: Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil
+ Read MoreGringo Love: Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan; adapted by William Flynn; illustrated by Débora Santos, University of Toronto Press, 2020 In the city of Natal in northeastern Brazil, several local women negotiate the terms of their intimate relationships with foreign tourists, or gringos, in a situation often referred to as “sex tourism.” These…
Archaeologies of the Heart
+ Read MoreArchaeologies of the Heart Edited by Kisha Supernant, Jane Eva Baxter, Natasha Lyons & Sonya Atalay, Springer, 2020 Archaeological practice is currently shifting in response to feminist, indigenous, activist, community-based, and anarchic critiques of how archaeology is practiced and how science is used to interpret the past lives of people. Inspired by the calls…
September 30, 2020
Statement on Detention of Cihan Erdal
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society/Société canadienne d’anthropologie is very concerned about the detention of Cihan Erdal, a doctoral candidate at Carleton University, while doing research in Turkey. As the association that represents anthropologists from across Canada, many of whom do their research abroad; we are deeply concerned about the well-being of Mr. Erdal. His research was…
July 15, 2020
2019 Sexual Harassment Survey Report
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) ran an online survey with our members on the experience of sexual harassment in professional settings from August 1 – October 31, 2019.
June 4, 2020
Statement on Racialized Violence in Canada and the United States
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) stands as a witness to the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmad Aubrey. CASCA acknowledges the anguish and outrage felt by Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities in both Canada and the United States for the continual and historical violence perpetuated by individual and state actors, including the…
April 20, 2020
Editors comment, Spring 2020 issue/ Mot des éditrices, numéro du printemps 2020
+ Read MoreBy/Par Marieka Sax, Anglophone Member-at-Large & Marie Michèle Grenon, Membre actif Francophone (La version française suit) We live in gripping and uncertain times. People around the world have been through several watershed moments over the past six months. But these events pale in comparison to the scale and impact of the novel coronavirus: COVID-19. On…
COVID-19: Calling All Outbreak Ethnographers!
+ Read MoreBy Pamela J. Downe, University of Saskatchewan COVID-19 is sweeping headlines. Incidence rates, death counts, risk factors, and public health responses are updated with unprecedented frequency. Most anthropologists in Canada are experiencing the rapidly changing pandemic from multiple locations, including our workplaces, homes, and research communities. We are reorienting to social distancing rules, virtual interactions,…
Undoing Fieldwork in a Time of Epidemic
+ Read MoreBy Scott Simon, University of Ottawa and Visiting Scholar, University of Guam On January 21, I flew from Taipei to Guåhan (Guam) to begin field research with the CHamoru, the Indigenous people of that unincorporated US territory.[1] Even as Taiwan pre-emptively cancelled flights to parts of China, I felt reassured by World Health Organisation announcements…
Surviving the Apocalypse, Again
+ Read MoreBy Mirjana Uzelac, University of Alberta I was ten years old when I faced my first apocalypse. It was 1991, and the war had started in Yugoslavia. It seemed like the end of the world. I lived in Serbia, and I remember the economic embargo, political upheavals, and worrying for relatives fighting on different sides…
Mutating Consciousness in the Time of Pandemic
+ Read MoreBy James Depew, Algoma University & David Burty, Western University For capitalism to work at full speed it needs bodies entering into interaction with clock-like regularity. Now that the virus has transformed space through the requirement of social distancing, the space of commodities circulating at high speed is disrupted, offering access to a slower time…
Keeping in Touch and Sharing Resources: The Network for Critical Pedagogy in Canadian Anthropology Facebook Group
+ Read MoreBy Maggie Cummings, University of Toronto Scarborough In mid-March, like instructors of face-to-face classes across Canada, I found myself making the abrupt and rather ad hoc transition to online teaching. I began to spend a lot more time reading administrative updates, answering panicked emails (from students and other instructors), and Googling best practices. I also…
Teaching Remotely with COVID-19
+ Read MoreBy Marley Duckett, University of Saskatchewan Two days before I was scheduled to teach a graduate class on campus, I received a message from my colleague and the primary teacher for the course. He had been sent home to quarantine. I read the message, incredulous. Yet he might have the novel coronavirus I had recently…
Doing/Undoing/Redoing Carnival in New Orleans in the Time of COVID-19
+ Read MoreBy Martha Radice, Dalhousie University and Visiting Scholar, New Orleans Center for the Gulf South, Tulane University I left my field site in New Orleans very quickly. On Mardi Gras day, February 25, I was one of many thousands of people be-glittered, masked, and revelling in the streets, marvelling at the costumes and parades. Over…
Corn-Wolf in Pandemia
+ Read MoreBy Nicolas Rasiulis, McGill University Spring Equinox, 2020, two days before my previously anticipated departure for Mongolia to conduct the majority of my PhD fieldwork. I recently vacated my apartment-become-home in Montréal, and established a transitory domus “back home” in Ottawa whence I will take off for the taiga to rejoin Dukha reindeer pastoralists. I…
Disrupted Lives and Uncertainties in the Time of Pandemic
+ Read MoreBy Bicram Rijal, Simon Fraser University We are living in extremely uncertain times. With the global takeover by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have become humans that we are not used to, because our behavioural responses to the crisis are quite unlike what we have experienced before. Many are calling it a “new reality.” Certainly, it…
Coronavirus Horror: A Reflection on Abjection and Embodied Weapons
+ Read MoreBy Maria Ibari Ortega, Australian National University Amid global panic and local fears of contagion, acts of violence and aggression have multiplied at the time of accelerated transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Waves of news articles diversify into apocalyptic themes narrating the ongoing events as lived in different localities across continents. As social distancing became…
Making the Familiar Strange: Studying Bison Reintroductions in the Land of Living Skies
+ Read MoreBy Clint Westman, University of Saskatchewan In autumn 2019, I began doing fieldwork in a different province, on a new topic. After 10 years living in Saskatchewan, I wanted to launch a new project, actually doing (rather than just teaching) anthropology in that province. I have begun studying bison reintroductions on protected lands (former ranches)…
Student Research Feature
+ Read MoreUndergraduate student research from the University of Saskatchewan On March 7, 2020, eight undergraduate and four graduate students presented at the Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Linguistics and Archaeology (APALA) conference at the University of Saskatchewan. This is an interdisciplinary, undergraduate focused conference that aims to introduce students from across Canada to presenting their research, exploring new…
Appel de dossier/ Call for Submission: Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA pour une communication en anthropologie féministe / CASCA Women’s Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology
+ Read More(English follows) Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA pour une communication en anthropologie féministe Les étudiants des 2e et 3e cycles en anthropologie qui ont présenté une communication au colloque annuel de la CASCA 2019 ou qui ont vu leur article accepté pour le colloque CASCA 2020 sont invités à soumettre leur…
Call for CASCA – Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards / Appel pour le Prix d’excellence des étudiants finissants en anthropologie
+ Read More(La version française suit) Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards This award, launched in 2017, aims to help Canadian university and college anthropology departments recognize their top graduating Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students and to promote awareness of CASCA. Each spring, departments may select one top student at each level of study who has graduated or…
2020 CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award Winner: Dr. Bruce Granville Miller / Le gagnant du prix CASCA Weaver-Tremblay 2020: Bruce Granville Miller
+ Read More(La version française suit) It is my privilege to announce that we will be presenting Bruce Granville Miller, Doctor of Anthropology and Professor at the University of British Columbia, with the Weaver-Tremblay Award during the CASCA 2020 Conference in London. This award in Canadian Applied Anthropology was named in honour of two of Canada’s most distinguished…
Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2019 Prize Announcement / Annonce du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2019
+ Read MoreThe Labrecque-Lee Book Prize was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists. Marie-France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor at the Université Laval Department of Anthropology, where she taught for more than 30 years. Since 1982, she has (co)authored or (co)edited nine books on gender, migration and mobility in Mexico. In 2015, she…
CASCA’s 2019 Student Poster Prizes / Prix d’affiches étudiantes 2019 de la CASCA
+ Read MoreWe are pleased to announce the winners of CASCA’s 2019 Student Poster Prizes. Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer les gagnants des Prix d’affiches étudiantes 2019 de la CASCA : People’s Choice Award / Coup de cœur du public : Nakeyah Giroux-Works (Université Laval), “Entre garde-manger et puits de carbone: ethnographie des mises en valeur alternatives de…
CASCA Members in the News
+ Read More‘Tiny acts of solidarity’ are bridging our social distance. Can they last? (The Star, March 29, 2020, Dr. Martha Radice, Dalhousie University) How the COVID-19 crisis could shape society (The Chronicle Herald, April 6, 2020, Dr. Martha Radice, Dalhousie University) When a Pandemic Threatens to Erase a Community’s Memory (The Tyee, April 13, 2020 Dr.…
Richard F. Salisbury’s Wikipedia page
+ Read MoreA Wikipedia page has been prepared for Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury (1926 – 1989), founder of the Department of Anthropology at McGill University.
2019 Elliott P. Skinner Book Award Winner
+ Read MoreBy Betty J. Harris, Association for Africanist Anthropology, March 10, 2020 The Association for Africanist Anthropology (AfAA) is pleased to announce the recipient of 2019 Elliott P. Skinner Book Award. Michael Lambek, Canada Research Chair in the Anthropology of Ethical Life at the University of Toronto Scarborough, received the book award for Island in the Stream:…
StatsCan Survey – Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians / Sondage StatsCan – Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les Canadiens
+ Read MoreStatsCan Survey – Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur les Canadiens
In Memoriam: Dr. Marilyn Silverman (1945-2019)
+ Read MoreBy Malcolm Blincow, Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, York University & Ryan James, Instructor, Anthropology and Urban Studies, York University After a prolonged and courageous struggle with cancer, Marilyn Silverman passed away at her home in Toronto, Canada on Tuesday, 18th June, 2019. After joining the Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology at York University as a…
Extracting Home in the Oil Sands Settler Colonialism and Environmental Change in Subarctic Canada, 1st Edition
+ Read MoreExtracting Home in the Oil Sands Settler Colonialism and Environmental Change in Subarctic Canada, 1st Edition Edited by Clinton N. Westman, Tara L. Joly, Lena Gross Description The Canadian oil sands are one of the world’s most important energy sources and the subject of global attention in relation to climate change and pollution. This volume…
Wisdom Engaged Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series
+ Read MoreWisdom Engaged Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series Edited by Leslie Main Johnson “I listened to my mum, my dad, my gramma, that is why I am still here. That is how you stay alive.” —Mida Donnessey Wisdom Engaged demonstrates how traditional knowledge, Indigenous approaches to healing, and the…
I Was Never Alone or Oporniki: An Ethnographic Play on Disability in Russia
+ Read MoreI Was Never Alone or Oporniki: An Ethnographic Play on Disability in Russia Cassandra Hartblay, University of Toronto Press, 2020 I Was Never Alone or Oporniki: An Ethnographic Play on Disability in Russia presents an original ethnographic stage play, based on fieldwork conducted in Russia with adults with disabilities. The core of the work is…
Sahara Occidental Conflit oublié, population en mouvement
+ Read MoreSahara Occidental Conflit oublié, population en mouvement Dirigé par Francesco Correale et Sébastien Boulay Résumé: Le conflit du Sahara Occidental reste peu connu et trop rarement documenté, en France en particulier. Pourtant, cette « dispute » territoriale remontant aux décennies 1960 et 1970 est essentielle à saisir aujourd’hui dans toute sa complexité car elle constitue…
There Is No More Haiti Between Life and Death in Port-au-Prince
+ Read MoreThere Is No More Haiti Between Life and Death in Port-au-Prince by Greg Beckett (Author) About the Book This is not just another book about crisis in Haiti. This book is about what it feels like to live and die with a crisis that never seems to end. It is about the experience of living…
Allies and Obstacles Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities
+ Read MoreAllies and Obstacles Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities By Allison C. Carey, Pamela Block, and Richard K. Scotch Description Parents of children with disabilities often situate their activism as a means of improving the world for their child. However, some disabled activists perceive parental activism as working against the independence and dignity…
April 15, 2020
Resolution of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation
+ Read MoreOn February 25th, 2020 CASCA issued the following statement and was adopted as a resolution through the 2020 online AGM. The Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) expresses solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation, and all Indigenous nations, in their struggle for recognition and respect for Indigenous self-governance, autonomy, and sovereignty over their territories. In particular, we call…
Résolution officielle de solidarité avec la nation Wet’suwet’en
+ Read MoreLe 25 février 2020, la CASCA a émis la déclaration suivante. Elle a été adoptée comme résolution officielle lors de l’AGA en ligne 2020 . La Société canadienne d’anthropologie (CASCA) exprime sa solidarité envers la nation wet’suwet’en, ainsi qu’envers toutes les nations autochtones, dans leur lutte pour faire reconnaître et respecter l’autogouvernance, l’autonomie et la…
October 18, 2019
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente
+ Read MorePar Sabrina Doyon, Université Laval C’est avec un très grand plaisir que je vous souhaite la bienvenue, chers anciens et nouveaux membres de la CASCA! Notre association est à l’œuvre pour faire rayonner l’anthropologie et cet automne 2019 se révèle être très excitant à cet égard! C’est un plaisir de pouvoir travailler aux différents dossiers…
President’s Welcome
+ Read MoreBy Sabrina Doyon, Université Laval Esteemed members of CASCA, I am delighted to welcome you all—old and new members alike! Our association is hard at work promoting anthropology, and this fall is proving to be very exciting in this respect. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with such a wonderful team…
2019 CASCA-AAA Conference Details
+ Read MoreConference theme: “Changing Climates” Dates: Wednesday, November 20 – Sunday, November 24, 2019 We will be convening in Vancouver, on unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. Membership and registration To attend the joint conference through CASCA, you must: pay for your CASCA membership (click here) pay for your conference registration through…
The Careers Expo at CASCA-AAA 2019: Promoting Professions in Anthropological Practice
+ Read MoreBy Cathleen Crain (LTG Associates) and Jaime Yard (Douglas College) Professional, practicing, and applied (PPA) anthropologists have taken the tools of anthropology and employed them in wide-ranging realms over the past several decades. Uses of anthropology in the world have included such topics as: health; human services; environment; law; community development; international development; and myriad…
2020 CASCA Conference / Colloque annuel de la CASCA de 2020
+ Read MoreCASCA’s annual conference in 2020 will be held at Western University, in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, May 30 – June 5. See you in London, Ontario! Le colloque annuel de la CASCA de 2020 se tiendra à l’Université Western, à l’occasion du Congrès des Sciences humaines, du 30 mai au 5 juin.…
CASCA Sexual Harassment Survey / Sondage de la CASCA sur le hacèlement sexuel
+ Read MoreBegin Survey
Best Practices for a Non-Alienating Workplace: Treating Contingent Faculty with Respect
+ Read MoreBy the CASCA Labour Committee (Véronique Béguet, Eric Henry, Pauline McKenzie Aucoin, Shiva Nourpanah, Deidre Rose, Marty Zelenietz) The CASCA Labour Committee is dedicated to examining labour practices and precarious employment in the discipline, educating the membership, and putting forward recommendations to encourage fair employment standards for all Canadian anthropologists. Economic precarity tends to be…
Climate change and glacier melting at the core of the Europe: The case of Mont Blanc
+ Read MoreBy Elisabetta Dall’Ò, Department of Cultures, Politics, and Society, University of Turin, Italy This paper describes the preliminary results of anthropological research I’ve been conducting on the Mont Blanc area (Western Europe), concerning the impacts of climate change on the mountain environment. The Mont Blanc area—meaning “white mountain” because of its dazzling white glaciers—is one…
Peak conference? Let’s hope so
+ Read MoreBy Daniel Tubb, University of New Brunswick The annual anthropology meetings will be in Vancouver from November 20 to 24, 2019, and while I am excited, I also know “we have to stop meeting like this.” At least, this is how mathematician Malabika Pramanik put the problem of academic conferences in her article in The Tyee. The article…
Rediscovering World1: Interdependency and Climate Change
+ Read MoreBy Vita Yakovlyeva, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta On Thursday, May 30, 2019, I was woken up by coughing caused by the smog of wildfires, which had creeped into my room through open windows in Edmonton, Alberta. Outside, the city was covered in an orange-yellow hue. By noon, it had grown dark…
2019 CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award Winner: Dr. Noel Dyck / Le gagnant du prix CASCA Weaver-Tremblay 2019: Dr. Noel Dyck
+ Read MoreCASCA’s Weaver-Tremblay Award honours Sally Weaver and Marc-Adélard Tremblay, applied anthropologists who believed that professional associations sometimes need to take public positions on social and political issues, particularly in cases that impact those who have been the traditional subject of anthropological study. 2019’s award-winner is Professor Noel Dyck. The 2019 CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award and Address…
2019 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards / Prix d’Excellence des Étudiants Finissants en Anthropologie 2019 de la CASCA
+ Read MoreBachelor’s Award Recipient/Premier cycle Ashley Megan Williams, Athabasca University Sara Hormozinejad, University of Calgary Monica Regan, St. Francis Xavier University Angela Murray, University of Saskatchewan Ileanna Cheladyn, Simon Fraser University Marly Hill, Nipissing University Jordanna Marshall, University of British Columbia-Okanagan Benjamin Malo, Universié Laval Zoe Slusar, Mount Royal University Jamie Fairbairn, University of Lethbridge Katherine…
Governor General’s Innovation Awards winners / Les lauréats du Prix du gouverneur général pour l’innovation – Chief Dr. Ronald Ignace and Dr. Marianne Ignace
+ Read MoreChief Dr. Ronald Ignace and Dr. Marianne Ignace successfully combined scientific knowledge with wisdom of Elders. About the Innovation Chief Dr. Ronald Ignace and Dr. Marianne Ignace have, over several decades, developed a model of collaborative approaches to research involving Indigenous peoples and communities. This new approach to knowledge mobilization and the development of methods…
SSHRC Impact Partnership Award Announcement: Dr. Marianne Ignace / Le prix Impact Partenariat du CRSH décerné à Dr. Marianne Ignace
+ Read MoreThe Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)’s annual Impact Awards honour outstanding scholars who embody the very best ideas and research about people, human thought and behaviour, and culture—helping us understand and improve the world around us, today and into the future. The SSHRC Impact Partnership Award recognizes a formal partnership, through mutual co-operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, which…
Roseberry-Nash Award Announcement: Daniel Salas
+ Read MoreDalhousie PhD student in Social Anthropology Daniel Salas has won the prestigious Roseberry-Nash Award for best Student Paper from the Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA). The winning paper is titled: “Practices of Double Currency: Value and Politics in Rural Cuba”. The award will be presented at the Association’s business meeting November 23rd…
In Memoriam: Dr. Sonja Luehrmann
+ Read MoreBy Kathleen Millar, Amanda Watson, Ann Travers, Michael Hathaway, and Stacy Pigg (Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University). Reprinted with permission of the authors. Our highly esteemed and beloved colleague and friend, Sonja Luehrmann, passed away on August 24, 2019, a little over two years after she was diagnosed with cancer. As an…
Aerial Imagination in Cuba: Above the Rooftops
+ Read MoreAlexandrine Boudreault-Fournier; Illustrated by José Manuel Fernández Lavado. Routledge, London, 2020 Employing ethno-fictional storytelling combined with beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, Aerial Imagination in Cuba explores the Cuban sky as it relates to Cuban cultural practices and belief systems, infrastructure, and systems of circulation. The sky, it is argued, is both mediator and a culturally embedded space…
May 17, 2019
A Non-manifesto For the Worth of Public Anthropology
+ Read MoreBy Rylan Higgins, Saint Mary’s University I started writing for a non-academic audience nearly 20 years ago. As a member of a research team looking at the impacts of the oil and gas industry on southern Louisiana, I wrote a report intended for the community and received positive feedback from a handful of town residents,…
In Praise of Small Places
+ Read Moreby Daniel Tubb, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UNB Fredericton There is a North American phenomenon of young people from rural areas and small towns and medium-sized cities moving to the Big City. In Canada, the destinations are Toronto or Montreal, Vancouver or Calgary. In the US, they are New York or Chicago, Los Angeles or San…
Needle-Threading While Bike-Riding, Balancing Scales in a Hailstorm, and Other Metaphors of Care
+ Read MoreBy Amy Levine Caregiving, according to a doctor and leader of support services at a large US-based hospital, is “like being prepared for the fire drill at all times. You never know when you’ll have to drop everything, gear up, and GO” (Joelle Vlahakis). The constant sense of emergency or what I previously termed the…
Changing Climates / Changer d’air, CASCA-AAA, Vancouver, 20-24 Nov. 2019
+ Read MoreChanging Climates: Struggle, Collaboration, and Justice “Changing Climates / Changer d’air”: AAA and CASCA are collaborating for the first time to host the 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Executive Program Committee invites anthropologists and their collaborators to examine how we engage with communities around issues of change over time, including climate change,…
Two awards for Kathy M’Closkey
+ Read MoreKathy M’Closkey, Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Windsor, ON, was recently given two awards in recognition of her research and activism. The Navajo board of Dine’ Studies granted her the “Excellence in Diné Studies” award during the 21st conference held at Diné College, Tsaile, AZ, October 27, 2018. The board expressed their appreciation…
2019 American Anthropology Master’s Career Survey
+ Read MoreA team of graduate students from the University of North Texas, in cooperation with the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA), are replicating the 2009 AAA/CoPAPIA Anthropology MA Career Survey: a major online survey designed to better understand the training and career trajectories of anthropologists with Master’s…
Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings
+ Read MoreResurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings Edited by Michael Asch, John Borrows, and James Tully University of Toronto Press, 2018 The two major schools of thought in Indigenous-Settler relations on the ground, in the courts, in public policy, and in research are resurgence and reconciliation. Resurgence refers to practices of Indigenous self-determination and cultural…
The Monk’s Cell: Ritual and Knowledge in American Contemplative Christianity
+ Read MoreThe Monk’s Cell: Ritual and Knowledge in American Contemplative Christianity Paula Pryce Oxford University Press, 2016 The call to contemplative Christianity is not an easy one. Those who answer it set themselves to the arduous task of self-reformation through rigorous study and practice, learned through the teachings of monks and nuns and the writings of…
An Impossible Inheritance: Postcolonial Psychiatry and the Work of Memory in a West African Clinic
+ Read MoreAn Impossible Inheritance: Postcolonial Psychiatry and the Work of Memory in a West African Clinic Katie Kilroy-Marac University of California Press, 2019 Weaving sound historical research with rich ethnographic insight, An Impossible Inheritance tells the story of the emergence, disavowal, and afterlife of a distinctive project in transcultural psychiatry initiated at the Fann Psychiatric Clinic in Dakar,…
Truth and Conviction: Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice
+ Read MoreTruth and Conviction: Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice By L. Jane McMillan UBC Press (Series: Law and Society), 2018 The name “Donald Marshall Jr.” is synonymous with “wrongful conviction” and the fight for Indigenous rights in Canada. In Truth and Conviction, Jane McMillan – Marshall’s former partner, an acclaimed anthropologist, and an original defendant in…
Incorporating Culture: How Indigenous People Are Reshaping the Northwest Coast Art Industry
+ Read MoreIncorporating Culture: How Indigenous People Are Reshaping the Northwest Coast Art Industry Solen Roth UBC Press, 2019 Fragments of culture often become commodities when the tourism and heritage business showcases local artistic and cultural practice. And frequently, this industry is developed without the consent of those whose culture is being commercialized. What does this say…
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii: Life beyond Settler Colonialism
+ Read MoreShaping the Future on Haida Gwaii: Life beyond Settler Colonialism Joseph Weiss UBC Press, 2019 Colonialism in settler societies such as Canada depends on a certain understanding of the relationship between time and Indigenous peoples. Too often, these peoples have been portrayed as being without a future, destined either to disappear or assimilate into settler…
The Silent G
+ Read MoreThe Silent G Arpine Konyalian Grenier Corrupt Press, 2019 The collection comes from an inability to be distracted into an extinction of reality, extinction resulting from arcane democratization of matter over time, and the ensuing spread of capitalization into the personal domain.“With writing, I explore identity and common ground capital at the risk of mis-placing…
May 16, 2019
ReNEW Partnership for Best Practice: Anthropology in Action in a Community-based Setting
+ Read MoreBy Stacy Lee Lockerbie PhD, Halley Silversides MILS, and Suzanne Goopy PhD, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary The Refugee and Newcomers Emotional Wellness (ReNEW) Partnership for Best Practice is a multi-disciplinary, multi-sited, and multi-lingual research project that explores the role that everyday experiences in a host society have on the emotional wellness of Canadian…
December 19, 2018
Editors’ comment, Fall 2018 issue / Mot des éditeurs, numéro d’automne 2018
+ Read MoreBy/Par Marieka Sax, Anglophone Member-at-Large, Van Troi Tran, membre actif francophone Welcome to the Fall 2018 issue of Culture, the newsletter of the Canadian Anthropology Society. We are excited to present a series of articles on the theme of #MeToo, as well as a welcome from Pamela Downe, President of CASCA, Eric Gagnon Poulin’s video from CASCA-Cuba…
President’s Welcome
+ Read MoreBy Pamela Downe, University of Saskatchewan Welcome to the new issue of Culture! It is also a new year for the CASCA Executive as we welcome Marieka Sax (University of Northern British Columbia) as Anglophone Member at Large and Sabrina Doyon (Université Laval) as President-Elect. Marieka and Sabrina join me (University of Saskatchewan), Past-President Martha…
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente
+ Read MorePar Pamela Downe, Université de la Saskatchewan Bienvenue dans ce nouveau numéro de Culture! C’est aussi une nouvelle année pour les dirigeants de la CASCA puisque nous accueillons Marieka Sax (Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique) en tant que membre libre anglophone et Sabrina Doyon (Université Laval) en tant que présidente élue. Marieka et Sabrina…
Announcing the CASCA-AAA joint conference theme: Changing climates
+ Read MoreBy Martha Radice and Pamela Downe We’re delighted to announce that we’re making great progress on organizing the joint CASCA-AAA conference to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 20-24, 2019. The land on which we will gather is the unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and…
Trauma-Informed Anthropology and the #Me Too Movement: Bringing Marginalized Voices into Mainstream Discourse
+ Read MoreBy Samantha Moore, University of Saskatchewan The recent #MeToo movement has drawn much attention to both interpersonal and structural power imbalances within our society, including constructions of violence and sociocultural notions of sexual assault and justice. In the discipline of anthropology, and specifically in reference to those anthropologists who conduct community-based fieldwork with marginalized populations,…
Taking Up Space – The Role of Safer Spaces in the #MeToo Era
+ Read MoreBy Aine Dolin and Adrienne Ratushniak, University of Saskatchewan As with other aspects of the #MeToo movement, the prevalence of gender-based violence and harassment at music festivals is not new information to those involved in these events. The growing presence of safer spaces at music festivals over the past decade is a direct response to…
Moving Forward with #MeToo: An Analysis of Anthropological Graduate Education in the Field
+ Read MoreBy Marley Duckett and Mika Rathwell, University of Saskatchewan Few events in recent history have had such far-reaching social impacts as the #MeToo movement recently popularized in media. Originally coined in 2006 by African American civil rights activist Tarana Burke, and more recently defined by the 2017 allegations against famous Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, the…
Singing the Ancestors: Indigenous Anthropology Graduate Wins Polaris Music Prize
+ Read MoreBy Martha Radice, Brian Noble, and Liesl Gambold, Dalhousie University Dalhousie University’s anthropologists were bursting with pride in September when they learned that one of their Honours alumni, operatic tenor and musician Jeremy Dutcher, had won the Polaris Music Prize for his first album, Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa (Our Maliseet Songs). Jeremy graduated from Dalhousie with Combined…
Entangled Identities: Ritual Performance of Alevi in an Urban Area
+ Read MoreBy Seyhan Kayhan-Kilic, Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology Alevi is a religious community found in Turkey, the Balkans, Iran and Syria. The Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic languages are appropriately used amongst the Alevi. In the Balkan area, the they are generally known as the Bektashis. Today, we can see them in different areas around the world. They migrated from their hometowns to major…
CASCA-CUBA en Contrapunteo
+ Read MoreÉric Gagnon Poulin, Université Laval Comme promis dans la dernière édition de notre blogue Culture, la Société canadienne d’anthropologie est fière de vous présenter un court métrage sur notre rencontre annuelle à Cuba, en mai 2018. Le film aborde la complexité entourant l’organisation du colloque, la pertinence d’organiser ce genre d’événement hors du Canada et…
Global Survey of Anthropological Practice
+ Read MoreBy the CASCA Labour Committee The CASCA Labour Committee is dedicated to examining labour practices and precarious employment in the discipline, educating the membership, and putting forward recommendations to encourage fair employment standards for all Canadian anthropologists. Last year the World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) conducted an international survey of anthropologists to gain insights…
Anthropologica Open Access Journal Decisions and Survey Results
+ Read MoreBy Tad McIlwraith, University of Guelph and Caura Wood, York University Survey Highlights Thank you to all members and Anthropologica readers who responded to our Open Access Survey in July 2018. This article summarizes the survey results and outlines the decision to move forward with open access for Anthropologica. The survey asked respondents about their…
CAUT Report: Out of the Shadows
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) recently published its findings from a national survey of contract academic staff. Out of the Shadows: Experiences of Contract Academic Staff documents the working conditions, feelings and life goals of these Post-Secondary Education workers.
World’s first Indigenous law degree to be offered at University of Victoria
+ Read MoreA new law program at the University of Victoria is the world’s first to combine the intensive study of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous law, enabling people to work fluently across the two realms. Students will graduate with two professional degrees, one in Canadian Common Law (Juris Doctor or ‘JD’) and one in Indigenous Legal Orders…
Anthropologica: Call for papers / Appel à contributions
+ Read MoreAnthropologica, the journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), invites you to submit articles for peer review. We welcome articles in both French and English that engage with any field of sociocultural anthropology, covering a broad range of topics relevant to the dynamics of contemporary life. We welcome articles that are grounded in innovative methodologies,…
Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize / Appel de dossiers : Prix Labrecque-Lee
+ Read MoreThe Canadian Anthropology Society – la Société canadienne d’anthropologie (CASCA) is seeking submissions for the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize. Established in 2018, the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize recognizes outstanding anthropological publications in either French or English. CASCA is now accepting submissions for the inaugural awards to be announced at the 2019 annual meeting in Vancouver, BC. These awards…
Call for contributions: Teaching and Learning Anthropology
+ Read MoreTeaching and Learning Anthropology (TLA) publishes analytical, reflective, and review articles on the topic of teaching and learning anthropology. The journal also publishes original undergraduate and graduate anthropological research and writing. We seek to engage a broad audience of faculty and students through open-access publishing. TLA also publishes a variety of teaching anthropology resources that can…
Two CASCA members elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada / Deux membres de la CASCA élues à la Société royale du Canada
+ Read MoreCASCA members Janice Graham (Dalhousie University) and Wenona Giles (York University) have been elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada for the promotion of 2018. Janice Graham is an internationally recognized medical anthropologist who has carved new paths into the deep ethnography of science, health technologies and medicine. Interested in the cultural, technical and…
Patrick Lee has been awarded Governor General’s Gold Medal
+ Read MorePatrick Lee (MA 2018, University of Calgary) has received the Governor General’s Gold Medal in November. The Governor General’s Academic Medal was first awarded in 1873 by the Earl of Dufferin, and has since become one of the most prestigious awards that a student in a Canadian educational institution may receive. Awarded annually at Fall…
In memoriam: Dr. Dorothy Ellen Ayers Counts
+ Read MoreDorothy came into this world on 8 January 1937 in San Antonio, Texas, and departed on 27 October 2018 in Victoria, British Columbia after a prolonged struggle with Alzheimer’s. She made the transition easily and peacefully surrounded by the love of her family. Her life was one of adventure, joy, love, and laughter, embraced with…
In memoriam: Dr. Graham Watson, Professor Emeritus
+ Read MoreFor those who have not heard the sad news yet, Dr. Graham Watson (Professor Emeritus) passed away on November 9, 2018 of natural causes in Abingdon, UK at the age of 83. Graham was one of the two founding members of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology in which was established in 1967. There are not many…
Cooperation in Chinese Communities: Morality and Practice
+ Read MoreCooperation in Chinese Communities: Morality and Practice Charles Stafford, Ellen R. Judd and Eona Bell (eds.) Bloomsbury Academic, LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology 2018. China has moved in recent decades from a marginal and even esoteric place in anthropological thought to being recognized as deeply engaged with the dynamics shaping life in the twenty-first century. …
Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine
+ Read MoreHealing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine Julie Laplante Berghahn Books, 2018 Umhlonyane, also known as Artemisia afra, is one of the oldest and best-documented indigenous medicines in South Africa. This bush, which grows wild throughout the sub-Saharan region, smells and tastes like “medicine,” thus easily making its way into people’s lives and becoming the choice…
Caring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas
+ Read MoreCaring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas Karine Gagné University of Washington Press, 2019 Regional geopolitical processes have turned the Himalayan region of Ladakh, in northwest India, into a strategic border area with an increasing military presence that has decentered the traditional agropastoralist economy. This in turn has led to social fragmentation,…
Anthropology Otherwise: Thoughts on a Graphic Novel Experiment
+ Read MoreBy Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan, Carleton University In this blog post, Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan talks about the challenges of adapting her ethnographic work on sex tourism in Brazil into graphic novel form. Gringo Love: Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil will be available in 2019 from the University of Toronto Press. The blog post originally appeared in two parts on Teaching…
Legitimacy: Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights
+ Read MoreLegitimacy: Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights Italo Pardo and Giuliana B. Prato (editors) Palgrave MacMillan, 2019 Global in scope, this original and thought-provoking collection applies new theory on legitimacy and legitimation to urban life. An informed reflection on this comparatively new topic in anthropology in relation to morality, action, law, politics and governance is both timely and…
Standardizing Minority Languages : Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery
+ Read MoreStandardizing Minority Languages : Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery Pia Lane, James Costa, Haley De Korne (editors) Routledge, 2018 This volume addresses a crucial, yet largely unaddressed dimension of minority language standardization, namely how social actors engage with, support, negotiate, resist and even reject such processes. The focus is on…
Island in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of Mayotte
+ Read MoreIsland in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of Mayotte Michael Lambek University of Toronto Press, 2018 Island in the Stream introduces an original genre of ethnographic history as it follows a community on Mayotte, an East African island in the Mozambique Channel, through eleven periods of fieldwork between 1975 and 2015. Over this 40-year span Mayotte shifted…
The Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures, from Poe to Punk
+ Read MoreThe Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures, from Poe to Punk Shawn Chandler Bingham and Lindsey A. Freeman (editors) University of North Carolina Press, 2018 From the southern influence on nineteenth-century New York to the musical legacy of late-twentieth-century Athens, Georgia, to the cutting-edge cuisines of twenty-first-century Asheville, North Carolina, the bohemian South has long contested traditional views…
+ Read MoreMemory Philippe Tortell, Mark Turin and Margot Young (editors) UBC Press, 2018 November 11, 2018, is the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, a time of remembering and memorial, of linking past events to the world we live in today. Taking this particular moment as a catalyst, this book examines the…
Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism: Approaching the Imperial Archive
+ Read MoreSources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism: Approaching the Imperial Archive Kirsty Reid and Fiona Paisley (editors) Routledge, 2017 Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism provides an in-depth study of the relationships between archives, knowledge and power. Exploring a diverse range of examples and surveying the now substantial scholarly literatures on the functions and scope…
Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled Mobilities across Global Spaces
+ Read MoreMigration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled Mobilities across Global Spaces Pauline Gardiner Barber and Winnie Lem (editors) Palgrave MacMillan, 2018 Bringing together a range of illustrative case studies coupled with fresh theoretical insights, this volume is one of the first to address the complexities and contradictions in the relationship between migration, time, and capitalism. While temporal reckoning…
Russia: Anthropological Insights
+ Read MoreRussia: Anthropological Insights Petra Rethmann University of Toronto Press, 2018 This book offers a brief introduction to the anthropological study of Russia. Moving beyond the conceptual iron curtain that has divided past study of Russia into “East” and “West,” it situates Russia in a global context and provides readers with all of the necessary analytical tools…
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood
+ Read MoreFeminism and the Politics of Childhood Rachel Rosen and Katherine Twamley (editors) UCL Press, 2018 Feminism and the Politics of Childhood offers an innovative and critical exploration of perceived commonalities and conflicts between women and children and, more broadly, between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood. This unique collection of 18 chapters brings…
August 17, 2018
Culture Newsletter Special Issue: Editors’ Comment/Numéro spécial de Culture: Note des éditeurs/Boletín Culture edición especial: Comentario de los editores
+ Read MoreBy Marieka Sax, Anglophone Member-at-Large, Van Troi Tran, membre actif francophone We are pleased to present a special issue of Culture, “Stories from Cuba: Conference reflections.” This issue contains a diverse collection of reflections, stories, insights, and experiences relating to the CASCA-Cuba Conference, held at the Universidad de Oriente in Santiago de Cuba from May…
It’s anthropologies, not anthropology
+ Read MoreBy Daniel Tubb, University of New Brunswick A little auto-ethnography. Writing this, I look east over the white crested waves of the Saint John River through the girders of a bridge, once a railway now a footpath, and on towards the hillside campus of the University of New Brunswick Fredericton. Amongst the ubiquitous brick, there…
CASCA-Cuba and Comparing Japanese Art Places with Fusterlandia as a Cuban Art Place
+ Read MoreBy Millie Creighton, University of British Columbia In addition to providing a great conference involvement and occasion for academic networking, for many of us the CASCA-Cuba conference which took place in Santiago de Cuba in May of 2018 offered the chance to gain further insights into Cuba or enhance comparisons with on-going research in other…
August 16, 2018
Le 7e art pour immortaliser CASCA-CUBA 2018
+ Read MorePar Éric Gagnon Poulin, Université Laval Étant donné la singularité de l’évènement, j’ai profité de notre séjour à Santiago de Cuba, en mai dernier, pour documenter notre expérience à l’aide de ma caméra. Le film CASCA-CUBA en « Contrapunteo » sera lancé dans le prochain numéro de Culture, à l’automne 2018. Le court métrage d’une dizaine de…
Gecarcinus ruricola: Or, Our Extended Stay in Cuba
+ Read MoreBy Hannah Quinn, University of Toronto and Bronwyn Frey, University of Toronto After a long day of travel and acclimatization to the tropical humidity, Bronwyn and Hannah found themselves suddenly awake at 1:30 am in their room at the Playa Costa Verde resort. “Do you hear that?” A scratching, scurrying noise was coming from the…
A CASCA-Cuba Travelogue: Some Reflections and the Internet Challenge
+ Read MoreBy Simone Poliandri, Bridgewater State University When CASCA announced that its 2018 annual meeting would be hosted by the Universidad de Oriente in Santiago de Cuba, I was elated, to say the least. I had never been to Cuba before and, when I finally embarked from the special Cuba line at the Fort Lauderdale airport…
Paquete Excavation. Article Inspired by the Investigation of Fidel Alejandro Rodriguez, Universidad de la Habana
+ Read MoreBy Julie Rausenberger, University of Antwerp, Adele Bibault, University of Victoria, Kate Pasmans, University of Victoria Cuban Ethnographic Field School, University of Victoria After arriving in Santiago de Cuba and exploring media consumption in Cuba with little or no access to the internet, we were inspired by our conversation with Fidel Alejandro Rodriguez, a Cuban…
Imagining a Canadian Anthropology Community
+ Read MoreBy Emma Bider, Carleton University I was not particularly surprised when I read Culture’s latest theme and call for submissions. Anthropologists tend to be critical and analytical, to ask more questions than it is always possible to answer. The cohort of Carleton anthropology students and faculty that attended CASCA’s latest conference in Santiago de Cuba are…
The Prisoner’s Dilemma
+ Read MoreBy Christina Holmes, St. Francis Xavier University, and Udo Krautwurst, University of Prince Edward Island The anthropologist comes home from a conference. Exhausted after a very long day of travel, they collapse onto the sofa and turn on the TV. Eyelids heavy, the familiar face of Patrick McGoohan is recognized before drifting off to sleep.…
Learning Cuban history without speaking Spanish
+ Read MoreBy Kanika Varma, University of Victoria As part of the University of Victoria’s Cuba Ethnographic Field School: Contrapunteo, I had the opportunity to attend the CASCA conference 2018 and live in Cuba for a month with the UVic field school students and staff. The panel, done entirely in Spanish, was called La Anthropología Anti-hegemónica Contemporánea Retos…
To Educate is a Labour of Love: Anthropology in the classroom. A Glance at the work of Dr. Alina Garcia
+ Read MoreBy Jessica Bridges, Oklahoma State University, Jacob Derksen, University of Victoria, Jemma Kosalko, University of Victoria, Cuba Ethnographic Field School 2018 While attending the CASCA-Cuba conference in Santiago, Cuba, we had the privilege of meeting and getting to know Dr. Alina Garcia, Professor of pedagogical sciences at the University of Oriente. After attending her presentation, “Anthropology…
“Buenos dias. No hablo español.” Auditory Experiences of Cuban culture
+ Read MoreBy Kanika Varma, University of Victoria As part of the University of Victoria’s Cuba Ethnographic Field School: Contrapunteo, I had the opportunity to attend the CASCA conference 2018 as a participant and live in Cuba for a month with the Uvic field school students and staff. Cuba is sound; it pulls you in. Every morning…
Telecommunication Infrastructure, Public Space and CASCA Conference in Cuba
+ Read MoreBy Mingyuan Zhang, University of Western Ontario “Just go outside and look for the zombies, then you will find Wi-fi,” a girl volunteering for the CASCA conference from Universidad de Oriente told me. As most of the millennials, I grew up in China with the Internet and quickly got used to the connectivity and convenience…
Fieldnotes: Ramadan in Havana
+ Read MoreBy Huma Mohibullah, University of British Columbia Having been fascinated by Muslim beliefs, practices and aesthetics around the world, I was excited when the 2018 CASCA-Cuba meetings allowed me to explore the nation’s tiny Muslim population. Even better, the conference fell during Ramadan[1], letting me experience the holy month as Cuban Muslims do. Upon arriving…
The Hill in Holguin
+ Read MoreBy Mark Currie, University of Ottawa There’s something about wanting to reach the top of a high point that I don’t understand but nonetheless drives me to keep climbing. Maybe it’s just my curiosity to know what’s up there. Maybe I’m hoping for a different angle from which to see the world. Maybe I just…
April 30, 2018
Immigrants’ Traveling Foods: Counterpointing Immigrants’ Culinary Traditions in New York City
+ Read MoreBy Anahí Viladrich, Queens College & The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and Natalie Milbrodt, Queens Memory Program More than 8.5 million people live in New York City (NYC), with over one-third of them being foreign-born.[1] The varied origin of immigrants in NYC—who represent almost all Latin American countries as well as a…
The Voice of a Dreamer
+ Read MoreBy Robin Ridington, University of British Columbia (Password: dzfn) Music, Voice and Sonic Experience have been essential to humans for the life of our species, and perhaps beyond. Throughout those millennia sound has been experienced as an ephemeral perturbation of vibrations within the atmosphere that surrounds us. Until the advent of acoustic recordings,…
“What do you know about any of the Indigenous languages spoken on the Island?” Reflections from a university classroom
+ Read MoreBy Shiva Nourpanah , Saint Mary’s University and Chantelle Spicer, Vancouver Island University “Do you know how many Indigenous languages are currently (barely) alive in the province of British Columbia?” Chantelle, an Anthropology major at Vancouver Island University, challenged her fellow students and professor during one of their “Language and Culture” classes taught by Shiva during fall…
The Neoliberal U and Me
+ Read MoreBy Deidre Rose, University of Guelph Tendencies associated with the growing corporatization of the university have been well-documented. One of the associated consequences of these tendencies has been an increasing valuation of research over teaching and, at the same time, a growing reliance on contingent, non-tenured faculty. These precarious workers constitute a reserve of low-paid academic…
Introducing the Labour Committee
+ Read MoreAt the time of writing, CUPE 3903, which represents contract faculty, teaching assistants, and graduate assistants at York University, have been on strike for six weeks. Without a contract since last August, the union has been negotiating for better pay and job security for vulnerable workers, and asked the university to reverse the elimination of…
Anthropen: un dictionnaire francophone d’anthropologie ancré dans le contemporain en accès libre
+ Read MoreFrancine Saillant, Université Laval La décennie des années 2010 a vu naître deux initiatives de production et diffusion de la discipline au sein du département de l’Université Laval: la série Les Possédés et le dictionnaire Anthropen. Toutes deux ont cette caractéristique commune d’être en libre accès sur le site de ce département, et de paraître…
Harold Barclay (1924-2017)
+ Read MoreHarold Barclay (1924-2017) passed away on December 20, 2017 in Vernon, B.C. Prof. Barclay was born near Boston and received his PhD from Cornell after being a conscientious objector in World War II. Early in his career he lived and traveled extensively in the Middle East and Africa and spent two years at the American…
Anthony (Tony) D. Fisher (1931-2018)
+ Read MoreAnthony (Tony) D. Fisher (1931-2018) passed away on March 8, 2018 at the age of 86. He was a professor the University of Alberta between 1965 and 1994, and was founding member of the Anthropology Department. Tony’s publications include co-editorship of The North American Indians: A Sourcebook, which for many years was a leading…
Philip Hugh Gulliver (1921-2018)
+ Read MorePhilip Hugh Gulliver died peacefully in his sleep from “the old man’s friend”, pneumonia, on Friday, March 30th, 2018 in Toronto, Canada. He was born in Maldon, Essex, on September 2nd, 1921 and was raised in the rural village of Barkestone-Le-Vale, Leicestershire, England. Both his parents were schoolteachers. On the eve of World War…
Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice
+ Read MorePraying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice Edited by Sonja Luehrmann Indiana University Press, 2017 How do people experience spirituality through what they see, hear, touch, and smell? Sonja Luehrmann and an international group of scholars assess how sensory experience shapes prayer and ritual practice among Eastern Orthodox Christians. Prayer, even when performed…
Transforming Indigeneity: Urbanization and Language Revitalization in the Brazilian Amazon
+ Read MoreTransforming Indigeneity: Urbanization and Language Revitalization in the Brazilian Amazon By Sarah Shulist University of Toronto Press, 2018 Transforming Indigeneity is an examination of the role that language revitalization efforts play in cultural politics in the small city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Sarah Shulist concentrates on how debates, discussions, and practices…
A House of One’s Own: The Moral Economy of Post-Disaster Aid in El Salvador
+ Read MoreA House of One’s Own: The Moral Economy of Post-Disaster Aid in El Salvador Alicia Swilinski McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018 What happens to people after an earthquake destroys their homes? What is daily life like under a humanitarian regime? Is aid a gift or is it a form of power? A House of One’s Own explores…
The Everyday Black Social Economy of Afro-Descendents in the Chocó, Colombia
+ Read MoreThe Black Social Economy in the Americas: Exploring Diverse Community-Based Markets Chapter 6 – The Everyday Black Social Economy of Afro-Descendents in the Chocó, Colombia By Daniel Tubb Palgrave 2018 This chapter is part of the first ever in-depth exploration of the Black social economy in the Americas. It is one of ten case studies from…
Culturally Modified: The Journal of Cultural Resource Management
+ Read MoreCulturally Modified: The Journal of Cultural Resource Management Culturally Modified: The Journal of Cultural Resource Management launched in November 2017 as an online periodical reporting on news, research and stories of cultural experience within fields related to culture and anthropology. Leveraging its multi-media platform to publish articles, images, audio interviews and video, it aims to…
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, First Canadian Edition
+ Read MoreCultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, First Canadian Edition by Gary Ferraro, Susan Andreatta and Chris Holdsworth Nelson, 2018 Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, First Canadian Edition, goes beyond providing a comprehensive overview of cultural anthropology and applies influential theories, insights, and methods to contemporary situations. The authors recognize that cultures—Canadian and abroad—are in a constant…
October 24, 2017
President’s Welcome / Mot de bienvenue de la Présidente
+ Read Moreby/par Martha Radice President’s welcome Welcome to this new issue of Culture! As we pass the midpoint of the fall term, the CASCA-IUAES conference of May seems a long way away already. It marked not only a remarkable achievement for the local organizing committee and the two associations it brought together, but also a new…
October 23, 2017
Everything New is Old Again: On the Curiously Retrograde World of Big Data
+ Read Moreby Mike Callaghan, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine At first glance, the current obsession with big data – and especially its uses in social science – seems very much of the moment: an exciting new technology to be applied to any number of problems. And yet, a closer look suggests that much of the…
Current Mapuche Struggles Over Land and State Violence in Argentina’s Patagonia
+ Read Moreby Mariela Eva Rodríguez, National Council of Science and Technological Research (CONICET) and University of Buenos Aires, and Ana Vivaldi, Simon Fraser University On August 1st 2017, Santiago Maldonado, a 28-year-old ally supporting Mapuche land claims in Argentina and Chile, was forcefully disappeared during a violent repression by the Argentine National Gendarmerie[1]. The repression was carried out in the…
Seven reasons to go to the CASCA annual meeting in Santiago de Cuba
+ Read Moreby Van Troi Tran, Université Laval In 2018, for the first time in its history, the CASCA annual meeting will be held in Cuba. Our host, the Universidad de Oriente in Santiago de Cuba, will welcome us from the 16th to the 20th of May. As with any brand-new experience, the prospect of travelling to…
Canada 150 Research Chairs and the Devaluation of Canadian Talent
+ Read Moreby Eric Henry, Saint Mary’s University and Pamela Downe, University of Saskatchewan Note: On September 29, 2017, the CASCA Executive Committee sent a letter to the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, and Ted Hewitt, President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, outlining CASCA’s objections to the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program…
10 life lessons from Homa Hoodfar / 10 leçons de vie de Homa Hoodfar
+ Read MoreImage: Rosita Henry, Chandana Mathur and Homa Hoodfar by/par Nathalie Boucher, Organisme R.Es.P.I.R.E., and Martha Radice, Dalhousie University (la version française suit) 10 life lessons from Homa Hoodfar Nathalie Boucher and Martha Radice report back from a roundtable featuring Homa Hoodfar at the CASCA-IUAES conference 2017. Dr. Hoodfar (from Concordia University) was arrested while conducting fieldwork in…
Mobile Secrets: Youth, Intimacy, and the Politics of Pretense in Mozambique
+ Read MoreMobile Secrets: Youth, Intimacy, and the Politics of Pretense in Mozambique Julie Soleil Archambault Chicago University Press, 2017 Now part and parcel of everyday life almost everywhere including across much of Africa, mobile phones have radically transformed how we acquire and exchange information. By engaging with young adults in a Mozambique suburb, Mobile Secrets examines…
The Senses of the Interactional Self in the Uses of Pershing Square, Los Angeles
+ Read MoreSenses in the Cities; Experiences of Urban Settings Chapter 6 – The Senses of the Interactional Self in the Uses of Pershing Square, Los Angeles By Nathalie Boucher Routledge, 2018 Urban landscapes are usually thought of first and foremost as engineered formations designed for functionality. It is quite clear, however, that cities and towns are…
Peaceful Selves: Personhood, Nationhood, and the Post-Conflict Moment in Rwanda
+ Read MorePeaceful Selves: Personhood, Nationhood, and the Post-Conflict Moment in Rwanda by Laura Eramian Berghahn, 2017 This ethnography of personhood in post-genocide Rwanda investigates how residents of a small town grapple with what kinds of persons they ought to become in the wake of violence. Based on fieldwork carried out over the course of a decade, it…
Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
+ Read MorePerspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Edited by Nina Brown, Thomas McIlwraith, and Laura Tubelle de González. Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges/American Anthropological Association, 2017. Perspectives is an open access, peer-reviewed cultural anthropology textbook aimed at first year students in universities and colleges. Produced by an editorial team associated with the Society for…
Contingent Legal Futures: Does the Ability to Exercise Aboriginal Rights and Title Turn on the Price of Gold?
+ Read MoreExtrACTION: Impacts, Engagements, and Alternative Futures Chapter 6 – Contingent Legal Futures: Does the Ability to Exercise Aboriginal Rights and Title Turn on the Price of Gold? by Andie Diane Palmer Routledge, 2017 This timely volume examines resistance to natural resource extraction from a critical ethnographic perspective. Using a range of case studies from North, Central and South…
Spirit & Mind: Mental Health at the Intersection of Religion & Psychiatry
+ Read MoreSpirit & Mind: Mental Health at the Intersection of Religion & Psychiatry Edited by Helene Basu, Roland Littlewood and Arne S. Steinforth LIT Verlag, 2017 Since more than a century, anthropologists and psychiatrists engage in conversations concerning relationships between embodied wellbeing and religion. Taking account of shifting meanings of `religion’ in global modernities, the contributions…
Indigenizing Language Policy in Canada: Redressing Racial Hierarchies
+ Read MorePlurilinguisme et pluriculturalisme: Des modèles officiels dans le monde Indigenizing Language Policy in Canada: Redressing Racial Hierarchies By Donna Patrick Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2016 Rares sont les sociétés contemporaines qui ne sont pas pluriculturelles et plurilingues, en raison notamment de l’émergence de l’anglais comme nouvelle lingua franca et de l’augmentation des flux migratoires des quarante…
Urban Encounters: Art and the Public
+ Read MoreUrban Encounters: Art and the Public Edited by Martha Radice and Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017 Public art is on the urban agenda. Given recent claims about the importance of creativity to urban prosperity, opportunities for installing or performing art in the city have multiplied. As cities strive to appear culturally dynamic, the stakes of…
Power Through Testimony: Reframing Residential Schools in the Age of Reconciliation
+ Read MorePower Through Testimony: Reframing Residential Schools in the Age of Reconciliation Edited by Brieg Capitaine and Karine Vanthuyne UBC Press, 2017 Power through Testimony documents how survivors are remembering and reframing our understanding of residential schools in the wake of the 2007 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), a…
Abortion Governance in the New Northern Ireland
+ Read MoreA Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe Chapter 12 – Abortion Governance in the New Northern Ireland by Robin Whitaker and Goretti Horgan Berghahn, 2016 Since World War II, abortion policies have remained remarkably varied across European nations, with struggles over abortion rights at the forefront of national politics. This volume analyses European abortion…
May 13, 2017
Homa Hoodfar – Awarded CASCA Women’s Network Lifetime Achievement Award
+ Read MoreAt the 2017 meeting of the CASCA Women’s Network, Dr. Homa Hoodfar was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to Feminist Anthropology in Canada. We are pleased to publish Sally Cole’s description of Dr. Hoodfar’s incredible career and to welcome her back to Canada after her months-long imprisonment in Iran. Born in Iran in 1951, Homa…
April 20, 2017
Dane-zaa Creation Story: A Dreamer’s Performance Transformed
+ Read Moreby Robin Ridington, University of British Columbia (password dzfn) In 1967, I recorded the last Dane-zaa Dreamer, Charlie Yahey telling his culture’s creation story in the Beaver language. As he spoke into my tape recorder, he knew that he was creating a performative document for future generations. On the recording he said, “the world will…
CASCA Women’s Network Update
+ Read MoreThe CASCA Women’s Network has had a very successful year. At the 2016 CASCA conference in Halifax, Martha Radice (Dal) organized the annual WN sponsored Cross-Disciplinary Panel on Feminist Research and Pedagogy, with guest Professors Marnina Gonick ((MSV), Diane Lewis (Dal), and Ingrid Waldron (Dal), with discussant Tina Lee (Wisc). As well, Brian Noble and Pauline McKenzie Aucoin co-chaired…
Self-Help for Writers
+ Read MoreBy Daniel Tubb, UNB Fredericton Anthropologist, ethnographer, writer? What am I? I spent seven years as a grad student (two in coursework, two and a half in both fieldwork and writing) and two as a postdoc. Only lately have I begun to identify as a writer. When did this happen? In the morning, I think.…
Gun-Shy: Travelling America by Allegory, A Nashville Tale
+ Read MoreBy Ian Puppe, Western University I woke on November 9th, 2016, planning to leave London, Ontario for Nashville, Tennessee. I stumbled into the kitchen, made coffee and looked out the window. The sky was grey and overcast and spit a light rain. A man walked past with a solemn expression. Behind him a boy glanced…
University of Ottawa Press, Mercury Series / les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, collection Mercure
+ Read MoreCreated in 1972, the Mercury series is the Canadian Museum of History’s primary vehicle for publishing academic research and includes numerous landmark contributions in the disciplines of Canadian history, archaeology, culture and ethnology. Books in the series are published in either French or English, and all include an abstract in Canada’s other official language.…
Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China
+ Read MoreBound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China Laurel Bossen and Hill Gates Stanford University Press, 2017 Footbinding was common in China until the early twentieth century, when most Chinese were family farmers. Why did these families bind young girls’ feet? And why did footbinding stop? In this groundbreaking work, Laurel…
Being-in-the-water, or Socialisation through Interactions with water in the Thermal Baths of Taipei
+ Read MoreWater, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia: Epistemologies, Practices and Locales, edited by Ravi Baghel, Lea Stepan, Joseph K.W. Hill Chapter 10 – Being-in-the-water, or Socialisation through Interactions with water in the Thermal Baths of Taipei by Nathalie Boucher Routledge, 2017 The dramatic transformation of our planet by human actions has been heralded as the coming…
The People in Los Angeles Public Spaces Are Not Dead: Micro-Sociability in the Squares, Plazas, and Parks of the Postmodern Global City
+ Read MoreAnthropology of Los Angeles; Place and Agency in an Urban Setting, edited by Jenny Banh and Melissa King The People in Los Angeles Public Spaces Are Not Dead: Micro-Sociability in the Squares, Plazas, and Parks of the Postmodern Global City. By Nathalie Boucher Lexington Books, 2017 The Anthropology of Los Angeles: Place and Agency in an Urban…
Entangled Territorialities: Negotiating Indigenous Lands in Australia and Canada
+ Read MoreEntangled Territorialities: Negotiating Indigenous Lands in Australia and Canada Edited By Françoise Dussart and Sylvie Poirier University of Toronto Press, 2017 Entangled Territorialities offers vivid ethnographic examples of how Indigenous lands in Australia and Canada are tangled with governments, industries, and mainstream society. Most of the entangled lands to which Indigenous peoples are connected have been…
Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics
+ Read MoreFarm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics Blair Rutherford Indiana University Press, 2016 Blair Rutherford (Carleton University) has a new book, Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Politics. Published by Indiana University Press, this ethnography examines the tumult of agrarian politics during a time of transformative change through focusing on farm…
March 22, 2017
Language practices at CASCA Conferences / Pratiques linguistiques aux colloques de la CASCA
+ Read MoreIn response to concerns raised by members about the place of French at the joint CASCA-IUAES conference, the CASCA Executive Committee would like to issue the following statement: CASCA is a bilingual association, which has francophone and anglophone members. We promote the activities and defend the interests of our members in both English and French,…
February 23, 2017
Letter of support for the Associação Brasileira de Antropolgia (ABA)
+ Read MoreBy Donna Patrick, Carleton University Context The Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA,,, Facebook ABA.antropologia, Twitter @aba_ant) is currently being intimidated by representatives of the National Congress who represent the interests of the Agribusiness in the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) installed to investigate the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the Institute of Colonization and Land…
January 23, 2017
Daniel Brasil
+ Read MoreBy Bruce Miller, UBC Daniel Brasil, a recent PhD graduate of the UBC department of anthropology, has tragically died recently. I learned from the Brasilian consulate in Vancouver that he was helping some construction workers and a pillar fell on his head. He was a member of the Brasilian diplomatic service. Daniel completed the first…
January 13, 2017
Aurevoir Arthur Manuel
+ Read MoreBy Brian Noble, Dalhousie University Dear colleagues, students, friends I write to share the sad news from the international Indigenous community that Art Manuel, one of the world-leading voices and activists for Indigenous land and human rights has passed away suddenly. Some of you may know I have been honoured by a…
December 21, 2016
Serious cuts to anthropo- logy in NZ
+ Read MoreFive humanities departments face cuts Serious cuts to anthropology and archaeology departments at New Zealand’s University of Otago By Margot Taylor The University of Otago yesterday confirmed five humanities departments are likely to have staff cut by November – possibly totalling 15-20 people. University pro-vice chancellor of humanities Prof Tony Ballantyne said the departments to…
December 18, 2016
+ Read MoreBy Pierre Beaucage, Université de Montréal Cuetzalan, Puebla, December 13, 2016 In the Northeastern Sierra de Puebla, the maseual and totonakú people have been struggling for over ten years against mining and hydro-electric companies. Since November 19, in Cuetzalan, we, the maseual people, answering the call from our organization ALTEPE TAJPIANIJ (« the guardians of…
October 20, 2016
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2
+ Read MoreCulture, Vol. 10, No. 2 Welcome to the Fall 2016 issue of Culture, the newsletter of the Canadian Anthropology Society. We are excited to present a series of articles on the theme of visual anthropology, as well as notices from Donna Patrick, president of CASCA, and Scott Simon, organizer of the upcoming CASCA/IUAES conference in…
Welcome and bienvenue: Un mot de la Présidente
+ Read Morepar/by Donna Patrick, Carleton University (English version follows) C’est avec plaisir que je souhaite la bienvenue aux anciens et aux nouveaux membres de la CASCA ainsi qu’au comité de direction pour 2016-2017. Regroupant des membres talentueux et incroyablement dévoués, le comité de direction est composé de Martha Radice (présidente désignée), de Michel Bouchard (président sortant), de Clint Westman (trésorier),…
+ Read Moreby/par Scott Simon, University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa (la version française suit) Meeting with the IUAES : A Step Toward Decolonization As anthropologists, we are keenly aware of the historical roots of our discipline, which some have deplored as the “handmaiden of colonialism” or the “son of imperialism.” Although anthropologists did not create imperialism, and were rarely more than…
The Kala Language Project: Kala Walo Nua
+ Read Moreby John Wagner and Christine Schreyer, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Schreyer, Christine and John Wagner. 2015. The Kala Language Project: Kala Walo Nua. Written and produced by John Wagner and Christine Schreyer. Edited by Randy Grice. Published online Oct 22, 2015. 47 min. The Kala people live in six coastal villages in Morobe Province,…
Reindeer Herding + Photo Snapping + Video Shooting + Academic Production + Personal Growth = Multimedia Anthropology As Livelihood
+ Read Moreby Nicolas Rasiulis, University of Ottawa Along with their reindeer, horses and dogs, approximately 200 Dukha Tsaatans (Rasiulis, 2016: 1, 3) nomadically inhabit the rugged and wildly weathering alpine tundra and sub-alpine woodland that constitute Mongolia’s border with the Russian Republic of Tuva. Dukha people’s livelihoods emerge significantly through sustained engagement with the rich ecology of…
Getting on the Tenure Track
+ Read Moreby Daniel Tubb, University of New Brunswick Until June 2016, the plan was to move into my parents’ unfinished basement with my wife and our young son. It was a bad plan, for obvious reasons. But it was the only plan we had. I felt defeated by three years on the ‘academic job market’, and I…
Borderline Canadianness: Border Crossings and Everyday Nationalism in Niagara
+ Read MoreBorderline Canadianness: Border Crossings and Everyday Nationalism in Niagara Jane Helleiner University of Toronto Press, 2016 Canada and the United States share the world’s longest international border. For those living in the immediate vicinity of the Canadian side of the border, the events of 9/11 were a turning point in their relationship with their communities,…
The Heart of Helambu: Ethnography and Entanglement in Nepal
+ Read MoreThe Heart of Helambu: Ethnography and Entanglement in Nepal Tom O’Neill University of Toronto Press, 2016 Over the course of the last twenty-five years, Tom O’Neill has traveled frequently to Kathmandu and the Helambu region of Nepal to undertake ethnographic fieldwork with the Yolmo business owners and carpet weavers of the area. The Heart of…
Missing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania
+ Read MoreMissing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania Edited by Naomi M. McPherson Demeter Press, 2016 As the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015 end date approached, the anthropologists whose work is featured in this volume set out to explore how or if these goals were achieved in their field…
People of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax m’oon
+ Read MorePeople of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax m’oon Charles Menzies University of Nebraska Press, 2016 People of the Saltwater explores the history and people of Git lax m’oon (Gitxaała Nation). Gitxaała Nation has called the rugged north coast of British Columbia home for millennia, proudly maintaining its territory and traditional way of life.…
The Proposal Economy: Neoliberal Citizenship in “Ontario’s Most Historic Town”
+ Read MoreThe Proposal Economy: Neoliberal Citizenship in “Ontario’s Most Historic Town” Pamela Stern and Peter V. Hall University of British Columbia Press, 2015 In 2001 the northern Ontario town of Cobalt won a competition to be named the province’s “Most Historic Town.” This honour, though purely symbolic, came as Cobalters were also applying for and winning…
Reading Cultural Anthropology: An Ethnographic Introduction
+ Read MoreReading Cultural Anthropology: An Ethnographic Introduction Edited by Pamela Stern Oxford University Press, 2015 This is a collection of 22 recent anthropology articles abridged and annotated to make them accessible to first and second year undergraduates to be used in first or second year Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology courses. The emphasis is on contemporary sociocultural…
Songs Upon the Rivers: The Buried History of the French-Speaking Canadiens and Métis from the Great Lakes and the Mississippi across to the Pacific
+ Read MoreSongs Upon the Rivers: The Buried History of the French-Speaking Canadiens and Métis from the Great Lakes and the Mississippi across to the Pacific Robert Foxcurran, Michel Bouchard, and Sébastien Malette Baraka Books, 2016 Long before the Davie Crockets, the Daniel Boones and Jim Bridgers, the French had pushed far west and north establishing trade and kin…
Subsistence Under Capitalism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
+ Read MoreSubsistence Under Capitalism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Edited by James Murton, Dean Bavington and Carly Dokis McGill-Queens University Press, 2016 This book brings together essays from diverse disciplines including history, anthropology, and economics that focus on the nature of subsistence in different contexts, geographies, and temporal periods. These essays offer a collective study of the…
Sustaining the Nation: The Making and Moving of Language and Nation
+ Read MoreSustaining the Nation: The Making and Moving of Language and Nation Monica Heller, Lindsay A. Bell, Michelle Daveluy, Mireille McLaughlin, and Hubert Noël Oxford University Press, 2016 This book is an ethnography of labor mobility and its challenges to the idea of the nation. Using the example of francophone Canada, it examines how social difference-race,…
May 4, 2016
Do These HIPs Lie?: Neoliberalism, Academic Plans, and the Budget Crisis at Mount Royal University.
+ Read More[getty src=”530683033″ width=”507″ height=”338″] by Mary-Lee Mulholland, Mount Royal University A common rhetoric finding its way into the academic and strategic plans at universities across Canada is an emphasis on improving student-learning experiences through “high impact practices”; often referred to as HIPs. Linked to improving student engagement and providing important employment skills, these practices…
Real Queer? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Refugees in the Canadian Refugee Apparatus
+ Read MoreReal Queer? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Refugees in the Canadian Refugee Apparatus by David A.B. Murray Publisher: Rowman and Littlefield International Publication Date: December 2015 Website: “How do I prove I’m gay?” This is the central question for many refugee claimants who are claiming asylum on the basis of sexual orientation…
The Contemporary Coast Salish: Essays by Bruce Granville Mille
+ Read MoreThe Contemporary Coast Salish: Essays by Bruce Granville Miller Edited by Bruce Granville Miller and Darby C. Stapp. Journal of Northwest Anthropology, Richland, WA March 2016 358 pages The Journal of Northwest Anthropology is pleased to present The Contemporary Coast Salish, a life-long collection of work from University of British Columbia anthropologist Bruce…
Together We Survive: Ethnographic Intuitions, Friendships, and Conversations
+ Read MoreTogether We Survive: Ethnographic Intuitions, Friendships, and Conversations Edited by John S. Long and Jennifer S. H. Brown McGill-Queen’s University Press 2016 Honouring anthropologist Richard J. Preston and his outstanding career with the Crees in northern Quebec, Together We Survive presents new research by Preston’s colleagues, former students, and family members who – like him…
Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspectives
+ Read MoreMichael Lambek with Veena Das, Didier Fassin, and Webb Keane Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspectives. HAU Books, University of Chicago Press. This is a book in the Hau Masterclass series. Charles Taylor writes: “These four remarkable lectures make us aware, in different ways, of the complexity and variety of what we call…
The Ethical Condition: Essays on Action, Person, and Value.
+ Read MoreMichael Lambek (editor) 2015 The Ethical Condition: Essays on Action, Person, and Value. University of Chicago Press. The essays in this collection point with definitive force toward a single central truth: ethics is intrinsic to social life. As Lambek shows through rich ethnographic accounts and multiple theoretical traditions, our human condition is…
CASCA’s Ethics Taskforce
+ Read MoreBy Lorne Holyoak The Canadian Anthropology Society does not have its own code of ethics. While many Canadian anthropologists rely on their training, their institutions’ ethical guidelines and the Tri-Council policy, others choose to refer to the ethical codes of other national anthropology associations. Although many national associations have their own code of ethics, many…
Medical Anthropology Network
+ Read More[getty src=”517450887″ width=”507″ height=”338″]The Medical Anthropology Network warmly invites expressions of interest from recent Anthropology graduates, and those whose work involves a Canada-based or focused approach in particular, to join Dr. Varley as Co-Chair of the Network, and work with her to ensure that the Network reaches Canadian medical anthropologists working on issues of…
Salisbury Report: Human-Fish Relationships on the Northwest Coast
+ Read MoreBy Deidre Cullon, University of Victoria, PhD Candidate Figure 1: Salmon roasting at the fire, λubəkw. It is spring and fishing season is once again upon us. Herring season just finished and reports of early herring spawn reverberated through the Laich-Kwil-Tach community. Now people are looking forward to the beginning of salmon season, although initial reports…
CASCA’s EnvAnth-net Listserv
+ Read MoreYou may not be aware of it, but CASCA currently has a listserv that is focussed on environmental and ecological anthropology, and environmental issues writ large. The purpose of the listserv is to facilitate networking among CASCA members who are conducting research related to the anthropology of the environment, or who are interested in topics…
Masculinity and Exclusion at an HIV Clinic in Namibia
+ Read Moreby Mike Callaghan Moi University, Kenya Image 1: “Holding HAART,” photography by author. Sometimes exclusion doesn’t work the way we expect. In 2008, I moved to the coast of Namibia to begin fieldwork for my PhD in Anthropology. The country had achieved near-universal access to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the medication that treats…
Oct 17, 2023
New Website...
Oct 17, 2023
CASCA/AAA 2023 Event: CASCA at the cusp of 50 year...
Oct 26, 2023
CFP: Language ideologies and inequality with a per...
Dec 04, 2023
Anthropologica: Sounding the Alarm Call for Papers...
Dec 14, 2023
CASCA calls for nominations and submissions with a...
Jan 12, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Feb 01, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of article...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Feb 28, 2024
Anthropologica is looking for a new editorial team...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Apr 08, 2024
Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2023 Priz...
Apr 10, 2024
Salisbury Award Winner 2024...
Announcements/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 16, 2024
CASCA Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) recipie...
Apr 26, 2024
The spring issue of Culture, CASCA’s biannual ne...
Apr 29, 2024
Weaver-Tremblay Award 2024 winner announcement...
Apr 30, 2024
CASCA Medical Anthropology Network: Call for Netwo...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
May 06, 2024
CASCA Executive Committee 2024-2025...
May 15, 2024
CASCA Executive Statement...
May 30, 2024
CASCA Labour Committee Report...
Announcements/ News / Nouvelles/ Reports / Rapports
Sep 06, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of article...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Nov 04, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Nov 12, 2024
New issue of Anthropologica!...
Nov 14, 2024
Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2024 Priz...
Nov 29, 2024
The latest issue of Culture is out!...
Announcements/ Culture/ No.2 - 50th anniversary of CASCA/50e anniversaire de la CASCA/ Uncategorized
Dec 23, 2024
A word from CASCA's President & Awards deadlines...
Apr 20, 2020
Mutating Consciousness in the Time of Pandemic...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Daniel Tubb on the fieldwork for his new ethnograp...
Article/ Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Salisbury Report: Challenging Japan’s Low Birthr...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Masculinity and Exclusion at an HIV Clinic in Nami...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Salisbury Report: Human-Fish Relationships on the ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
May 04, 2016
Do These HIPs Lie?: Neoliberalism, Academic Plans,...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Reindeer Herding + Photo Snapping + Video Shooting...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Getting on the Tenure Track...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Kala Language Project: Kala Walo Nua...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Dane-zaa Creation Story: A Dreamer's Performance T...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Self-Help for Writers...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Gun-Shy: Travelling America by Allegory, A Nashvil...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Canada 150 Research Chairs and the Devaluation of ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Everything New is Old Again: On the Curiously Retr...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Current Mapuche Struggles Over Land and State Viol...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Immigrants' Traveling Foods: Counterpointing Immig...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
“What do you know about any of the Indigenous la...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
The Voice of a Dreamer...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
The Neoliberal U and Me...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Imagining a Canadian Anthropology Community...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Telecommunication Infrastructure, Public Space and...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
The Hill in Holguin...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Learning Cuban history without speaking Spanish...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
“Buenos dias. No hablo español.” Auditory Exp...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
The Prisoner’s Dilemma...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Fieldnotes: Ramadan in Havana...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
To Educate is a Labour of Love: Anthropology in th...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Gecarcinus ruricola: Or, Our Extended Stay in Cuba...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Paquete Excavation. Article Inspired by the Invest...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Le 7e art pour immortaliser CASCA-CUBA 2018...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
A CASCA-Cuba Travelogue: Some Reflections and the ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
CASCA-Cuba and Comparing Japanese Art Places ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
It’s anthropologies, not anthropology...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
Culture Newsletter Special Issue: Editors’ Comme...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Trauma-Informed Anthropology and the #Me Too Movem...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Taking Up Space – The Role of Safer Spaces in th...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Moving Forward with #MeToo: An Analysis of Anthrop...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Singing the Ancestors: Indigenous Anthropology Gra...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Entangled Identities: Ritual Performance of Alevi ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
In Praise of Small Places...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Needle-Threading While Bike-Riding, Balancing Scal...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
A Non-manifesto For the Worth of Public Anthropolo...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 16, 2019
ReNEW Partnership for Best Practice: Anthropology ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Climate change and glacier melting at the core of ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Rediscovering World1: Interdependency and Climate ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Best Practices for a Non-Alienating Workplace: Tre...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Peak conference? Let’s hope so...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Disrupted Lives and Uncertainties in the Time of P...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Making the Familiar Strange: Studying Bison Reintr...
Article/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Apr 20, 2020
Doing/Undoing/Redoing Carnival in New Orleans in t...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Surviving the Apocalypse, Again...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Corn-Wolf in Pandemia...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Undoing Fieldwork in a Time of Epidemic...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
COVID-19: Calling All Outbreak Ethnographers!...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Teaching Remotely with COVID-19...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Keeping in Touch and Sharing Resources: The Networ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
Apr 20, 2020
Coronavirus Horror: A Reflection on Abjection and ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Experimentation as Resilience...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
The Disentanglement Project...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Our Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed/Gwich...
Article/ Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Remote Teaching and the Revival of Time-tested Sty...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Salisbury Report: Tracing Regimes of Value in the ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Innovating Anthropological Pedagogy: Insights for ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
@Anthropology4Homosapiens: A Reflection on Doing P...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
(A)wake in the World Wide Web: A reflection and im...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Unfolding Crisis and Adaptive Methods: Social Medi...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Write in public, or on publishing before you’re ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
May 11, 2022
Editors comment, Spring 2022 issue/ Mot des éditr...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
The Utopia of Peer Evaluations of Teaching – A C...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Teaching Across Disciplinary and Experiential Bord...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Learning about Clandestine Migration through Art a...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Future Reflections: Archaeology, Identity, and Con...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Art and Anthropology...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
“Doing” Anthropology Differently: Indigenous D...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Engaging Anthropology to Understand the Experience...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
“Taiwan’s Birthday?”: an Anthropological Vie...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
A New Graduate Program in Practicing Anthropology ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Reading Cultural Anthropology: An Ethnographic Int...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Daniel Tubb on the fieldwork for his new ethnograp...
Article/ Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
The Social Life of Standards: Ethnographic Methods...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Paradise: Aff...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Isla...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Sociocultural Anthropology: A Problem-based Approa...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Character...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the Sys...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: On the existence and persistence of the s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Inuit World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensor...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local C...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
La pluralité religieuse au Québec...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Character...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the Sys...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Inuit World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensor...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local C...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Character...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the Sys...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Inuit World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensor...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local C...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
La pluralité religieuse au Québec...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Character...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the Sys...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Inuit World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensor...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local C...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
The Ethical Condition: Essays on Action, Person, a...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspecti...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Together We Survive: Ethnographic Intuitions, Frie...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
The Contemporary Coast Salish: Essays by Bruce Gra...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Real Queer? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Proposal Economy: Neoliberal Citizenship in ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Sustaining the Nation: The Making and Moving of La...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Heart of Helambu: Ethnography and Entanglement...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Missing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Develop...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Borderline Canadianness: Border Crossings and Ever...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Subsistence Under Capitalism: Historical and Conte...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Songs Upon the Rivers: The Buried History of the F...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
People of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Being-in-the-water, or Socialisation through Inter...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
The People in Los Angeles Public Spaces Are Not De...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Fo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Entangled Territorialities: Negotiating Indigenous...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
University of Ottawa Press, Mercury Series / les P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Urban Encounters: Art and the Public...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Power Through Testimony: Reframing Residential Sch...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Mobile Secrets: Youth, Intimacy, and the Politics ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Abortion Governance in the New Northern Ireland...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Spirit & Mind: Mental Health at the Intersecti...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Contingent Legal Futures: Does the Ability to Exer...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Oct 23, 2017
Peaceful Selves: Personhood, Nationhood, and the ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Ant...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Indigenizing Language Policy in Canada: Redressing...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
The Senses of the Interactional Self in the Uses o...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, Fir...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
A House of One's Own: The Moral Economy of Post-Di...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Culturally Modified: The Journal of Cultural Resou...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
The Everyday Black Social Economy of Afro-Descende...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Chr...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Transforming Indigeneity: Urbanization and Languag...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Cooperation in Chinese Communities: Morality and P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Standardizing Minority Languages : Competing Ideol...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Caring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity i...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
The Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures, from...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Anthropology Otherwise: Thoughts on a Graphic Nove...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Island in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of M...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Legitimacy: Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 19, 2018
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Russia: Anthropological Insights...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism: A...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
The Monk's Cell: Ritual and Knowledge in American ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Truth and Conviction: Donald Marshall Jr. and the ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
An Impossible Inheritance: Postcolonial Psychiatry...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
The Silent G...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Incorporating Culture: How Indigenous People Are R...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii: Life beyond Set...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Aerial Imagination in Cuba: Above the Rooftops...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Wisdom Engaged Traditional Knowledge for Northern ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
There Is No More Haiti Between Life and Death in P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Sahara Occidental Conflit oublié, population en m...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Extracting Home in the Oil Sands Settler Coloniali...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
I Was Never Alone or Oporniki: An Ethnographic Pla...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Allies and Obstacles Disability Activism and Paren...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Du...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Gringo Love: Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
An Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Archaeologies of the Heart...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Creating Indigenous Property: Power, Rights, and R...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 05, 2021
Shamanism and Vulnerability on the North and South...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Centering the Margins of Anthropology's History: H...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Collective Care: Indigenous Motherhood, Family, an...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
The Future Conditional: Building an English-Speaki...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Our Whole Gwich’in Way of Life Has Changed/Gwich...
Article/ Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 06, 2021
Beyond Wild and Tame: Soiot Encounters in a Sentie...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Deep and Sheltered Waters: The History of Tod Inle...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Concepts and Persons...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmace...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Mothers, Sex, and Sexuality...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Cataloguing Culture: Legacies of Colonialism in Mu...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Living with HIV in Post-Crisis Times: Beyond the E...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Disability and COVID-19 (Special Issue of Disabili...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Digital Selves: Embodiment and Subjectivity in New...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Emergent Axioms of Violence (Special Issue of Anth...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Contemporary Indigenous Cosmologies and Pragmatics...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Merchant Kings: Corporate Governmentality in the ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Sonorous Worlds: Musical Enchantment in Venezuela...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Trouillot Remixed: The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Read...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Cree and Christian: Encounters and Transformations...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
The Right to Be Rural...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Beyond Rights: The Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement and...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
The History of Anthropology: A Critical Window on ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
The Living Inca Town: Tourist Encounters in the Pe...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
What Was Said to Me: The Life of a Sti’tum’atu...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
“Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-M...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphe...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
History of Theory and Method in Anthropology...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
"The Nightside of Medicine: Obstetric Suffering an...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
New Spiritualities and the Cultures of Well-being...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
"Making God’s Country: A Phenomenological Approa...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
"Nowhere and Everywhere" in Where is the Good in t...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
"Afterword" in The Dynamic Cosmos: Movement, Parad...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
"On Spirit Possession and Some Parallels with Rein...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Behind the Glass: The Villa Tugendhat and Its Fam...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Mixed Families in a Transnational World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Hidden Paradigms: Comparing Epic Themes, Character...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Small Bites: Biocultural Dimension of Children’s...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Walking Together, Working Together: Engaging Wisdo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals: How the Sys...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Chapter: Africa Out of the Shadows: Authoritarian ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Recipes and Reciprocity: Building Relationships in...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Inuit World...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Sensory Studies Manifesto: Tracking the Sensor...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
Biocultural Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Local C...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
A Feast of Flowers: Race, Labor, and Postcolonial ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jun 05, 2023
The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1: Transitions/ Cultureblog
Jan 12, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Feb 01, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of article...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Feb 28, 2024
Anthropologica is looking for a new editorial team...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Apr 30, 2024
CASCA Medical Anthropology Network: Call for Netwo...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Dec 19, 2018
Anthropologica: Call for papers / Appel à contrib...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 19, 2018
Call for contributions: Teaching and Learning Anth...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
May 17, 2019
2019 American Anthropology Master's Career Survey...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
StatsCan Survey - Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Call for CASCA - Outstanding Graduating Anthropol...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Appel de dossier/ Call for Submission: Prix étudi...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
Oct 14, 2020
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l'Université ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Guelph...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Le rapport du Sondage de la CASCA sur le harcèlem...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 14, 2020
Announcing CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (C...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Prix Weaver-Tremblay Award 2021: Call for Nominati...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
May 13, 2021
Call for collaborators: Ecologies of Harm: Mapping...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Culture Calls/Appels pour Culture...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l'Université ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Regina ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Call for papers: Crises We Live By...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
May 11, 2022
Culture Calls/Appels pour Culture...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 1: Open Spaces/Close Encounters; Espaces ouverts/liens étroits/ Cultureblog
Dec 07, 2022
Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 16, No. 2/ Cultureblog
Sep 06, 2024
Culture Newsletter: Call for submission of article...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Nov 04, 2024
Call for Nominations for CASCA executive positions...
Announcements/ Calls / Appels
Apr 24, 2023
CASCA Presents!...
CASCA Presents
Nov 29, 2024
The latest issue of Culture is out!...
Announcements/ Culture/ No.2 - 50th anniversary of CASCA/50e anniversaire de la CASCA/ Uncategorized
May 04, 2016
Masculinity and Exclusion at an HIV Clinic in Nami...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
CASCA’s EnvAnth-net Listserv ...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
May 04, 2016
Salisbury Report: Human-Fish Relationships on the ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
May 04, 2016
Medical Anthropology Network...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
May 04, 2016
CASCA’s Ethics Taskforce...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
May 04, 2016
The Ethical Condition: Essays on Action, Person, a...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspecti...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Together We Survive: Ethnographic Intuitions, Frie...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
The Contemporary Coast Salish: Essays by Bruce Gra...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Real Queer? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
May 04, 2016
Do These HIPs Lie?: Neoliberalism, Academic Plans,...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 1 - Exclusion/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Reading Cultural Anthropology: An Ethnographic Int...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
CASCA / IUAES Ottawa...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 20, 2016
Welcome and bienvenue: Un mot de la Présidente...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 20, 2016
Reindeer Herding + Photo Snapping + Video Shooting...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Getting on the Tenure Track...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Kala Language Project: Kala Walo Nua...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Proposal Economy: Neoliberal Citizenship in ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Sustaining the Nation: The Making and Moving of La...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
The Heart of Helambu: Ethnography and Entanglement...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Missing the Mark? Women and the Millennium Develop...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Borderline Canadianness: Border Crossings and Ever...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Subsistence Under Capitalism: Historical and Conte...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Songs Upon the Rivers: The Buried History of the F...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
People of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog
Oct 20, 2016
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2...
Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2 – Visual Anthropology/ Anthropologie visuelle/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2017
Being-in-the-water, or Socialisation through Inter...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe: The Ground of Po...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
The People in Los Angeles Public Spaces Are Not De...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Fo...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Dane-zaa Creation Story: A Dreamer's Performance T...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Self-Help for Writers...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
CASCA Women's Network Update...
Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
Apr 20, 2017
Gun-Shy: Travelling America by Allegory, A Nashvil...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
Entangled Territorialities: Negotiating Indigenous...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2017
University of Ottawa Press, Mercury Series / les P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 1 - Mo(u)vement/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Urban Encounters: Art and the Public...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
10 life lessons from Homa Hoodfar / 10 leçons de...
Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 23, 2017
Power Through Testimony: Reframing Residential Sch...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Mobile Secrets: Youth, Intimacy, and the Politics ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Canada 150 Research Chairs and the Devaluation of ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Abortion Governance in the New Northern Ireland...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Spirit & Mind: Mental Health at the Intersecti...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Contingent Legal Futures: Does the Ability to Exer...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Oct 23, 2017
Peaceful Selves: Personhood, Nationhood, and the ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Ant...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Everything New is Old Again: On the Curiously Retr...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Current Mapuche Struggles Over Land and State Viol...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
Seven reasons to go to the CASCA annual meeting in...
Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 23, 2017
Indigenizing Language Policy in Canada: Redressing...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 23, 2017
The Senses of the Interactional Self in the Uses o...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog
Oct 24, 2017
President's Welcome / Mot de bienvenue de la Prés...
Culture, Vol. 11, No. 2 - Data/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Apr 30, 2018
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective, Fir...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
A House of One's Own: The Moral Economy of Post-Di...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Culturally Modified: The Journal of Cultural Resou...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
The Everyday Black Social Economy of Afro-Descende...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Chr...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Immigrants' Traveling Foods: Counterpointing Immig...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
“What do you know about any of the Indigenous la...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
The Voice of a Dreamer...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Anthony (Tony) D. Fisher (1931-2018)...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Apr 30, 2018
Harold Barclay (1924-2017)...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Apr 30, 2018
Philip Hugh Gulliver (1921-2018)...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Apr 30, 2018
The Neoliberal U and Me...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Introducing the Labour Committee...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Apr 30, 2018
Transforming Indigeneity: Urbanization and Languag...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog
Apr 30, 2018
Anthropen: un dictionnaire francophone d’anthrop...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 1 - Contrapunteo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Dec 19, 2018
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Dec 19, 2018
President's Welcome...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Dec 19, 2018
Trauma-Informed Anthropology and the #Me Too Movem...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Taking Up Space – The Role of Safer Spaces in th...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Moving Forward with #MeToo: An Analysis of Anthrop...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Singing the Ancestors: Indigenous Anthropology Gra...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Entangled Identities: Ritual Performance of Alevi ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Global Survey of Anthropological Practice...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Dec 19, 2018
Anthropologica Open Access Journal Decisions and S...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Dec 19, 2018
Anthropologica: Call for papers / Appel à contrib...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 19, 2018
Announcing the CASCA-AAA joint conference theme: C...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
CASCA-CUBA en Contrapunteo...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
Patrick Lee has been awarded Governor General’s ...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
In memoriam: Dr. Dorothy Ellen Ayers Counts...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
In memoriam: Dr. Graham Watson, Professor Emeritus...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
Cooperation in Chinese Communities: Morality and P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Standardizing Minority Languages : Competing Ideol...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Caring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity i...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
The Bohemian South: Creating Countercultures, from...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Anthropology Otherwise: Thoughts on a Graphic Nove...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Island in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of M...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Legitimacy: Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 19, 2018
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Russia: Anthropological Insights...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism: A...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
Two CASCA members elected Fellows of the Royal Soc...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
Call for contributions: Teaching and Learning Anth...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 19, 2018
Editors' comment, Fall 2018 issue / Mot des édite...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog
Dec 19, 2018
World's first Indigenous law degree to be offered ...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 19, 2018
CAUT Report: Out of the Shadows...
Culture, Vol. 12, No. 2 - #metoo/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Aug 16, 2018
Imagining a Canadian Anthropology Community...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Telecommunication Infrastructure, Public Space and...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
The Hill in Holguin...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Learning Cuban history without speaking Spanish...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
“Buenos dias. No hablo español.” Auditory Exp...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
The Prisoner’s Dilemma...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Fieldnotes: Ramadan in Havana...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
To Educate is a Labour of Love: Anthropology in th...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Gecarcinus ruricola: Or, Our Extended Stay in Cuba...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Paquete Excavation. Article Inspired by the Invest...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
Le 7e art pour immortaliser CASCA-CUBA 2018...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 16, 2018
A CASCA-Cuba Travelogue: Some Reflections and the ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
CASCA-Cuba and Comparing Japanese Art Places ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
It’s anthropologies, not anthropology...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
Aug 17, 2018
Culture Newsletter Special Issue: Editors’ Comme...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 12, Special - Stories from Cuba / Échos de Cuba / Historias de Cuba/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
In Praise of Small Places...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Needle-Threading While Bike-Riding, Balancing Scal...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
A Non-manifesto For the Worth of Public Anthropolo...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Two awards for Kathy M'Closkey...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
May 17, 2019
Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
The Monk's Cell: Ritual and Knowledge in American ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Truth and Conviction: Donald Marshall Jr. and the ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
An Impossible Inheritance: Postcolonial Psychiatry...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
The Silent G...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Incorporating Culture: How Indigenous People Are R...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii: Life beyond Set...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
2019 American Anthropology Master's Career Survey...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
May 17, 2019
Changing Climates / Changer d'air, CASCA-AAA, Vanc...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
May 16, 2019
ReNEW Partnership for Best Practice: Anthropology ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1 - Publics/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Climate change and glacier melting at the core of ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
2019 CASCA-AAA Conference Details...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
2020 CASCA Conference / Colloque annuel de la CASC...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
CASCA Sexual Harassment Survey / Sondage de la CAS...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
Aerial Imagination in Cuba: Above the Rooftops...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
2019 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Stu...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
Rediscovering World1: Interdependency and Climate ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Best Practices for a Non-Alienating Workplace: Tre...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
In Memoriam: Dr. Sonja Luehrmann...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
2019 CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award Winner: Dr. Noel ...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
SSHRC Impact Partnership Award Announcement: Dr. M...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
The Careers Expo at CASCA-AAA 2019: Promoting Prof...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
Peak conference? Let’s hope so...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog
Oct 18, 2019
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
Roseberry-Nash Award Announcement: Daniel Salas...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
President's Welcome...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 18, 2019
Governor General’s Innovation Awards winners / L...
Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2 - Changing Climates/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
Mutating Consciousness in the Time of Pandemic...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Editors comment, Spring 2020 issue/ Mot des éditr...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
CASCA’s 2019 Student Poster Prizes / Prix d'affi...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
In Memoriam: Dr. Marilyn Silverman (1945-2019)...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
Wisdom Engaged Traditional Knowledge for Northern ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
There Is No More Haiti Between Life and Death in P...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Sahara Occidental Conflit oublié, population en m...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Extracting Home in the Oil Sands Settler Coloniali...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
2019 Elliott P. Skinner Book Award Winner...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
I Was Never Alone or Oporniki: An Ethnographic Pla...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Richard F. Salisbury's Wikipedia page...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
CASCA Members in the News...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
Allies and Obstacles Disability Activism and Paren...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
StatsCan Survey - Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Disrupted Lives and Uncertainties in the Time of P...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Doing/Undoing/Redoing Carnival in New Orleans in t...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Surviving the Apocalypse, Again...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Corn-Wolf in Pandemia...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Undoing Fieldwork in a Time of Epidemic...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Call for CASCA - Outstanding Graduating Anthropol...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
2020 CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award Winner: Dr. Bruce...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
COVID-19: Calling All Outbreak Ethnographers!...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Teaching Remotely with COVID-19...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Apr 20, 2020
Keeping in Touch and Sharing Resources: The Networ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
Apr 20, 2020
Appel de dossier/ Call for Submission: Prix étudi...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ Networks / Réseaux
Apr 20, 2020
Student Research Feature...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Apr 20, 2020
Coronavirus Horror: A Reflection on Abjection and ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 1 - Doing/Undoing, Faire/Défaire/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l'Université ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Guelph...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
2020 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Stu...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
CASCA-CUBA 2018 - L’anthropologie repensée : le...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
CASCA Members in the News / Des membres de la CASC...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Launch of Matrix: A Journal for Matricultural Stud...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Marianne Ignace at the Royal Society of Canada •...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
CASCA’s Sexual Harassment Survey Report and Work...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 14, 2020
Le rapport du Sondage de la CASCA sur le harcèlem...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ Reports / Rapports
Oct 14, 2020
Announcing CASCA Awards for Teaching Excellence (C...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Prix Weaver-Tremblay Award 2021: Call for Nominati...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Announcement of the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize 2020...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Canada Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Experimentation as Resilience...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
CASCA members on Wikipedia...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Du...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
Gringo Love: Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
An Imperative to Cure: Principles and Practice of ...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Oct 14, 2020
President's welcome...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Oct 14, 2020
Mental Health Resource List (CPSA)/Ressources en s...
Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Oct 14, 2020
Archaeologies of the Heart...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 14, No. 2 - Resilience/Résilience/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
President's Welcome...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 20, 2021
In Memoriam - Claude Bariteau (1943-2021)...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ In Memoriam/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Congratulations! Kamari Maxine Clarke awarded a Gu...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles/ Uncategorized
Dec 20, 2021
Congratulations! Scott Simon nominated for the CI...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
In Memoriam: Hugo de Burgos (1963-2021)...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ In Memoriam/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
In Memoriam: Stanley Barrett (1938-2021)...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ In Memoriam/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Concepts and Persons...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmace...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Mothers, Sex, and Sexuality...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Cataloguing Culture: Legacies of Colonialism in Mu...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Living with HIV in Post-Crisis Times: Beyond the E...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Disability and COVID-19 (Special Issue of Disabili...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Digital Selves: Embodiment and Subjectivity in New...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Emergent Axioms of Violence (Special Issue of Anth...
Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Ressources en santé mentale / Mental Health Resou...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
"Tips for Students" now on Instagram...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Culture Calls/Appels pour Culture...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Mot de bienvenue de la présidente...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 20, 2021
2021 CASCA Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Stu...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Congratulations! Leslie McCartney and Gwich'in Tri...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Hearing Palestine - A new initiative by Alejandro ...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
@Anthropology4Homosapiens: A Reflection on Doing P...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
(A)wake in the World Wide Web: A reflection and im...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Unfolding Crisis and Adaptive Methods: Social Medi...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
Write in public, or on publishing before you’re ...
Article/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ Uncategorized
Dec 20, 2021
Colloque annuel de la CASCA 2021 à l'Université ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
2021 CASCA Conference at the University of Regina ...
Calls / Appels/ Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog
Dec 20, 2021
NEW FEATURE: Congratulations on your successful th...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
Exploring Social Entrepreneurship Across Geographi...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
Dec 20, 2021
"More Than Human Anthropology" YouTube Channel (by...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles/ Uncategorized
Dec 20, 2021
Walter Callaghan talk at a symposium hosted by the...
Culture, Vol. 15, No. 2: Modes et Formats/Modes and Formats/ Cultureblog/ News / Nouvelles
May 13, 2021
Daniel Tubb on the fieldwork for his new ethnograp...
Article/ Book Notes / Livres en bref/ Culture, Vol. 15, No.1 - Engagements and Entanglements /Engagements et enchevêtrements/ Cultureblog