Wisdom Engaged Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series
Wisdom Engaged
Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being
Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series
Edited by Leslie Main Johnson

“I listened to my mum, my dad, my gramma, that is why I am still here. That is how you stay alive.” —Mida Donnessey
Wisdom Engaged demonstrates how traditional knowledge, Indigenous approaches to healing, and the insights of Western bio-medicine can complement each other when all voices are heard in a collaborative effort to address changes to Indigenous communities’ well-being. In this collection, voices of Elders, healers, physicians, and scholars are gathered in an attempt to find viable ways to move forward while facing new challenges. Bringing these varied voices together provides a critical conversation about the nature of medicine; a demonstration of ethical commitment; and an example of building successful community relationships.
Contributors: Alestine Andre, Janelle Marie Baker, Robert Beaulieu, Della M. Cheney, Stakawas, Katsawa, Mida Donnessey, Mabel English, Christopher Fletcher, Fort McKay Berry Group, Annie B. Gordon, Celina Harpe-Cooper, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Leslie Main Johnson, Thea Luig, Art Mathews, Sim’oogit T’enim Gyet, Linda G. McDonald, Ruby E. Morgan, Bernice Neyelle, Morris Neyelle, Keiichi Omura, Mary Teya, Nancy J. Turner, Walter Vanast, Darlene Vegh.
Book details
Publication date: July 2019
Features: 62 B&W photographs, 7 diagrams, 5 maps, notes, bibliography
Series: Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series
Keywords: Traditional Knowledge / Well-being / Health
Subject(s): SOCIAL SCIENCE / Indigenous Studies, Traditional Knowledge / Well-being / Health, MEDICAL / Healing, HISTORY / Native American, Traditional Knowledge / Well-being / Health, Complementary therapies, healing & health, History of the Americas, History of specific lands, Indigenous Studies, Oral History, Anthropology, Health and Medicine
Publisher(s): The University of Alberta Press