Monica Heller is professor emerita at the University of Toronto. Her area of specialization is linguistic anthropology, with a focus on the role of language in the construction of social difference and social inequality, especially as tied to ideologies of the nation-state, and specifically to linguistic minority movements, principally in francophone Canada, but also in Europe. Her last two books are Language, Capitalism, Colonialism : Toward a Critical History (with Bonnie McElhinny; 2017, University of Toronto Press) and Critical Sociolinguistic Methods : How to Study Language Issues that Matter (with Sari Pietikäinen and Joan Pujolar; 2017, Routledge). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and chaired its Committee on Public Engagement from 2018-2021. She served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sociolingiistics 2017-2021. She was President-Elect of the American Anthropological Association 2011-2103 and President 2013-2015. She has been awarded two honorary doctorates, from Universität Bern (2017) and from l’Université de la Bretagne Orientale (2020).