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Statement on Racialized Violence in Canada and the United States

The Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) stands as a witness to the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmad Aubrey. CASCA acknowledges the anguish and outrage felt by Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities in both Canada and the United States for the continual and historical violence perpetuated by individual and state actors, including the police, who reproduce and benefit from the current structural inequalities. We also recognize that the struggle against the ongoing violence of systemic racism is a burden disproportionately carried by Black, Indigenous, and racialized individuals and communities. This can no longer stand and we can no longer be complacent. As anthropologists, it is our responsibility to identify and speak against settler colonialism, systemic racism, racialized violence, and hate. Through our teaching and research, we pledge to work each day to foster a community of inclusiveness, respect, and solidarity among our members and with the broader community.

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