“Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan” in Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond
“Of Boars and Men: Indigenous Knowledge and Co-Management in Taiwan” in Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond
Scott Simon
Springer, 2021

Scott Simon, is a socio-anthropologist trained in both disciplines (anthropology and sociology). Co-holder of the Chair of Taiwan Studies at the University of Ottawa, he has lived in Taiwan for ten years and returns annually for field research. He has also done field research in Japan and Guam. His research interests include Indigenous rights, development, the contribution of Taiwan to the Indo-Pacific, Taiwan’s international status, and Canada-Taiwan relations. He has written three books and numerous articles about Taiwan. He does policy-oriented research as member of the Centre for International Policy Studies and the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa, and as Senior Fellow at Ottawa’s Macdonald-Laurier Institute.